Primordial darkness and the light



Primordial darkness and the light.

Mother Mary said after the Iraq war started that 'there is a new dawn on the horizon and out of darkness comes the light' and many people have experienced great and wonderful end results due to tragedy in there own lives. From pain comes compassion and from tragedy new life can be born, just one of many different ways that the soul is purified.

Dionysius the Areopagnite.

For the first time in mystical literature, the notion of GOD as the 'Divine Dark' is said to have been introduced by Dionysius. The Mystical Theology stressed the 'negative way' (via negativa) the importance of divine ignorance and unknowing as the soul's route to the highest truth.

He is thought to have been a syrian monk and a disciple of St Paul who lived at the end of the fifth century. It is said that one of the important writings called 'The Mystical Theology' , a fusion of Neo-Platonism and Oriental speculation which had a profound influence on much of Christian Mysticism in the Middle Ages.

"Unto this Darkness which is beyond Light that we may come, and through loss of sight and knowledge may see and know that which transcends sight and knowledge, by the very fact of not seeing and knowing, for this is real sight and knowledge." Dionysius

Kuthumi calls this the 'void', in the nothingness one can see everything. In the times when you feel most lost, a brand new picture can emerge on the empty black canvas that stands before you.To be stripped naked right back to the bone allows you to redress the balance and lay firm foundations. It is an opportunity to see things through new eyes, a rebirth, a new chapter in your life leaving all that no longer serves you behind.

The void, nothingness or darkness offers us a great opportunity to surrender control of human self completely to the divine light of GOD. "It hath been said, that there is of nothing so much in hell as of self will. Which is true, for there is nothing else there then self -will, and if there were no self-will there would be no devil and no hell." Theologica Germanica, Ch. XLIX

Clement of Rome taught that GOD rules the world with a right and left hand, the right being Christ and the left being Satan. Bibilical stories of Abraham being asked to kill his son, Abraham passed the test of loyalty to GOD through complete surrender to divine will. Adam was offered two aspects of the tree of life. It is said that Adam did not listen to the advice given by GOD hence the fall into darkness and the karmic cycle of rebirth. Whether myth or legend matters not for the moral of the story remains.

Through the evidence of my own experience I have been witness to the many tests and exams along the spiritual path and the evolution of ordinary human life. At the time some appeared to be the most dreadful experiences but yet these times co-created the most elevated personal growth, pain being my greatest teacher due to learning from its co-creation.

All his life Carl Jung wrestled with the problem of the origin of evil and I think in the final analysis he stuck with duality and he wished he had devoted his life to mysticism rather then psychology.

So the question is how do you feel about the light coming out of the primordial darkness and how does this effect your life? The macrocosm and the microcosm. As we are one in universal consciousness surely we are also one in creating any darkness upon this planet?

As Augustine "Certum namque est malum esse bono carere"
(For it is certain that to be evil means to be deprived of good)

So as hate really means to love less and evil less good what are we all missing about the origins of our universe?

Everything is for our highest good when we see all through GOD's eyes, all is perfect ~ for beauty is truly in the eye of the beholder.

If we truly accept that light does indeed come out of primordial darkness then the concept of duality is surely beat for the two must be one in the cosmos.

Blessings in abundance

Sacredstar said:
So as hate really means to love less and evil less good what are we all missing about the origins of our universe?

Everything is for our highest good when we see all through GOD's eyes, all is perfect ~ for beauty is truly in the eye of the beholder.

If we truly accept that light does indeed come out of primordial darkness then the concept of duality is surely beat for the two must be one in the cosmos.
I have to admit, I always get a little confused by people becoming hung-up on duality. It's always seemed a woefully simplistic way to view the universe - certain where duality is seen as two active principles - ie, God vs Satan, Good vs Evil, etc. The Taoist use seems much more relative - less than, more than - and thus makes better sense IMO. I gather that's within the point you're making there?
Dear Brian

I said:
I have to admit, I always get a little confused by people becoming hung-up on duality. It's always seemed a woefully simplistic way to view the universe - I gather that's within the point you're making there?

Well as they say upstairs,

"it is very simple, it is man that makes it complicated"

All is ONE

When we become ONE with our spiritual and divine being.

being love

I just was not quite certain of what you specifically intended point made was in the original post, whilst referencing some of those overcomplicated human parts. :)
Dear Brian

well the idea was to share a few different views, to be a catalyst for others thoughts.

being love

There has always been dark gods with postive attributes.
And dualism is painfully problematic.

Dark and ligh is relative and the abilities of darkness and light varies in various religions depending on environment circumstanses.
The darkness can be dangerous or it can be safe and protecting
in warm climates.
Mohammed is titled the Shadow of God.

All mystery religions see darkness as positive, since mysticism is all about
secret theachings and inner Gnosis that must be protected from normal persons who would corrupt.
Mystery religion is about God that is within not papers or church.
Wisdom is Gods voice that should drive you and you must give up control to
it and only follow your mind which will lead to personal visions directly in contact with god.
No followers and no rules. All members of a true mystecism must be lika chutch into themselves and not tell other their secret.

Oden is beyond good or evil and Loki and Seth had positive features.
Oden is death and the wisdom, life and power earned through death.
Oden orginated from Shiva through the indo-european invasions so the idea is arguable older.

Jewish Monoteism just absorbed every theology from polyteism
and polyteism turn very easily into monoteism
becouse it's so moldable
in addition polytheism becomes monotheism becouse its is usaullay mistranslated into christian or other terms.

Just study and argue, make up our religions within by rational though.
The devine is the mind within,
All truth comes from our mind anyway and through gnowlege( gnosis)