William Blake - Dante's Divine Comedy



I must mention a truly beautiful book I now have, one that reproduces all of William Blake's engravings that he produced for Dante's Divine Comedy. Simply the most beautiful book I have ever held.

I have much trouble with my eyes, a condition known as blepharospasm. Simply put, my eyes constantly flicker and react very much to light and other things, such as levels of anxiety. I have regular botox injections which helps. I love the feel and heft of a real book, but alas have to read mostly on my Kindle, where I can enlarge the font at will, as and when needed in various conditions. Therefore, a book like this is a great treasure. Like the tabloid newspapers, I can just look at the pictures!

The works of Blake are reproduced on high quality paper and as well as those there are also very many reproductions of various Illuminated Manuscripts. The text is in very small print but this does not detract from the books beauty.

Anyone who loves Blake, or the Divine Comedy, very much worth looking up.
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