Matter as high-speed thought


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Classical free will even before determinsm had limits.

Free will is only possible if you obtain information over a certain situation in time to be able to react. If a bullet is flying to you with close to light speed you will propably not be able to decide if you want to avoid it or not :)

Now today our free will seem to be even more limited or non-existent as we provenly react to brain damage or drugs changing our personality.

Based on what we already know about what limits our free will it might be possible that matter is simply a lot of information at a very high speed and that this is what limits our possibilities to react and make choices when we come in contact with damaging matter.

And do not picture the travelling speed of the bullet as the problem. Imagine the bullet at rest and at the same time beeing high speed information (monism). Or as an analogy: the matter in the bullet is thinking quicker than you do at any moment, if you have an intelectual argument with it, you will loose do to your lower thinking speed.

So in some sense brain science have discovered nothing new, namely as we all knew, external stimuli/information which we receive from outside can change our soul. If that would not be the sense we would have no attachment to this world, we could neither see it, smell it and so on.

For example: Some information is coming into our soul slowly like a bad stench from the landfill and hence is slowly changing your soul to make you more angry (the process could as well be so slow that we can counteract and calm ourself) while some a brain active poison from the lanfill is doing it quicker, if you ingest it, and than your new anger mangamnet technic does not help anymore.

Now we all experienced mood swings (become angry so much that others might temporarily not recognize us) to which we need time to adapt and reconstitute our personality.

Is a brain damage that turns us into a psychopath simply something that our soul would need 100 000 years to adapt too without external help? Because than even the brain damaged person has free will and a charcater that would return- it would only take to long a reaction time in relation to the very quick thinking matter it got into an argument with.
There's a bit to think about there. However I do believe the speed of thought is instantaneous, unlike matter which is limited by the speed of light.
I believe neurons play an important role in thinking (because thinking is impaired when neurons are impaired, by alcohol for example), so signal speed in neurons is a guess for an upper limit in the speed of thought. Here's a table with various neuronal signal speeds:

But yeah, thoughts feel instantaneous to me, too...
Sigh. Ok, so here we go: Is the brain a 'radio receiver' or just an adding machine? What natural responses are programmed by pure brain activity, and what comes across from 'out there'?

This promises to become an interesting thread, lol ...
Well, either way (receiver or adding machine), neuronal signal speed plays a role, as does the clouding of the apparatus by substances or fatigue. If my thoughts come from out there, I could not hear them any faster than my brain can present them...
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Well, either way (receiver or adding machine), neuronal signal speed plays a role, as does the clouding of the apparatus by substances or fatigue. If my thoughts come from out there, I could not hear them any faster than my brain can present them...
Cool. But to push forward with the idea: I can have a computer and use it without internet. So my brain functions as a unit in many situations. It does the essential functions: send white blood cells to combat infection, eat to stay alive, procreate the species, etc.

However it also has a much higher capability as a receiver of outside information via the internet: Mozart, etc.

I like to believe there is a greater source of consciousness than the neurological products of my own (animal) brain activity?
I like to believe there is a greater source of consciousness than the neurological products of my own (animal) brain activity?

Well, we can already transfer thoughts from one brain to another, by speaking, listening, reading, writing, and other modes of communication such as sign or touch language. We have access to the whole Internet of ideas and stories and so on out there.

So some extrasensory communication would be an extension of what we already do routinely. My curious monkey brain wants to find out if and how it would work, so it can tell other brains about it...

What you describe sounds a bit like downloading or channeling information. Is that what you mean by accessing or tuning into a greater source of consciousness? Or something else?

(Edit: fat-thumb typos)
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What you describe sounds a bit like downloading or channeling information. Is that what you mean by accessing or tuning into a greater source of consciousness? Or something else?
Just picked up your post. Yes, that sort of thing. Consciousness that comes from somewhere else than the individual animal brain cells. Jung's universal subconscious, sort of thing?
So when looking at a page with text on it, one day I got lost in a track of thoughts exploring where the meaning was on that page. Not in the paper or the pencil lead... And yet it was there, undeniably, and there was consciousness of it. Was that consciousness in my head? It could not, because without the paper, I could never have become conscious of the message...
So when looking at a page with text on it, one day I got lost in a track of thoughts exploring where the meaning was on that page. Not in the paper or the pencil lead... And yet it was there, undeniably, and there was consciousness of it. Was that consciousness in my head? It could not, because without the paper, I could never have become conscious of the message...
I'll need to think a bit and get my ideas together properly before continuing here on this thread. But I will be back. Best regards
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It is a highly fascinating topic, one where I don't have set-in-stone opinions for once ;)
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