Egregore (artificial elemental)


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Hello everyone,

Do you know why an egregore is used for black magic attacks? Dion Fortune mentioned it, about 1. telepathic hypnotic suggestion; 2. enforcing the telepathic hypnotic suggestion by evoking an Egregore that can create thoughtforms; 3. creating a magnetic switch or a contactpoint!

Kind regards,


Africans thought this was Macumba or Quimbanda, while this is Tantra, in combination with mantra (Masonic order or occult lodge of perhaps Hindus or a Sufi occult lodge, which comes from Tantra, see also later in the article about the Masonic Egregore), and an Egregore, or Watchtower Magick, in combination with NLP Magick, and an Egregore!
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Interesting, but what's your understanding of an Egregore? Can you give some concrete examples? And what is your understanding of black magic?
Interesting, but what's your understanding of an Egregore? Can you give some concrete examples? And what is your understanding of black magic?
An egregore is an artificial elemental (thoughtform ensouled with elemental essence or the spirit of the dead), that also acts like a psychic battery, Bernard Heuvel says it is an astral parasite. If it is worshipped than it can convert emotions into electricity and store that in the psychic battery through AKA-Cords. The black magic is putting thoughtforms in humans that is created for a magic operation to execute an intention, in an intention experiment. There are alot of religious egregore's (godhead's) like a Krishna egregore (3150 BC), which are still fed. That putting thoughtforms in someone's body can be done against someone's will if the intention is not blocked with another intention. Lower thoughtforms can attack people's subtle bodies, put pain incentives in the thoughts etcetera. But also the pain recipient, could receive the incentives against his will. Also given that someone's subtle body is abducted (removed from the physical body), in which the thoughts are.

some other religious egregores!

in chronological order:
Krisjna (c. 3150 B.C.)
Zoroaster (Iran, 2450 B.C.)
Pho-Hi (China, 1950 B.C.)
Hermes Trismegistus (Egypte)
Mozes (c. 1560 B.C.)
Orde van de Tempeliers (118-1312 A.D.)
Freemasons order as outer shell for the Rosicrucianary
Kabbalistic Order of the Rose and the Cross (van Stanislas de Guaita)"
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Ok, let's unpack that some more so I understand you better.

What's an elemental, in your understanding?

How is an egregore different from an ancestor?

Are the gods egregores?

Is the monotheistic God an egregore?

Your list also contains entire groups of people, like the Knights Templar, the Rosicrucians, and so on. Are the groups egregores in their own rights, or do they have an egregore which is called something other than the group?
Ok, let's unpack that some more so I understand you better.

What's an elemental, in your understanding?

How is an egregore different from an ancestor?

Are the gods egregores?

Is the monotheistic God an egregore?

Your list also contains entire groups of people, like the Knights Templar, the Rosicrucians, and so on. Are the groups egregores in their own rights, or do they have an egregore which is called something other than the group?

* An elemental is a spirit of nature divided in four elements or five (if you include the atman).

* Elemental essence does not have to be a spririt of the deceased.

* Yes, the gods are egregores, they have to be worshipped, or they will diminish eventually, and the elemental essence (spiritual energy) will than be freed.

* The monotheistic god according to the Jewish people cannot be communicated with, because the divine do not always have senses in the material world (they are pure minds as the Absolute in Infinity), but is communicated with, through egregores or ascended/enlightened masters, even angels are egregores (man made or not?), I am a Buddhist and Maitreya Buddha is for me the right path to the divine, I don't pray to him. Brahma Sahampati begs the Buddha to teach the dhamma to the world and he is the direct representative of the divine like Melchisedek. See 31 planes of existence of Buddha (

* The groups themselves are not egregores in their own right, they first congregated and created the egregores, through ritual group magic. I know that OTO has a Baphomet egregore and that the egregore of Fraternitas Saturni is called GOTOS. I do not know all their names.
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Thanks for sharing your views.

If an elemental spirit is a nature spirit associated with a particular element, then which element do the artificial egregores belong to?

In Buddhism, are the mythical Bodhisattvas egregores, too? You mentioned Maitreya as an exception, how about the Bodhisattva of compassion, Avalokitesvara? How about mythical Buddhas like Amithabha?

Back to Dion Fortune's book, which I read a long time ago, how can an egregore be used in a magical attack? I don't recall reading about that.
* In one case it is of the element water (from the constellation Scorpio, from Antares).

* Correction, Bhodhisattvas are enlightened beings, some were humans.

* The other Buddha's are also in higher planes of existence, a buddha represents a way of life, like Kalachakra of the Kalachakra Tantra is also a Buddha to guide you, if you are on that path, because of the different schools in buddhism.

* On page 72; 193 and 194 she (Dion) is talking about artificial elementals. In theory, you can create an egregore for any purpose. A "black magic attack" is just one use. As to why, I would imagine it's because the egregore can operate relatively independently of the magician after its creation, that is what a christian esoteric said.
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I thought the Buddhas are not to be found after parinirvana, not even on higher planes. Or are you referring to esoteric Buddhas who attained to nirvana as beings existing on a different plane?

Also, my understanding of an egregore is that it is a group spirit, an "esprit de corps" so to speak. It takes a group of individuals for it to emerge, a single person is not sufficient. When you say "you can create...", are you referring to a single person or a group?

I no longer have the physical copy of the book, but I found an ebook version. Can you give chapter references instead of page numbers?

Do you have personal experience with egregores? So far, it seems you were citing other people exclusively. What's your interest?
I thought the Buddhas are not to be found after parinirvana, not even on higher planes. Or are you referring to esoteric Buddhas who attained to nirvana as beings existing on a different plane?

Also, my understanding of an egregore is that it is a group spirit, an "esprit de corps" so to speak. It takes a group of individuals for it to emerge, a single person is not sufficient. When you say "you can create...", are you referring to a single person or a group?

I no longer have the physical copy of the book, but I found an ebook version. Can you give chapter references instead of page numbers?

Do you have personal experience with egregores? So far, it seems you were citing other people exclusively. What's your interest?

Yes, I am experiencing it right now, an Indrajala practicioner used an Jyestha/Indra egregore, also in New Dehli (may 2017, for 4 years) they used one, but not the same one, with me it is in in the Hague, The Netherlands. While the Buddha's are there to teach people, that could be in tulpa form, or in subtle energy form. Like some say, that Christ (ascended or enlightened master, maybe his subtle body fused with an egregore) works, in a subtle energy form. Well you can create a servitor first, that becomes a artificial group elemental later. The passed three years, I have been harassed, in a stalking form, by several people who were not possessed, with thoughtforms, at that time, thoughtforms created by the egregore (also lowered thoughtforms, lowered through neurolinguistic programming since 2014), so criminally liable. In New Dehli, black magic tantriks, incited a murder with that egregore! Even shamans believe in ascended masters. Nazi FOGC and the Hashashin used an egregore for combat telepathy purposes also, see also wiki page: Fraternitas Saturni also used it to create homosexuals by depoling the human energy centers in the subtle body by using tantric anatomy, I believe that can only be done to childeren, who are still exploring their sexuality.

Chapter "Projection of the Etheric Body" (it is actually removal of the subtle body); Chapter "Diagnosis of a Psychic Attack", I have a Dutch version.
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So, do Dion Fortune's defense techniques work for you?
Chapter "Projection of the Etheric Body" (it is actually removal of the subtle body); Chapter "Diagnosis of a Psychic Attack", I have a Dutch version.
I read those passages now, but in both cases she seems to be describing something I would not call a group spirit but rather, some kind of individual personality trait or piece of oneself externalized, a servitor as the Chaos Magicians would call it.
I read those passages now, but in both cases she seems to be describing something I would not call a group spirit but rather, some kind of individual personality trait or piece of oneself externalized, a servitor as the Chaos Magicians would call it.
Than you also should read her other book, "Applied Magic" about the artificial group elemental and the artificial elemental and also the book of Annie Bessant called "Thoughtforms" and a book of Bernard Heuvel written in Dutch, 5 pages about the egregore, it's called "De Mysteriën" of Bernard Heuvel, downloadable on for 12 euro's.
* An elemental is a spirit of nature divided in four elements or five (if you include the atman).

* Elemental essence does not have to be a spririt of the deceased.

* Yes, the gods are egregores, they have to be worshipped, or they will diminish eventually, and the elemental essence (spiritual energy) will than be freed.

* The monotheistic god according to the Jewish people cannot be communicated with, because the divine do not always have senses in the material world (they are pure minds as the Absolute in Infinity), but is communicated with, through egregores or ascended/enlightened masters, even angels are egregores (man made or not?), I am a Buddhist and Maitreya Buddha is for me the right path to the divine, I don't pray to him. Brahma Sahampati begs the Buddha to teach the dhamma to the world and he is the direct representative of the divine like Melchisedek. See 31 planes of existence of Buddha (

* The groups themselves are not egregores in their own right, they first congregated and created the egregores, through ritual group magic. I know that OTO has a Baphomet egregore and that the egregore of Fraternitas Saturni is called GOTOS. I do not know all their names.

"The monotheistic god according to the Jewish people cannot be communicated with": According to Kabbalists and the Theosophical Society, not my words. See also:
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Good stuff

"The monotheistic god according to the Jewish people cannot be communicated with": According to Kabbalists and the Theosophical Society, not my words. See also:
The great thing about interfaith forums is that you get people of all kinds of faiths and can interact with them! No need to get your information about Jewish beliefs from a Theosophical website (who can supply second-hand knowledge at best), if you can ask a real live Jewish rabbi directly, on this very thread.
Yes, I am experiencing it right now, an Indrajala practicioner used an Jyestha/Indra egregore, also in New Dehli (may 2017, for 4 years) they used one, but not the same one, with me it is in in the Hague, The Netherlands.
So, did any of the remedies and defence strategies in the last four chapters of Dion Fortune's book work for you (since you mentioned it)? What happened?
So, did any of the remedies and defence strategies in the last four chapters of Dion Fortune's book work for you (since you mentioned it)? What happened?
Well I am working now with Benjamin Adamah (magician) and Robert Bruce for protection purposes and awakening Kundalini purposes, so I could do some energy management and work myself, because it is a crying shame that they attack people, I am not saying that they attacked Richard Dawkins also with this, but the occult fighting technique with tantric anatomy can trigger a heart attack or a stroke, if subtle body is removed, and if you don't protect yourself after that! The good thing is, that it is an intention experiment, and that you can use that fact also against them!
All right, sounds like you feel well-protected now.