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How much does everyone keep in mind ever-changing paradigms and the effects caused when they change (people being killed and all for new ideas!)

Stephen Hawking said "If there is a God, we would call it order"
What an interesting point showing how he values abstraction when it comes to truth?

What are anyone's thought's on this?
hmm..can you give us more clarity on what you are seeking Aladdin?

New paradigms.....well i feel that we are living through one at the moment and it certainly isn't easy.

I have a wonderful quote on this I will fetch it and post it.

Love beyond measure

A friend sent this to me a few weeks ago, not sure who the author was.

"And it ought to be remembered that there is nothing more difficult to take in hand, more perilous to conduct, or more uncertain in its success, then to take the lead in the introduction of a new order of things. Because the innovator has for enemies all those who have done well under the old conditions, and lukewarm defenders in those who may do well under the new. This coolness arises partly from fear of the opponents, who have the laws on their side, and partly from the incredulity of men, who do not
readily believe in new things until they have had a long experience of
them." Anon

I would add that people generally do not like change because they are not taught at school or by parents how to respond to change. But yet change is as natural as the seasons of nature, it is only when we are not prepared to change that we get stuck on a buoy and then disease can happen.

being love

Paradigm shifts are great - paradigms as like camels being constantly loaded with data and concepts, until eventually the camel os exhausted a new stronger one is required. :)

Or Ford Pickup - whichever is easier to imagine. :)
"I would add that people generally do not like change because they are not taught at school or by parents how to respond to change. But yet change is as natural as the seasons of nature, it is only when we are not prepared to change that we get stuck on a buoy and then disease can happen."

I couldn't agree more, SacredStar.
Aladdin said:
Stephen Hawking said "If there is a God, we would call it order"

I would ask what results when, as Stephen now claims, there is a strong possibility that 'Chaos' rules?

Professor Flew now describes his belief in an 'intelligent' entity at the root of all, due to the complexity of DNA and the Universe, but he doesn't claim that is a 'God'.
In fact he specifically denies it in his latest papers and declares that all such claims in the Press and other Media about what he has said are false.
Thank you for your responses. That is a great quote SacredStar.

I think that is so interesting what you posted Blue about the Professor,

I wonder if he did not want people to think he was calling an intelligent entity a God because it seems in science some think that people who believe in God outside of their work lets their belief cloud their better judgement.

The stephen hawkings quote interested me because i was thinking if you took out all the specificalities of moral codes in religion etc, you get pretty orderly systems, so one could say it is only when one goes against the pre-ordained order that they are sinning, and this usually is what makes people upset. If people see how something that is conceived as negative happens very very often and is part of the inherent order in the system--then usually it does not make them as upset, is what I have found in some cases.

If you keep trying to see everything in broader terms, you might self reflect and wonder just how Intrinsically meaningful are our classification systems and our measurements of grouping things etc=certainly they serve a purpose but can their complexity be used to point to a higher intelligence, or simply reflect our brain's ability to analyze things and systems and find order and complexity in them?

The fractals in chaotic systems, or self repeating patterns, sometims it seems if we were made by a more intelligent designer these would be seen as more specifically different, or the human brain would be able to differentiate between these patterns more specifically.

Also, Blue, what you posted makes me think about the semantics of the term "God" versus "Intelligent entity"
I wonder if he did not like to use God because it is associated with superstition? Very interesting though thank you for responding so nice!
you know what else I just thought of!

The way you worded that "an intelligent entity at the root of it all"
In transhumanistic philosophy I think there is a "common belief", that we are just living in a simulation, we are from the future---future humans created a way to stimulate a life in the past via virtual reality and that is what we are experiencing---but----more to the point

Maybe he just wanted to refer to it this way because it opens the door to a lot of other possibilities, since intelligent entity does not Imply something that is supernatural====

OR could it Be that we are getting close to actually having an accurate science for God, Iknow physics has been called the language of God in addition in the past when something was supernatural, and then understood through science suddenly the phenomena became more materialistic seen through scientific terms so maybe that is what is happening with our creator!!! whatever it may be, an alien, future humans, a being from a parallel universe (haha!) maybe scientifically they are getting closer to defining this that is why he used this word choice and rejected the notion of God, because God implies something humans can not grasp through scientific methods and something that is supernatural?
Dear Blue

Well Chaos does rule at the moment, due to the planet and its people being out of balance with nature and the natural laws. When we return to the natural way of being, living in harmony with our planet and our brothers and sisters the chaos will cease and peace will reign on planet earth once more.

Physical reality is the barometer for the imbalance.

being love
