Abhidharma Pitaka



One of the three baskets of Tripitaka is Abhidharma Pitaka and is considerd as an ancient Buddhist texts that exists to till date.
It is mentioned that Abhidharma Pitaka came to exist during the lifetime of Lord Buddha. But according the scholars this Buddhist texts didn't existed till 3rd Century BCE.
What do you think about this?
Although the exact date is still unknown till this date, I would like to know the knowledge of an expert here.
Simply start to patiently practice, Dāna, Sīla, Bhāvanā. The rest and so also Abhidhamma will come naturally in this way.
Only when practicing and having seen by your self, you would know things for sure. Abhidhamma at the wrong stage, just as food without doing the path and from books normally blocks a lot and ould cost preciously time, Gustav.