What is the meaning of this Life and Death



Dear Friends,

This is the first discourse imparted to me by the Good Lord and which I want to share with you.

At a certain point in life, I was worried about Life and Death. The problems of living and the terror of death scared me to no ends.

But it dawned upon me through the good Lords grace that this question of life and death is inconsequential as the soul is immortal and occupies the body temporarily for one life and then into another after death. Just like changing worn out clothes with new ones.

Yet, why is that people suffer immense pain due to sickness, accidents and then on the death bed? Most of the pain is due to the attachment of the soul to the material self. The more your are attached to the world you live in the more pain you have. Naturally saints and sages and even in modern times there are people who do not suffer pain and agony as the rest of us. Because their soul has detached itself from the physical self and waiting to be released.

The other question is what happens when one dies. This question not only terrifies us but also puzzles or awakes our curiosity. The fact is we never die or cease to exist except for that brief moment of time. For every fraction of a second of a persons present there exist a past and a future. And so does the Universe. The Universe what we see for every fraction of a second there exists a parallel universe in the past and the future. So when our soul exits one time span, it enters another instantly and we continue to feel ourselves as before without remembering the demised time span.

Therefore there is no need to worry about death or the problems of life. What we need to worry is how to get out of the current Time Span and get into a better on. It’s like the super highway. Changing lanes from slow to fast lane. Only that this super highway leads to God.

The only way to get out of a life of pain and hopelessness is by concentrating on our deeds and by peace and love we can shift to a Time Span that lead us closer to God.

The closer are we to God the better our life is. That what I wanted to share with you.

Thanks and may we learn the importance of peace and love


Founder, TrueSky Movement
The only way to get out of a life of pain and hopelessness is by concentrating on our deeds and by peace and love we can shift to a Time Span that lead us closer to God.


Just one observation, OnLineGuru...

How would you explain a friend of mine in a Hospice who is dying in constant pain, only mildly relieved by such medication as he is prepared to have?
He is and has been a thorough and sincere Christian all his life. Within his Church, he has been considered a very good person who has concerned himself with helping others.

He tells me his pain and disease has nothing to do with God, or his faith in that God, it is a result of the disease in his body. He has no desire to die. While he can he wishes to share his life with hsi family and friends as he has always done.

Being on some superhighway has never been his idea. He simply thinks he has served himself and others as best he can. His religion and faith is his private matter, he says.

I am pleased for you that you seem to find comfort in your views, but why shouldn't there be many and various pathways to God? (Including perhaps very convoluted, crooked and precarious ones? I am thinking of Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress where pain and 'heaviness' was the order of the pilgrimage!)
Dear Friend

When we are rooted to the material world which is this body that covers our soul, all the emotions come to play. But it is a fact that people suffer and eventually die and no one is immortal. And people continue to live without those who have passed away.

For those who have led a good life (as your good friend has) by following the path of GOD and realized the SELF (which is when one communicates with the good lord in private) they move on to the next life of existence and so on until they reach the final frontier that is GOD. Thereafter the soul does not require a body to experience existence as we know.

If your friend is experiencing pain and also dying, it is possible that he has reached the end of his journey and will be one with GOD soon. After all Mahatma Gandhi was shot and killed and must have experienced pain too. Yet, he had realized GOD in his SELF long back and did not feel the pain so much as others would have.

If your friend realizes his SELF, he would realize that that the disease which is giving him so much pain will also deliver him from this Body Cage into the arms of the good LORD and then the pain will be far less.

It’s like running a marathon and when the final lap is near the runner is so exhausted that he feels he will drop dead any moment. Yet he forgets the pain of his body and continues with the last lap and possibly wins the race.

So long as we do not realize the SELF, we will continue to be attached to our mortal life and there will be no deliverance. This does not mean one should become a sage and shed all worldly pleasures. But one should never regret of not having it.

Think of the ant and countless insects that gets trampled to death by our feet day in day out. Does that mean the ant does not feel any pain? For the ant the end of the present is progress to the next life form.

We all start from the smallest of life forms and progress towards the final frontier. The Human form is the highest mortal life form that a soul achieves. But only by living the path of love and peace. It is possible that the reverse can happen and Hitler’s soul is caged in the body of a toad.

May the good Lord give us all that we need to realize our SELF

Blue said:
The only way to get out of a life of pain and hopelessness is by concentrating on our deeds and by peace and love we can shift to a Time Span that lead us closer to God.


Just one observation, OnLineGuru...

How would you explain a friend of mine in a Hospice who is dying in constant pain, only mildly relieved by such medication as he is prepared to have?
He is and has been a thorough and sincere Christian all his life. Within his Church, he has been considered a very good person who has concerned himself with helping others.

He tells me his pain and disease has nothing to do with God, or his faith in that God, it is a result of the disease in his body. He has no desire to die. While he can he wishes to share his life with hsi family and friends as he has always done.

Being on some superhighway has never been his idea. He simply thinks he has served himself and others as best he can. His religion and faith is his private matter, he says.

I am pleased for you that you seem to find comfort in your views, but why shouldn't there be many and various pathways to God? (Including perhaps very convoluted, crooked and precarious ones? I am thinking of Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress where pain and 'heaviness' was the order of the pilgrimage!)
I feel, OnLineGuru, that my friend may be comforted by what you say, but I will print your reply out and show it him.

The thing is, I have an uncomfortable feeling, and it is only that at this stage, that he will not be comforted.

His brain is as sharp as ever, in spite of the pain killing drugs he tries to keep to the minimum, and his faith does not seem to me to tie in with your statements... but I shall see.

You seem, forgive me, to imply, by saying:

"For those who have led a good life (as your good friend has) by following the path of GOD "

that there is no hope for one who has not followed this particular path.
I know my friend would DENY this. He would say a 'good' life can be lived by anyone, an atheist, a Jew, a Hindu, a follower of Islam, and living in 'Christ' in particular has nothing to do with it.
Gandhi, I am sure, would have agreed.

I'm afraid I agree with him too.
Leading a life such as my friend's, could have been done by anyone, even myself, someone who does not follow any organised monotheistic doctrine or dogma.

He has no wish to leave this life either, while his brain still functions adequately and he can feel and express his love for family and friends, and enjoy laughter.

I must emphasise that like yourself, he has no personal doubts he will be joined in his physical demise with his Maker.

The beauty of his spirit shines through and I think it no accident he was a comic, dedicated to illustrating comics, cartoons and jokes, to bring fun and laughter to many.
I know all our thoughts and prayers are with you and your friend now. This must be hard for both of you.

I expect we have all known people taken from us by cancer. That's how I lost my parents. There's no answer for the physical pain but morphine. But the mental torment can be spared. I recall an SAS man saying that if you were caught it was best to think of yourself as already dead - that way the torture would be easier to bear. If you can let go of this life and reach out for the next at least some of the anguish might be avoided. If this sounds dark to some, I would say there is no pleasant path or snappy axiom to take away the pain of death. It's always hard.

That is how I lost both my mother and a cousin within four months of each other (cancer.) I was with my mother as she died, and I was grateful that she never regained consciousness (cancer in the liver is a b!tch.)

btw, zen {{{{hugs}}}} and a :kitty:.

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
Dear Friend,

When I said "Follow the path of GOD" or "message of the good Lord" it only means live a life that has brought cheer to oneself and others around. GODs message is no different. One does not have to be a Hindu or Christian or even follower of the TrueSky movement to realize ones SELF and be closer to the good LORD.

As I mentioned earlier, I am merely spreading the message of the good Lord and which is to live a life that is full of Peace and Love. Instead of hatred and vice.

Those like myself who had strayed in their lives require more effort to realize this truth. I have realized it and hence spreading the message for others to leave the life that spreads hatred and harm and experience the joy of being closer to GOD.

Your friend if what you say is true is an example to follow for all of us. There has to be more people like him in this world and that is only possible by letting people know about this. If I had not posted my message I would not have known about your friend.

I am sure during my meditation, my SELF will be able to communicate with your friend and let him know that if he has followed a life that is good, he is sure to come closer to GOD and if he does not believe in GOD than he can consider it as a force that is a part of himself and others like him.

Dear Guru,
Can you not see what you have said here?
When I said "Follow the path of GOD" or "message of the good Lord" it only means live a life that has brought cheer to oneself and others around. GODs message is no different. One does not have to be a Hindu or Christian or even follower of the TrueSky movement to realize ones SELF and be closer to the good LORD.

If this is so, please explain why the 'religious', the 'spiritual' is necessarily involved at all.
If it doesn't matter what pathway one uses to live such a life as you describe, what is the point of declaring any particular faith, as an Hindu might or a Christian? Surely that is as irrelevant as you say? An Atheist can do as much, no more and no less.

I see little purpose in claiming on the one hand that 'God's message is no different' and living exactly the same way without the apparently unnecessary appellation of Hindu, Christian or Truesky... which is what you seem to be suggesting; and if so, I agree.

All you are saying is that the God 'addition' is something that personally satisfies your inner self... which is fine... but I would then question the need for the 'message' in the first place, as an atheist could behave in exactly the same ways with just as good a heart and objective honesty, properly reasoned through in a rational manner, without any spiritual concerns about 'Gods' at all. Einstein for example called for the creation of a rational ethical base and an educational system to go with it. I think that an excellent method of proceeding, as history shows the spiritual and religious paths singularly fail... especially the monotheistic ones like Islam and Christianity.

What do you think, my friend?
Are you agreeing with me in your quotation above, or are you maintaining a special relevance for 'God's message' beyond your own validations?:rolleyes:

You see, why is a concept of coming closer to a 'God' got anything to do with this? Is that not just a personally conceived 'yearning'?
Dear Friend,

Just as I respect your beliefs, I expect that my beliefs are respected too. Yes, the spirituality aspect started with me but only after some experimenting.

I have been an atheist too and have seen where it led. I have gone down the rabbit hole deep enough to know that a force exists that can be called as GOD.

Yet, I have used my scientific temperament to explain what is GOD and this has been after a lot of thought and not overnight.

When I first experienced the force we all know as GOD it was 1987. When I was an atheist that I used to believe the messages (not as in voices in my mind or head but events which indirectly send a messages) were from alien force. However, experiences in my life finally led me to conclude that these messages are from a positive force which is GOD.

GOD does not ask us to follow a religion. In fact GOD is not an individual or entity. It is merely a force that is the sum of all the individual forces which I call as SELF.

I have a scientific explanation to this as well but which I can only discuss with true believers. Sharing with non-believers in the past these findings has only got me trouble and ridicule. Therefore I see no point in discussing the same.

The TrueSky movement was founded by me to share the thoughts which I believe are passed on to me by GOD that is my SELF.

I know it all sounds confusing yet it is true as I have experienced the same. This does not mean my life has changed in any major way. I have not renounced the world and sit on the computer 24 hours a day sending messages of GOD through the net.

Yet, my beliefs have shifted from the traditional approach using religion and away from atheism. I know for sure GOD exists and the way to get close to this radiant force is by realizing ones own SELF which we all ignore in our pursuit of the material world.

These beliefs are possibly influenced by my Hindu upbringing which speaks of Dharma and Karma. Yet, my path is not religious. It has become my way of life.

I became a vegetarian four years back when I had little faith in religion or GOD. I felt it was wrong to eat a living creature and decided to stop it. Yet that action was non-religious linked to my allergy to meat.

Today, being a vegetarian or not does not hold much meaning for me for the material world is not something we need to be very emotional about.

We kill thousands of living creatures when we do pest control in our homes. Therefore no one in this world can claim to have lived a life of purity and doing harm to none.

Yet, it is important we do not kill, harm or hurt other living creatures unnecessarily. Like hunting or poaching.

To realize what is right and what is wrong it is important we communicate with our SELF and the good Lord. Else we continue live in ignorance believing we have been living a good life and thus continue to be caged in the material world.

It is my belief (which I want to communicate to others too) that the matieral world is a stepping stone (there are seven steps) towards being one with the force I call as GOD.

The SELF within us is the broadband connection to the good Lord. Most of us have been using a dialup connection so far.

I have learned how to realize the SELF and wish to share it with others. However this is something I can only share with true believers in GOD and his messages. This does not mean there are no other ways of achieving the SELF or other approaches to the same destination.

I am only offering a shortcut for those who are still ingorant of their own power.


Blue said:
Dear Guru,
Can you not see what you have said here?
When I said "Follow the path of GOD" or "message of the good Lord" it only means live a life that has brought cheer to oneself and others around. GODs message is no different. One does not have to be a Hindu or Christian or even follower of the TrueSky movement to realize ones SELF and be closer to the good LORD.

If this is so, please explain why the 'religious', the 'spiritual' is necessarily involved at all.
If it doesn't matter what pathway one uses to live such a life as you describe, what is the point of declaring any particular faith, as an Hindu might or a Christian? Surely that is as irrelevant as you say? An Atheist can do as much, no more and no less.

I see little purpose in claiming on the one hand that 'God's message is no different' and living exactly the same way without the apparently unnecessary appellation of Hindu, Christian or Truesky... which is what you seem to be suggesting; and if so, I agree.

All you are saying is that the God 'addition' is something that personally satisfies your inner self... which is fine... but I would then question the need for the 'message' in the first place, as an atheist could behave in exactly the same ways with just as good a heart and objective honesty, properly reasoned through in a rational manner, without any spiritual concerns about 'Gods' at all. Einstein for example called for the creation of a rational ethical base and an educational system to go with it. I think that an excellent method of proceeding, as history shows the spiritual and religious paths singularly fail... especially the monotheistic ones like Islam and Christianity.

What do you think, my friend?
Are you agreeing with me in your quotation above, or are you maintaining a special relevance for 'God's message' beyond your own validations?:rolleyes:

You see, why is a concept of coming closer to a 'God' got anything to do with this? Is that not just a personally conceived 'yearning'?
FAQ on the TrueSky Movement


After reading the replies to my posting on different forums, I decided to create a short FAQ for those interested in knowing more about the TrueSky Movement.

It is available on my LiveJournal on the following link.

[ADMIN EDIT: I, Brian - link removed]

Re: FAQ on the TrueSky Movement

OnlineGuru, if you take a look around these forums, you'll find a number of people that have been through that at some part of their lives - there's a lot of experience and diversity on this forum.

Try not to make it sounds like sales and marketing, though, please. :)

PS: I took the liberty of removing your link - CR discussion forums do not exist simply to promote individuals, websites, or organisations. If you wish to reply to questions asked here, please do so here thank you. :)
Re: FAQ on the TrueSky Movement

Thanks Brian,

I think I have said enough and stick to replies to any questions people may have on my beliefs.

However, it hurts when people ridicule you for something you hold dearly and passionate about.

I am not a good marketing person else, I would have had been able to convince a lot more people over here and othe forums.

I am sorry if what I wrote hurt some people and made it sound like sales and marketing. I am a person who calls a spade a spade and I guess that rule is obsolete in most parts of the world. People are more interested in hearing or reading what they want to hear or read.

But my belief in the good lord is steadfast and even if I am the only person following the beliefs I have it still a part of my life. There is nothing that will ever change my faith or beliefs. When I commit, I stick to my commitments and not change simply because people refuse to believe you.

Thanks and may the good lord know that how deeply I cherish his word.


I said:
OnlineGuru, if you take a look around these forums, you'll find a number of people that have been through that at some part of their lives - there's a lot of experience and diversity on this forum.

Try not to make it sounds like sales and marketing, though, please. :)

PS: I took the liberty of removing your link - CR discussion forums do not exist simply to promote individuals, websites, or organisations. If you wish to reply to questions asked here, please do so here thank you. :)
Re: FAQ on the TrueSky Movement

Dear OnlineGuru

OnlineGuru said:
However, it hurts when people ridicule you for something you hold dearly and passionate about. I would have had been able to convince a lot more people over here and on the forums.

OnlineGuru I understand, I have got the tee-shirt on this one, but you will grow beyond being hurt by ridicule, after all we have suffered it many lifetimes, this lifetime is the breakthrough! So when you feel this emotion what do you do about it?

We are not here on this forum or planet earth to convince others of our reality, proving our worth belongs in the past from my perspective. It is about approving of self and allowing others to be their self! Sharing, caring and allowing others to find their own wisdom wherever that may be. Jesus said 'do not test my father' nor any of his children.

OnlineGuru said:
I am a person who calls a spade a spade and I guess that rule is obsolete in most parts of the world. People are more interested in hearing or reading what they want to hear or read.

This is very true but transparency is the new era of Christ Consciousness. You have done nothing wrong it is just forum ethics and boundaries. I learnt that in being transparent, in analogy I was walking nude down the highway and gosh sometimes people do not wish to see such nudity! Some are not so liberated and fear freedom, because they hold so tightly to their comfort zones and belief systems. Surely it is for us to honour those people and their belief systems not try to change them. I learnt to accept that I could not shift the box before it was ready to be shifted. The Lord taught me that leading by example was the best way to light up the world with love.

OnlineGuru said:
But my belief in the good lord is steadfast and even if I am the only person following the beliefs I have it still a part of my life. There is nothing that will ever change my faith or beliefs. When I commit, I stick to my commitments and not change simply because people refuse to believe you.Thanks and may the good lord know that how deeply I cherish his word.


Well from my perspective beliefs keep us stuck on a buoy, change is the only constant. GOD sees all and is all.

Love beyond measure

Re: FAQ on the TrueSky Movement

OnlineGuru said:
Thanks Brian,

I think I have said enough and stick to replies to any questions people may have on my beliefs.

However, it hurts when people ridicule you for something you hold dearly and passionate about.

I am not a good marketing person else, I would have had been able to convince a lot more people over here and othe forums.

I am sorry if what I wrote hurt some people and made it sound like sales and marketing. I am a person who calls a spade a spade and I guess that rule is obsolete in most parts of the world. People are more interested in hearing or reading what they want to hear or read.

But my belief in the good lord is steadfast and even if I am the only person following the beliefs I have it still a part of my life. There is nothing that will ever change my faith or beliefs. When I commit, I stick to my commitments and not change simply because people refuse to believe you.

Thanks and may the good lord know that how deeply I cherish his word.

It's not so much that you may have caused offence - as much as that everyone here has some sort of story to tell. Point is, in an interfaith forum that needs to promote diversity, that means not allowing any single person's story becoming the forum default. :)

It also means that this is not a place to proselytise - simply to share thoughts and discuss interesting topics. Hence why I felt it necessary to take the action above.
I do not think I have denigrated your Faith anywhere below - in this Thread...forgive me if that may be your impression.
I am always suspicious of all forms of proselytising that endeavour to tell me how to feel.
Notice I have not said 'think' in that last sentence, because that should presume a cognitive and reasoned response with respect to rationality and logic- and external evidence.

I fully respect the right of every individual to believe whatever they say they believe, but they can only cite personal affective validations, in my opinion.

My point is a very simple one...

A personal belief, that we affirm and explain, never - to my poor old mind and heart, can be simply declared a 'truth' for all as if there actually is an ultimate truth for all peoples at all times. If there were such a truth, do you not think there would be a larger measure of agreement after some 4,000 years at least?

That we all can seem to experience 'spiritually' seems patently obvious to me, but why should there not simply be partial truths in all sincerely held beliefs and Faiths that are not purely based in doctrines and dogmas RECEIVED from so-called 'authorities'?

I can also accept the sincerity of your personal faith and even admire it...

Peace, my sincere friend, if I have upset you.
Dear Blue

Blue said:

A personal belief, that we affirm and explain, never - to my poor old mind and heart, can be simply declared a 'truth' for all as if there actually is an ultimate truth for all peoples at all times. If there were such a truth, do you not think there would be a larger measure of agreement after some 4,000 years at least?

Do you not accept that there are universal truths that will never change? E.g. unconditional love, compassion, forgiveness, charity, etc. I think there is a large measure of agreement on this, but sadly it as still not been integrated by a majority of humanity, due to greed and selfishness.

It is frustrating that the majority of humanity as not learnt and implemented these basic ingredients for harmony, true balance and GODs grace in human life. I can understand why Jesus got frustrated and angry with his contemporaries. The simple truths that can create the Kingdom of GOD on earth e.g the Kingdom of Love.

being love

The meaning of this Life is to experience our limitations and accomplishments so we can enjoy a greater life in the spiritual realm to learn what we need to appreciate the greater awards and joy in a higher place. We are here for spiritual lessons taught in a physical life.

Death is a transitional phase in experiencing the physical to spiritual life.
Sharing a different perspective

Archangel Michael said we are here to experience our potential and that planet earth is the best Academy in the cosmos, which is why we like to come here. We are not here to learn leasons, we are not little children in school.

It is the only planet where we can experience every emotion possible. We are spiritual beings having a human experience. As above so below, if we do not appreciate the rewards and joy here we will not do so in the afterlife. The grass is not greener, heaven is within.

being love

What you personally and affectively believe, Green Lantern is fine, but I cannot let this go:

"Death is a transitional phase in experiencing the physical to spiritual life."

Affirming this to yourself according to your personal validations is not 'evidence' to anyone, but yourself, as I think from your other recent post you appreciate. You cannot generalise it to others legitimately without external evidence beyond yourself.

A personal affirmation does not indicate 'truth' to anyone but yourself.

You see, I have never read, seen or heard any objective evidence of the truth of this statement.
If death of our organism is just a transition into anything other than rotting tissue, bone, etc., please present the evidence.

Just affirming a 'spiritual' plane beyond death is not enough, except to yourself.
You appear to be affirming this to others on the basis of no evidence whatsoever... or are you going to claim spiritualist mediums are evidence, or ghosts... or something similarly 'super'natural?