New Age forum opened

Dear Brian

That term as become so tacky even publishers wish not to be associated with it....what is the intent and strategy for the forum?

being love

I've been a semi-cultural recluse since the early 1990's, when "New Age" embodied a modern mix of ideas from world thought, optimistic for change and the Age of Aquarius, and interested in becoming part of a new spirituality - a New Age of humanity.

Did that hope die so quickly? Or is it that the label itself became tainted??

The aim of the board is to cover those discussion issues that would tend to fall outside of specific religious boundaries - for example, topics such as Reiki, crystals, healing, astrology, general divinitation, etc.

Hope that helps.
I'm glad you re-opened the forum, Brian. I got the feeling we could have some interesting discussions in here. :)
Dear Brian

Yes sadly very tainted its just called 'spiritual' now and or split into different forums e.g. psychic and healing. But some healers would be offended if you called them new age and some healers do not even call themselves spiritual. For some a complementary healing art can be just that a mechanical process. It you think of a tacky new age gift shop, that is what the title new age represents now to those that are most discerning.

For instance there is a site with 98 different forums and the Harmonic Epiphany thread would go in the spiritual forum.

hmm....pondering we call it the Golden Age now.

So for instance amongst the 98 forums they would have one forum for magic and neo-paganism all coming under wicca, pagan as a religion in the religion forums.

Again Spiritualism is a religion.

being love

There is a split in the Reiki community some would like it to be accepted as a CM therapy and others like myself would like to keep it true to its tradition as an esoteric healing art.
Sacredstar said:
Again Spiritualism is a religion.
The trouble with "spiritualism" as a terminology, though, is that "Spiritualism" was a Victorian parlour house phenonemon - the Fox Sisters, knocking tables, ectoplasm, moving furniture - eventually complete sensationalism and humbug. So whatever title I use, I'm doomed. :)

I'll try and give it more thought, though - obviously, I would rather the board not look too uninviting or a place for ridicule.
Dear Brian

oh do catch up...big smiles victorian era goodness gracious me! That's history book stuff!

Spiritualism represents mediumship and spiritual healing. The National Federation of Spiritual Healers (NFSH) is probably the largest healing organisation in the world. Spiritual Healing came out of Christian Spiritualist Churches. Like the I AM movement came out of Theosophy.

After all Spiritualism is a bona fide world religion more well known then Shinto or Confucianism.

I personally like the title of your 'Mysticism' forum. Its very I have put my latest published article there for now.

What about a forum called 'Spiritual Practice'? Or you could split the belief and spirituality forum. Not sure that New Age will attract the kind of clientele that you like or would do this lovely website justice.

Just a thought!

being love

or you could have an 'Esoteric' forum instead of New Age
Excellent Brian that then also takes in the healing practices that have been buried or hidden e.g. colour healing and crystal healing etc

Its also in keeping with CR forums as all religions had some esoteric traditions.

Lets go
