Stopping smoking



Re: Do Hindu's eat meat?

and hey i left the smoking today...

oh please.. dont wanna start again, any more smokers here?
Re: Do Hindu's eat meat?

I quit last April - I see would like to restart, though. :)

PS - I split your post from the "Do Hindus eat meat thread" as I thought this better suited its own topic. :)
Re: Do Hindu's eat meat?

Kindest Regards, PNG!

PersonaNonGrata said:
and hey i left the smoking today...

oh please.. dont wanna start again, any more smokers here?
Congratulations, and best of wishes. That is a habit I struggle with. I have managed to keep my smoking to a minimum by smoking "jailhouse" roll your owns (tobacco, I promise). I can get by on a couple a day, but it is a rare day I get by with none.

I wish you well. :)
Re: Do Hindu's eat meat?

Oh yes - well done!! Sorry for not saying earlier - it's darn tough to quit.
Re: Do Hindu's eat meat?

its been nearly one and half month, i used the aid-bands and everything, went well but today i started it.

Guilty but will never try to quit it again.
i've actually just started smoking...cloves mostly. and i'm trying to stop before it gets too serious, but it's not easy. Persona- i'm sorry your efforts to quit aren't going well. but don't give up- i encourage you to try again. from one new smoker to a veteran.
Whoa, 30 minutes ago I snuffed my (hopefully) last cigarette, and then I noticed this thread!! Coincidence? Probably, yeah. I've "quit" many times before, stayed off for a couple of years, but always decided to start again. Weirdly, it's always been a conscious decision on my behalf, it's never been a accidental relapse. All in all, actively I've smoked for some 20 years, so I'm getting pretty much fed up with it. Additionally, my lungs hurt. Not in a morning cough sense, but really *hurt*. I guess that's reason enough. Good luck to all quitters, though.
Ratatosk said:
it's always been a conscious decision on my behalf, it's never been a accidental relapse.
I can really appreciate that. :)

I feel so drawn to restarting again - but that's probably because I have many inlets for stress, but not many outlets at the moment. :)

The way to quit, I found, was to break that psychological association that cigarettes are enjoyable - I made sure I regarded my last cig as not tasting very nice (it's not hard to do) and even now, if I think of having a cig, I remember that taste.

Took a nasty cold that closed my throad up to create the oppotunity for quitting - I could barely breath at the time, let alone hold the nicotone in. :)

Very difficult. More difficult than giving up sex, drugs, and booze.
I feel so drawn to restarting again
Uh-uh, don't I know it! I kinda compare it to being a straight alcoholic when you're 'off cigarettes'. When I wasn't smoking (the longest period was some 2 1/2 years), I always thought of myself as a smoker, anyway. I just wasn't smoking at that time.
More difficult than giving up sex, drugs, and booze
Why would anyone want to give up sex? ;) I wasn't really into the drugs scene that much, and booze... well... it's kinda like cigs for me, I admit I had sort of a drinking problem, not severe, but I agree; it's easier to quit drinking than smoking. I guess it's because the effects are immediate with booze. That said, even if I can keep my impulses at bay when it comes to substances, when it comes to sudden spurs of jabbering and finger-pointing, it's a different story altogether.. I'm getting better, though.