How Was Your Week?

Aussie Thoughts

Just my 2 cents
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Just spent better part of a week photographing popcorn pop. That's right. Popcorn pop. My brain hurts! After turning in my preliminary shots, the producer says the client's reaction is positive, but he'd like to see a few more pics. Ok, so I pop some more corn, take some more pics and turn those in. Now the client says my pics lack sincerity. Fine, so I head back to the studio, set everything up again and take some 'Sincere' popcorn popping pics. Client says these pics are sincere, but lack emotion. Ok, some sincerely emotional popcorn popping pics coming up. This time the client says he wants more subtlety to the emotion. This went on for days. Finally the client decides on a satisfactory image. The very first picture I took!:mad:

So, how was your week?
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Priceless! I thought you were making a film. How did you end up with that gig? My week was rather uneventful really. More blood tests, 7 vials worth this time, and 3 chest X-rays. Doc put me on a lethal dose of B-12 and scheduled a CT-scan for the coming week. Same old, same old. Bit more energy thanks to the B-12 though.
Busy week with lots of one step forward, two steps back moments. But classes end this coming week, so hopefully the summer months prove to be more productive without students and their parents freaking out over year-long poor performances.
I'll trade your popcorn fiasco for my "dear brother" fiasco. He rang me up last week to let me know that he had three more blackouts in one day and that he was spending the weekend in neuro ICU (he's going home Tuesday) and he also let me know about a couple of medical conditions that kinda affect me due to our shared genetics. I had to let my doctors know about this so I could get in to see them at their earliest convenience (one will be in August.)

On a better note, I participated in the Burlington Chocolate Festival, although I didn't attend (travel restrictions) and I spent Thursday and Friday listening to the local Children's Miracle Network radio-thon. The :kitty: delegation enjoyed their special treats (I got some edible treats for their treat balls and I left their :kitty: toys in a sack of dried catnip for four days...) I must remember to remove their catnip toys after 48 hours (if not earlier) or they'll end up too torn up to be safe for the :kitty:s...

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
Prayers to your "Dear Brother" and to yourself. Ah yes.... and the delegation. Sounds like they might have quite the hang-over!
I hope your brother was released today and his recovery is quick and complete from the blackouts.
Prayers to your "Dear Brother" and to yourself. Ah yes.... and the delegation. Sounds like they might have quite the hang-over!

Thanks for the prayers for DB. Unfortunately, he has this terrible habit of not taking care of himself, especially when it comes to his epilepsy (hasn't really kept up with his medical stuff concerning that for at least two decades.) He wonders why he can't get his SCUBA diving recertification...:rolleyes:

Concerning the :kitty:s, they refuse to let me put the toys back in the catnip, even for fifteen minutes. I'm not sure if the nip hasn't been genetically modified with silvervine genes... :eek:

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
I hope your brother was released today and his recovery is quick and complete from the blackouts.

I won't know if he's been released until his ladyfriend lets me know. It's not the first time he's been inpatient, and I have the sneaking suspicion that it won't be the last (he seems to follow a particular pattern concerning his health...)

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
DB has been this way for at least 45 years, so I'm used to his BS/MS/PhD. I can only change myself and the way that I deal with him, but thanks for your - I guess one can call it sympathy...

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
Have to say I could never do your job. I would've found a popcorn gun and popped the crap out of em! :D
If that was the only part of my job I'd be tempted to turn the popcorn gun on myself! I only took the assignment, because I have to do a certain amount of union work each year to stay in compliance and this seemed like it would only take an hour or two.
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If that was the only part of my job I'd be tempted to turn the popcorn gun on myself! I only took the assignment, because I have to do a certain amount of union work each year to stay in compliance and this seemed like it would only take an hour or two.

I don't know about the popcorn gun. I think that you might've preferred to slowly destroy your liver with a case of your favourite potent potable (or drink yourself into alcohol poisoning) to erase your client from your memory.

Why punish a third party by having to clean up after you take yourself out?

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine (and :kitty: delegation)
I was going for supportive, but I guess using only a smiley was a poor way to express that. Sorry.

That's okay. Just take thirty lashes with a strand of wet angel hair pasta, then spend some quality time with your furred person/s. I appreciate your virtual support no matter how you expressed it. :oops:

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
I only took the assignment, because I have to do a certain amount of union work each year to stay in compliance and this seemed like it would only take an hour or two.
You'd think so, but it's often the simple jobs that take the longest. I'm surprised you didn't hold out for a lingerie shoot.;)
You'd think so, but it's often the simple jobs that take the longest.
Normally on a shoot like that you pop some corn, suspend the best examples from florist wire and snap away, but this bloke wanted me to capture the moment the corn started to pop. Easily done with computer graphics, but the client insisted everything be natural. So the first thing I had to do is go home a get a different camera. That was the first delay with many more to come.
I'm surprised you didn't hold out for a lingerie shoot.;)
Next month mate. Plus size models in knickers and vest!