Egregore (artificial elemental)

All right, sounds like you feel well-protected now.
The body is only a vessel, you shoudn't fear death, that is what the occult actually teaches you. Still society has to protect people who are attacked with black magic, because it's against someone's will as Dion Fortune says. And there is a cause and effect that is actually measurable, some Japanese people are actually measuring it, the subtle meridian or chi (emotional / energy changes) changes in your body and the effects of that, also in combination with hypnotherapy!
Africans thought this was Macumba or Quimbanda, while this is Tantra, in combination with mantra (Masonic order or occult lodge of perhaps Hindus or a Sufi occult lodge, which comes from Tantra, see also later in the article about the Masonic Egregore), and an Egregore, or Watchtower Magick, in combination with NLP Magick, and an Egregore!
Africans thought this was Macumba or Quimbanda, while this is Tantra, in combination with mantra (Masonic order or occult lodge of perhaps Hindus or a Sufi occult lodge, which comes from Tantra, see also later in the article about the Masonic Egregore), and an Egregore, or Watchtower Magick, in combination with NLP Magick, and an Egregore!

Hi there, l'm new to your thread, l don't know if you are still around.
I don't understand much of what you write, but l have known about egregores for a while. I thought they were something that rose out of the environment.

Two questions:
1. How can an organisation be an egregore? Are they fake, not corporeal?
2. Can you write out a flowchart for creation of an egregore?
Hi there, l'm new to your thread, l don't know if you are still around.
I don't understand much of what you write, but l have known about egregores for a while. I thought they were something that rose out of the environment.

Two questions:
1. How can an organisation be an egregore? Are they fake, not corporeal?
2. Can you write out a flowchart for creation of an egregore?

An egregore, first of all, is an astral parasite (an artificial elemental, a thoughtform ensouled with elemental essence), there are different religious egregores. A church who has an egregore is also an organisation. If the followers are mad enough like Apple followers, they can create their own religion (culture), with their own rules. Offcourse the egregore has an energy vibration stamp in it, of a god or goddess. The Roman Gods is said were also egregores, they could have been tailor made egregores who protect the lodge culture, if the culture is a Roman State egregore, than that culture us protected by an egregore! You can read also Egregore - Theosophy Wiki and the book Egregores of Mark Stavish! If you become a lodge member, and meet the egregore, than there is secrecy surrounding it. An egregore has to be made for you first, than you can decide, which culture you want the egregore to protect! But I am a buddhist, and I see only one application for an egregore, and that is to show what the astral dimensions are all about! With me the egeregore was made for me without permission, so I made it an guardian angel egregore, with Dhamma culture!
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I know now who did it, family members who are extreme muslims, while I am a buddhist, together with two or more hindu black magicians! But some politicians and Justice members, did some groupstalking with it together with a psychiatrist! Freudian psychiatrists can be pedophile or satanists, Jungian psychiatrists are not!
Freudian psychiatrists can be pedophile or satanists, Jungian psychiatrists are not!
Really? Accusations of pedophilia can be career ending not just to a psychiatrist.
Really? Accusations of pedophilia can be career ending not just to a psychiatrist.
Freud promoted incest (pedophilia), while Jung and Adler deviated from the sexual theory of Freud, in the "Wandlungen der Libido und Symbolen"!
The psychological warfare (PsyOp of BDM) was the area of expertise of the occultists, says the book: "Psychological Operations Principles and Case Studies", on page 329! So it also falls under that norm, that it is not wanted within the Netherlands, and that if it happens, that also falls under art. 3 EVRM! The reality of the entities is recognised, by Stanford (SRI did research the occult), and Stanford Encyclopedia (Neutral Monism from Stanford Encyclopedia).

incitation of psychological warfare done towards me, while this was started up by extreme muslim familiy members, and a mosque and two extreme hindu's, as religious discrmination towards me, as a buddhist!

I have a current official complaint, against the government of the Netherlands, because I have damages, and some of the government officials claim to have satanic fathers to "groupstalk", especially the ones who had sex!
An attack with artificial elementals, can be an attack but doesn't have to be an attack says Dion Fortune!: See also: The egregore is protecting me, but the Hindu's got some money from the muslims to do this, and to create the Jyestha/Indra egregore, but they also did this in India: " ! The muslims themselves, and my nephew, and some other familymembers, brought a Homunculus/Construct, to attack me, on a ritual group magic site which also is a "groupstalking" site, in the appartment of a neighbour!

I think they are creating more than one Jyestha/Indra egregore, in New Dehli, see:!
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The muslims themselves, and my nephew, and some other familymembers, brought a Homunuclus/Construct, to attack me, on a ritual group magic site which also is a "groupstalking" site, in the appartment of a neighbour!
Why do you think your family members are attacking you with magic? Is there a reason? Do you live with them?
Why do you think your family members are attacking you with magic? Is there a reason? Do you live with them?
Because they wanted me become a muslim, in 2014, but I refused! Some members, of the mosque in the Hague, wanted to attack me, because I quoted Salman Rushdie, and they invited supporters of Mumtaz Qadri, who killed someone for the blasphemy laws, in Pakistan, to incite crimes on blasmephist's, in 2016, also! I do not live with them, they are stalking me!
Because they wanted me become a muslim, in 2014, but I refused! Some members, of the mosque in the Hague, wanted to attack me, because I quoted Salman Rushdie, and they invited supporters of Mumtaz Qadri, who killed someone for the blasphemy laws, in Pakistan, to incite crimes on blasmephist's, in 2016, also! I do not live with them, they are stalking me!
Oh wow! Ok
Do you have a mentor -- a priest or someone -- or are you completely alone in this? Do you follow any religion yourself?
I know now who did it, family members who are extreme muslims, while I am a buddhist, together with two or more hindu black magicians! But some politicians and Justice members, did some groupstalking with it together with a psychiatrist! Freudian psychiatrists can be pedophile or satanists, Jungian psychiatrists are not!
What are you going on about here? By 'black' magician do you mean someone practicing baneful magic? Because Black Magic is not baneful magic. How does one's profession (Freud/Psychoanalysis - Jung/Depth Psychology) enable them to be pedophiles or not? That's ridiculous. And where do Satanists come into this nutty discussion?
What are you going on about here? By 'black' magician do you mean someone practicing baneful magic? Because Black Magic is not baneful magic. How does one's profession (Freud/Psychoanalysis - Jung/Depth Psychology) enable them to be pedophiles or not? That's ridiculous. And where do Satanists come into this nutty discussion?
It's not about your ego @'Amir Alzzalam

This guy is being subjected to genuine attack. He is genuinely frightened. Can you offer him help? What's your contribution toward his dilemma? Or do you not believe there are groups and individuals who direct malevolent energy at their enemies?
It's not about your ego @'Amir Alzzalam

This guy is being subjected to genuine attack. He is genuinely frightened. Can you offer him help? What's your contribution toward his dilemma? Or do you not believe there are groups and individuals who direct malevolent energy at their enemies?
No one can 'magically' attack another, that's ludicrous. The way it works is someone (or the victim) puts the IDEA in their mind that they are being magically attacked and they eventually suffer by their own hand. We refer to it as Lesser Magic. The word 'black' is the wrong adjective for this magic. Both Freudians and Jungians can be pedophiles, and I assume Satanists were included in this because the OP doesn't know the first thing about Satanism . . . either.

I have little sympathy for self-inflicted victims.
It's not about the words. It's real and it happens. Djinns and spells are employed. Anyway ...
Yes, it goes off the rails, but that's part of the mental attack. I would not kick it away into the grass
Earlier in this thread you mentioned using magical defenses, and assistance by someone you trust, @shaffy. Is that still working for you?
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May you see the light of Christ penetrate this conundrum and chase away the darkness like sunshine into a cave and these vampires of darkness that trouble you perish by the light, and you rediscover your angel guardian ... and of your right and power to pray
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They cannot lay a hand on you. Their spells return upon themselves, and the grave they dig for you, turns out to be their own