Meditation music with brainwave frequency technology


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This thread is dedicated to sharing meditation music, particularly the meditation music that I am personally producing. Every track is embedded with binaural beats and/or isochronic tones, which alter your brainwaves to achieve deep meditative states with ease.

I have been meditating for nearly two decades, both with meditation tracks and without, and I can say hands down that these brainwave frequencies make a huge difference. I've been making this meditation music not just to use personally, but to share with others and help them on their journey.

I hope you utilize and enjoy these tracks, and feel free to leave commentary, make requests for particular meditation tracks with custom sounds or music, or tracks for specific goals. I have the means to create it all and I plan on it doing so- guided meditations for various purposes, different relaxing sounds and types of music, and frequencies for achieving various states of mind. Requests will be immediately fulfilled.

I will be sharing individual tracks in future posts. Now let's get to meditating!
Deep Meditation Music - Theta Binaural Beats | Peaceful Voyage for Healing & Self Discovery

I've experimented some with binaural beats - thanks for sharing

My pleasure buddy. Right now I'm listening to isochronic tones because I'm not in the mood to wear headphones. You probably know that binaural beats require headphones. I think they may be slightly more effective than isochronic tones but iso is nice for influencing the entire environment- people around you can benefit as well.
Interesting. I tried binaural beats once to meditate, I felt it was a bit rough, like being stuffed in a sack and dragged around on a carnival ride. But that's been years ago.

What mental states do your tracks aim at?
Interesting. I tried binaural beats once to meditate, I felt it was a bit rough, like being stuffed in a sack and dragged around on a carnival ride. But that's been years ago.

What mental states do your tracks aim at?

The first two tracks posted are aimed at the theta brainwave state, which is a deep meditative state. More details about this state can be found in the description of the videos. Give them a try and let me know how your experience is. I've had nothing but good experiences with binaurals. My tracks are high quality and I personally create the binaural beats so I know that they are legit. Perhaps the binaurals you used were not good quality or poorly produced.
good experiences
Can you enumerate more?
How many times have you had them?
What did you experience? What more do you suppose could be experienced?

Also, do whirling Dervishes can in sync with such tones? Or meters?
Can you enumerate more?
How many times have you had them?
What did you experience? What more do you suppose could be experienced?

Also, do whirling Dervishes can in sync with such tones? Or meters?

The amount of interesting experiences I've had during meditation is uncountable. I have 15 years worth of experiences logged in a journal but those are principally out of body experiences and lucid dreams, although it also contains some of the more powerful meditation experiences as well. I wrote a 300+ page book about my experiences, the majority of which consists of these journal entries, but I am reluctant to share it as I no longer wish to encourage the practice of astral projection.
I have an interest in stimulating brain activity in the anterior prefrontal cortex - to your knowledge, would binaural beats assist with this ?
.. I am reluctant to share it as I no longer wish to encourage the practice of astral projection.

Mmm .. I have some experience with astral projection in my youth .. I no longer seek to develop it. I suppose I decided that I'm in this body while in this world, and should wait until later to experience being out of it.
Everything we do is about its intention
I have an interest in stimulating brain activity in the anterior prefrontal cortex - to your knowledge, would binaural beats assist with this ?

From what I know, frequencies in the Beta range can stimulate this area of the brain. I'll upload a meditation track specifically for this within the next couple of days for you to try out.

Mmm .. I have some experience with astral projection in my youth .. I no longer seek to develop it. I suppose I decided that I'm in this body while in this world, and should wait until later to experience being out of it.
Everything we do is about its intention

I was naive and didn't consider the possibility that it could be dangerous. I've actually suffered physical injury as a direct result of a spiritual attack in the astral. It's nothing to mess with, despite all the incredible experiences that I've had.
432 hz HEALING Meditation Music - Theta Binaural Beats - Access to Deeper Realms

432 Hz HEALING Meditation Music - Theta Waves Isochronic Tones - Inner Discovery
