Different Buddha Statues Mudras and Its meaning



Mudras, are the ritualistic gestures that are used in Buddhist and Hindu art forms for the deities, reflecting their common Indian heritage. All the Buddha Statues represent the Buddha performing one of the mudras. While most of the images and statues have hand gestures used to define a particular mudra, there are other full bodied representations of the Buddha representing other mudras.

Generally, the Buddha is depicted as sitting with the legs crossed in the statues making a "triangle" shape to the image; the knees making the two bottom points of the triangle shape, while the tip of the head makes the top point of the triangle. The significance is that a triangle shape is more "grounded" or has a more solid foundation.

Types of Mudras
1. Abhaya Mudra
2. Bhumisparsha Mudra
3. Dhyana Mudra
4. Dharmachakra Mudra
5. Varada Mudra
my understanding is that there is a sitting Buddha and a standing one. The difference being that the standing one is awakened, while the sitting depicts him in his pre-awakened state.
This is the possible meaning of the mudras you described:
Types of Mudras (meaning)
1. Abhaya Mudra - Freedom from fear
2. Bhumisparsha Mudra -Touching the earth, may 'signify down to earth' attitude
3. Dhyana Mudra - Meditation posture
4. Dharmachakra Mudra - Wheel of righteousness, signifies Dhamma.
5. Varada Mudra -Welcoming and compassionate ( as if giving a boon)
Ref the Bhumissparsha mudra....

There are some words of Marco Pallis on the presence of grace in Buddhism. Pallis says that the function of grace is to condition our homecoming to the very center from start to finish. It is the very attraction of the center itself.......which provides the incentive to start on the Way and the energy to face and overcome its many and various obstacles. Likewise grace is the welcoming hand into the center when we find ourselves at long last on the brink of the great divide where all familiar landmarks have disappeared.

Pallis speaks of the Buddhist Icon of "touching the earth". The Buddha is seated on a lotus on the waters, where the waters symbolise existence with all its teeming possibilities. The Buddha shows the true nature of existence. His right hand points downward to touch the earth, his other supports a begging bowl which symbolises the acceptance of the gift - grace.

He continues.....In the two gestures of the Buddha the whole programme of our spiritual exigencies is summed up......an active attitude towards the world and a passive attitude towards heaven. The ignorant person does the exact opposite - passively accepting the world and resisting grace, gift and heaven. (Pallis, from "Is there room for grace in Buddhism?" )

So Buddhism has to do with what some have called an ontological reorientation.