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I've seen many controversial documentaries on SKY regarding Jesus Christ. I will point them out of discussion purposes only and I hope not to offend anyone. I will also point out that I’m a practicing Christian.

One documentary was how Alexander the great had great influence on Jesus Christ, Alexander the great was over 300 years earlier then Jesus Christ however, Jesus claimed to be the son of God and that his mother was impregnated by God without the use of physical contact. This is extremely similar to Alexander The great, however in his circumstance the serpent that his mother mated with was in the form of Zeus and made Alexander a son of Zeus and was also pointing out other similar circumstances regarding Jesus Christ and Alexander the great.

There was also a documentary claming that John the Baptist was the original idealist of Jesus's work and even reading the bible you can see how that is played down with your own eyes.

An other controversial documentary states that the 3 wise men were actually Buddhists who traditionally look for reincarnations of Buddha using astrology and they happened to follow the star of Bethlehem, funny how the Chinese are also the only country in the world to have wrote about that very star. They took Jesus as a child to teach him Buddhist teachings and that’s why some of Jesus's childhood is missing from the bible. Suddenly the bible starts off with "Jesus appeared on a Donkey coming from the East" or something similar and that’s why some of his teachings are similar to Buddhism, love your enemies, forgive all who do you harm, most of Jesus's teachings are fairly eastern thinking. Buddhism is 500 years older then Christianity. They also found a tomb of a holy man near Afghanistan that was a healer and a Shepard that had holes in his hands and feet which could clear up what happened to Jesus, instead of him descending into Heaven after his resurrection but his resurrection has not been disclaimed so far, so must be one of the most truest parts of Jesus's life.

Anyone agree to any of this, I personally believe there might be some truth but because Jesus never wrote his teaching and it was done after his death they "Hollywoodised" it. But for it to have gone this far he must have certainly been a lot of truth.

Non Christians reading this are probably having a field day lol.. But before you judge, take at look at your own religion :) Face up to the facts and if you can look past them all, then you have true faith and thats the very thing all religions of the world teach. I didn't include the controversial stuff about Jesus having an affair with Mary Madeline or him being homosexual because because these theories having nothing to support them and also contradict each other so if one is false then both must be and also the fact that Jesus taught that homosexuality was wrong. :)
What I am seeing is, what difference does it make if there were shepherds and wisemen or if there wasn't? What difference does it make if there was a star or there wasn't? What difference does it make where the tomb of Jesus is or was.

See, what they are doing makes no impact either way. The funny thing is they are never going to find certain things because I believe God does not want them to find anything.

A lot of People just want material things to begin with.
I see a Kingdom not of this world. An eternal Kingdom that has no end. So why spend so much energy looking for a Kingdom that is not in this world? LOL:D
We, the people are the eternal Kingdom.

What else I am seeing is a NEW BELIEF. The belief of 'We can prove it IS and we can prove it ISN'T.'
But I don't really see anyone proving anything. Just like what you say controversial things that sell and make money. Some people love the tabloids and gossip and especially controversy.
After the Jesus Mysteries book, that is when I realized what is going on.

It aint no mystery to me.:)
I totally agree with you on that :)

Christians have a high tolerance for this kind of Controversy that’s why they can show documentaries like this in the first place and get way with it. However some people do take it to offense because there faith and ideas of there faith has been targeted but it takes true wisdom to see through it and realize the true meaning of religion, which isn't a measure of material things, evidence is a material thing but material things will never expose the true nature of Christianity or religion for that matter. Like I always say, there is universal truth to all religions and that is faith in immeasurable positivity (God, Gods, Energies) that’s why I see conversions of faith a bad thing. I would never recommend a Jew, Buddhist or Islamic to convert because doing so is not what religion is all about, it’s about honor, respect, love, kindness, peace and devotion to every espect of your life. If you can't accpet and respect your own religion you were born into, then how will you be able to accpet and respect all other aspects of your life. Religion is a bit like Microsoft internet explorer but we also have other internet explorers like AOL's Navigator..... both show us the same thing ;)
It gets tough at times, there is no doubt about it. Like when I see some Jews who accept Jesus as Messiah, they still hold on to many things that they know are true in the Jewish faith. The hardest part seems to be that some of the family rejects them as a person.
But the individual cannot help it, if they see things that others cannot see.

I suppose you are right, Christians have a great tolerance for it. But if you put a Baptist and a Methodist in the line of a debate, then lightening and thunder prevails. I think it is sad there are so many divisions who are all basically believing the same thing. (AOL or NETSCAPE) ha ha ha

So it seems to me, that it all goes so far beyond just traditions and following specific religions. That was one of Romes biggest mistakes.

I don't see where Jesus was really trying to create a religion and force it on others, like what we see people doing all the time. He was just trying to show us who the invisible God is and that if we believe IN him (like believe the things he was trying to teach and show us, we can have eternal life).

When he would say stuff like FOLLOW ME, he did not mean follow him identically like a robot, but follow him in what he was trying to say and get across in the parables and such.
Then when Jesus laid down his life, it was the final showing of how much God loves us because He raised him up in return. It is a beautiful thing to see, but it must be seen with a spiritual mind and eyes.

I mean, we can't help it, and God can't help it that He is invisible:) Right? LOL
I can't even begin to THINK about worshipping something visible like a statue.:p

But there is a tremendous force since about the last 15 years determined to PROVE visible things through controversy that in reality are supposed to be spiritual. It just seems kind of koo koo.

I have to admit, I thought it was pretty awesome when they dug around the temple built by Herod and found the ruins underneath of Solomons Temple. Now that was a neat visible thing.:)
I do watch the History Channel a lot. LOL
What is SKY?

Im not going to comment on your post PM because I think its all an attempt to undeify Christ and to me its not worthy of speculation.
Faithfulservant said:
What is SKY?

Im not going to comment on your post PM because I think its all an attempt to undeify Christ and to me its not worthy of speculation.
I apologies if it seems to be like this, but that’s not what I'm trying to do. Sky is a British version of Cable in the USA. We get these documentaries on our documentary channels, narrated and produced by British people. I feel some how they would cause a stir if they were show in the US. I want to bring the topic to light in stead of having them swept under the carpet. Personally I believe Jesus was everything he said he was. But for me to share what I seen with everyone, it its because I want to clear the air for me and others.
Dear PM

As there are at least 5 gospels of the life of Jesus from birth to age 12 I would discount that theory.

There is no proof about this "Jesus taught that homosexuality was wrong" Check out the Gospel of Mark link on this forum and I think there is a whole thread on this subject.

It clearly states in the bible that Jesus was crucified in Egypt .

Revelations Chapter 11-8

"Our Lord was crucified in Egypt"

As the Catholic archives clearly state there was more then one man called Jesus in different time frames, a good starting point is looking at Jesus Son of Nave, I did start a thread on this subject on this forum.

Jesus and Magdalene well there will be two films out this year, and Jesus certainly speaks with great affection to Mary in her Gospel. My own heart tells me yes Jesus had balance in his life and GOD's grace. Relationships are about balance, clairvoyantly a few years ago, I was also told that he had children as well. All will be revealed when humanity is ready to hear the truth to replace the lies that have been fed.

Going east well I feel this is much more likely between ages 12-25.

being love

The Lord crucified in Egypt...

Revelation 11:8 And their dead bodies (the two annointed ones) will lie in the street of the great city (Jerusalem) which spiritually is called Sodom and Egypt, where also our Lord was crucified.

.. This is speaking of the two annointed ones.. the two witnesses witnessing in the streets of Jerusalem (The Holy City) where also their bodies lay. where the Lord was crucified. If you read the whole chapter.. you would see that they are speaking of the holy city is corrupt as Babylon and Egyptspiritually .. It does not say that the Lord was crucified in Egypt.

The worst thing they did was split the bible up in chapers and verses. If you are forced to read it as a whole rather than taking parts of it in chapter and verse segments you would see. But because one line says "where also our lord was crucified" you miss the whole of it by not reading.
Faithfulservant said:
The Lord crucified in Egypt...

Revelation 11:8 And their dead bodies (the two annointed ones) will lie in the street of the great city (Jerusalem) which spiritually is called Sodom and Egypt, where also our Lord was crucified.

.. This is speaking of the two annointed ones.. the two witnesses witnessing in the streets of Jerusalem (The Holy City) where also their bodies lay. where the Lord was crucified. If you read the whole chapter.. you would see that they are speaking of the holy city is corrupt as Babylon and Egyptspiritually .. It does not say that the Lord was crucified in Egypt.

The worst thing they did was split the bible up in chapers and verses. If you are forced to read it as a whole rather than taking parts of it in chapter and verse segments you would see. But because one line says "where also our lord was crucified" you miss the whole of it by not reading.
I am seeing that the same way FaithfulServant.
You will view it as you wish I gave the words as God guided me to them for the reason stated. In the same way as GOD asked me to look for the biblical Jesse and when searching for the bibilical Jesse I was shown that there was another man called Jesus it will be interesting to see where GOD leads me next with the unveiling of divine truth.

blessings in abundance

Interesting Sacredstar, I see where you coming from ;)

Funny how the 13th disciple the one who was the back stabber, just so happened to be named Judas anyone understand what I'm saying here? Symbolic for the Jewish people that wanted Jesus hanged. Do you see the propaganda as I do? It was very clear that it was the Romans that wanted JESUS CROSSED. and when the romans wrote part of the bible the twisted it blaming it on the Jews. Anti-semitism has been going on for thousands of years.

This doesn't make me any less Chrisitian because what Jesus stands for is something great in a positive way. All I'm doing is questioning the bible but of course all this contraversy could be rubbish too.
Dear PM

I think the bible is a good reference point, last year them upstairs as I call them had me studying the bible intensely for about six months, I was shown many things that I was not previously aware of, it really opened my eyes to some of the knowledge and wisdom to be found in the analogies and metaphors when you look at it with 21st century eyes. But historically I am sure that you will agree that we now know that the bible is incorrect.

One of the things that I was shown was that in the time of Jesus (and before) people that were not very nice were called worms, which is why it is written that they dressed him as the 'scarlet worm' for the trial. And he actually made this statement about himself once convicted. If you are interested I will find the quote for you.

Love beyond measure

My feeling at the time was that he must have felt he had done wrong otherwise he would not been convicted, so he called himself a worm and in some way he felt he had failed GOD.
Matthew 27:17 Therefore, when they had gathered together, Pilate said to them, "Whom do you want me to release to you? Barabbas, or Jesus who is called Christ?" -They picked the murderer.

Mark 15:14-14 Then Pilate said to them, "Why, what evil has He done?" But they cried out all the more, "Crucify Him!" So Pilate, wanting to gratify the crowd, released Barabbas to them; and he delivered Jesus, after he had scourged Him, to be crucified. Luke 23:13-25 Then Pilate, when he had called together the chief priests, the rulers, and the people, 14 said to them, "You have brought this Man to me, as one who misleads the people. And indeed, having examined Him in your presence, I have found no fault in this Man concerning those things of which you accuse Him; 15 no, neither did Herod, for I sent you back to him; and indeed nothing deserving of death has been done by Him. 16 I will therefore chastise Him and release Him" 17 (for it was necessary for him to release one to them at the feast).* 18 And they all cried out at once, saying, "Away with this Man, and release to us Barabbas"-- 19 who had been thrown into prison for a certain rebellion made in the city, and for murder. 20 Pilate, therefore, wishing to release Jesus, again called out to them. 21 But they shouted, saying, "Crucify Him, crucify Him!" 22 Then he said to them the third time, "Why, what evil has He done? I have found no reason for death in Him. I will therefore chastise Him and let Him go." 23 But they were insistent, demanding with loud voices that He be crucified. And the voices of these men and of the chief priests prevailed. 24 So Pilate gave sentence that it should be as they requested. 25 And he released to them the one they requested, who for rebellion and murder had been thrown into prison; but he delivered Jesus to their will.

John 19:15 But they cried out, "Away with Him, away with Him! Crucify Him!" Pilate said to them, "Shall I crucify your King?" The chief priests answered, "We have no king but Caesar!"

Acts 3:13 The God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, the God of our fathers, glorified His Servant Jesus, whom you delivered up and denied in the presence of Pilate, when he was determined to let Him go.

Acts 13:28 And though they found no cause for death in Him, they asked Pilate that He should be put to death.
It was a purple robe.. not scarlet. The purple was signifying a mockery of his claim of being the king of the jews. And it wasnt worm that was a horrible thing to be called.. it was a fool.

But you keep searching for your "divine truth" in whatever way you need to.
No doubt Jesus himself was the son of God and was the Messiah. Christianity is the greatest and largest religion on this planet. Only something with so much truth could cause this. Originally word about Jesus was passed on by word of mouth only, it was only many years after his death the Bible was started being put together by the Romans who converted and started writing parts of it too, and some of the word of mouth started getting fabricated and the Romans were masters of public relations and propaganda. Jesus Christ's life for over 2000 years has helped and is still helping people today with his presence on earth and that was the point of his crucifixion. Christianity by Jesus Christ has bought more good to this earth then anyone man can ever bring in science and medicine.

Maybe God wanted us to have this elaborate version of the bible! Not only because it takes faith to believe in him anyway but because if it was not for this elaborate version it wouldn't have captured the imagination of so many million hearts. And that is my conclusion to all this controversial crap. Ultimately the only thing we have of Jesus Christs teachings is the bible and is the only one accepted.
Postmaster said:
No doubt Jesus himself was the son of God and was the Messiah. Christianity is the greatest and largest religion on this planet. Only something with so much truth could cause this. Originally word about Jesus was passed on by word of mouth only, it was only many years after his death the Bible was started being put together by the Romans who converted and started writing parts of it too, and some of the word of mouth started getting fabricated and the Romans were masters of public relations and propaganda. Jesus Christ's life for over 2000 years has helped and is still helping people today with his presence on earth and that was the point of his crucifixion. Christianity by Jesus Christ has bought more good to this earth then anyone man can ever bring in science and medicine.

Maybe God wanted us to have this elaborate version of the bible! Not only because it takes faith to believe in him anyway but because if it was not for this elaborate version it wouldn't have captured the imagination of so many million hearts. And that is my conclusion to all this controversial crap. Ultimately the only thing we have of Jesus Christs teachings is the bible and is the only one accepted.
Right on Brother! I never even knew him in the flesh, but I sure know him and he is alive and well. ALIVE and WELL. Extremely WELL.:) The gift of the Holy Ghost is our second witness to the bible and his teachings.

Maybe God wanted us to have this elaborate version of the bible!

:) I will second that too! That way the people are without an excuse. I thank God for the writings. That which He is able to deliver He is also able to perform!:)
I created this controversial post with the intent of clearing the air and I know I found the answer for myself and helped clear things for me and I also hope that this would help people too. :) I knew my out come before I even started this post ;)
Jesus Son of God
Man that is a huge claim your telling me 2000 yrs have gone buy and still no one as of yet has proved him a fraud. It easy to tell when one of his followers is just watch TV and listen. But Jesus himself remains True to this day.
I went on a search for the truth I wanted what was before Rome I wanted what was before Israel I wanted the truth From before Nimrod and Tamuzz Ishtar and Semtrias started all this pagen junk I wanted the God that told Noah to build the Ark. The one with the power to give life and take it away.
I also wanted the God Abraham served that would be my friend (no big books to read) just a friend to talk to. A God that made a promise and kept it.
I didnt find that God walking into one of these churches here in the "bible belt" of middle america. I had Jesus pounded into my head from the time I was a child I was sure He wasnt it.
But then I went back to Abraham I read as he left UR I read as he offered his son as a true test of devotion and love.
I studied tried take all the spin off the old stories. I used the Bible for a history lesson so I could follow this promise God made Abraham testing him to see if he was true to His word. I was eventually lead to the truth not by Doctrine ,not by believing what some guy in a suit and tie tells me every sunday but buy study alone with writings from many different resourses.
I cant say for sure all the Bible is true I put no faith in the men that compiled it. I can say it is a very clear history lesson of one culture.
I was lead to Jesus because in this puzzle of mine He is the only piece that fits. He is my only link to the God of Abraham.
I read where He said before Abraham was I Am that was and is the God I choose to serve.
I have no ties to what most see as Christianity I could use the Bible its self to contradict what most preach.
I dont need to hear voices in my head to believe in Him.
The Truth is out there He has been out there since Time began.
Because it is the Truth it cant and will never be disproved.
You can change all the stories around it even build new ones off of it but at the root is still the truth.
I have A God that is all powerful
I have a Friend that keeps His promises
I have Truth in a world that creates new lies everyday
I have Jesus
2000 yrs and counting He is still the Truth