Republicans to cash in on WTC deaths?

Dave the Web

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I saw the following article on a newsgroup that I only sometimes visit. I thought the implications were a little disturbing. I thought that I would refer the matter here for opinions. Principally, was the mention withdrawn because it was incorrect, or because of other reasons? Or is the article a simple fraud?

>>> On 12 June 2003, the New York Times ran an article headlined: "Goal Is to Lay Cornerstone at Ground Zero During GOP Convention." It appeared in the print version and on the Web.

At some point during the day, the Web headline was changed, thus becoming: "Officials Plan Speedy Ground Zero Environmental Review."

Reader David Brown alerted me to the change, and I read the article, noting that the first paragraph said:

Rebuilding officials said yesterday that they hoped to complete a review of the environmental impact of the proposed construction at the World Trade Center site by next April. This would allow them to lay the cornerstone of a 1,776-foot tower in August 2004, during the Republican National Convention.

Later in the day, this first paragraph changed. It now reads:

Rebuilding officials said yesterday that they hoped to complete a review of the environmental impact of the proposed construction at the World Trade Center site by next April. This would allow them to start construction by the summer of 2004.

The part about laying the cornerstone during the Republican convention has been excised, not only from that paragraph but from the entire article.

Apparently, the NYT--that bastion of the "liberal media"--didn't want to upset the GOP by pointing out that the building of the new World Trade Center tower is being cynically timed to give the Republicans a photo-op during their convention. Lords knows we wouldn't people to know that some politicians are using the deaths of 3,000 people as a way to boost their chances in the 2004 elections.

Click here for the current version of the article
I'm not too sure, Dave - but I'll do a search about this when I can and see what turns up. It will certainly be worth checking up on this thread when the inaugural ceremony comes around.
Perhaps that is all we can do. I hope none of it is true that is all.
Is anyone surprised that *any* politicians would try and use the publicity involved?
I would be surprised if anyone used the whole tragic events of 9/11 for a photo opportunity. That would be a step too far by any measure of decency.
Considering that Bush tried to blame the events of September 11th on Saddam Hussein to justify his war in Iraq, I'm afraid I wouldn't put it past them. Then again, maybe I'm too cynical.

It does seem to myself that the words politics and cynicism are necessary partners.