Israel Regardie's Introduction to the Qabalah


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...the Qabalah is the most suitable system for the basis of our magical alphabet, to which we shall be able to refer the sum total of all our knowledge and experiences - religious, philosophical and scientific. The Qabalistic alphabet is, as we shall proceed to explain, an elaborate system of attributions and correspondences; a convenient method of classification enabling the philosopher to docket his experiences and ideas as he obtains them. It is comparable to a filing cabinet of thirty-two jackets in which an extensive system of information is filed.

Excerpt from A Garden of Pomegranates available at Google Books:"&printsec=frontcover#spf=1605002728686
Nice one. Are you reading it? Are you doing the exercises? Are you interested in Magic(k), then? Would you agree to have it moved to the Magick subforum?

Or are you more interested in a general spiritual discussion of Hermetic Qabalah? If so, which aspect?
I only reached Chp 2 so far but really, it does tempt me to follow thru and make a model of that filing system.
Nice one. Are you reading it? Are you doing the exercises? Are you interested in Magic(k), then? Would you agree to have it moved to the Magick subforum?

Or are you more interested in a general spiritual discussion of Hermetic Qabalah? If so, which aspect?

"Are you interested in Magic(k), then?"

umm...It's a scary topic for me when I consider that there are adepts out there.

" Would you agree to have it moved to the Magick subforum?"

Sure, lead the way.
"Are you interested in Magic(k), then?"

umm...It's a scary topic for me when I consider that there are adepts out there.

May I ask what scares you? The thought of people with more knowledge or experience on the topic? Or the thought of people who are into this with the same earnest devotion and dedication as anyone studying and practicing a more mainstream religion?
Power can be intimidating. In comparison to the power that runs our society - electric, water, transportation, communications - I am nothing.

"The winning move is not to play" may be our saving grace.
"The winning move is not to play" may be our saving grace.
But we may not be allowed even that. Not only are we required not to say certain things, but we are required TO say certain things. Silence is regarded as complicity in the system of oppression?
But we may not be allowed even that. Not only are we required not to say certain things, but we are required TO say certain things. Silence is regarded as complicity in the system of oppression?

Ah yes, the magick in our words as we preserve and cultivate a state of advantage with the perks of comfort, variety and entertainment.