A Thought . . . .


Mad Idiot Savant
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I'm a Deist. I don't have a problem with "organized/revealed religions" as long as they don't do anything in the way of infringing on others' rights.

Yes, I have a problem with ultra right-wing Christians and how they view those of other religious beliefs and lifestyles.

Someone--in another forum--once posted that those who believe that their religious beliefs are 100% true and right (It's their way or the highway) . . . those people are foolish.

Does anyone agree?

I mean, I don't agree with some Deist viewpoints. Do you have to embrace your faith 110%? Without any and all doubts?
I dont think its just ultra right wing christians that have the problem of viewing their religious beliefs as being the end all be all of things and enforcing those beliefs on others. I can think of a lot that arent Christian. Even some that dont have any Gods in their belief system.

I think what it is for me is that I am completely convicted of my faith. Its 110% doubt free. It actually seems sad to me that one would have doubt in their faith or their religion.

For me it would be lying to someone if I told them that there are other ways to God than through Jesus. I dont want that kind of blood on my shoulders. Do I go around and tell people repent and accept Jesus as your savior or your doomed to hell? NO! Thats not my job. My job is to love and love isnt judgemental and threatening. I dont believe in scare tactics I dont believe in shoving my religion down peoples throats. Its not up to me. It up to that person and God.
Welcome to CR btw :)
Hi Lensmanz313, and welcome to CR :D

I agree with you. I like playing around with ideas, no matter how much they oppose my views, and I try to put myself in the other person's shoes. One thing that puts me off is people who are unwilling to consider an alternative viewpoint-regardless of what their beliefs say about the matter. As you said, their way or the highway...I really have a low tolerance for that sort of thing.:eek: As ironic as that sounds.
I have to admit, as I see it as a problem of general human attitude, rather individual religion. :)
I said:
I have to admit, as I see it as a problem of general human attitude, rather individual religion. :)
I think that says it best right there.

People are more or less brought up in a belief and unless they search for themselves they just get stuck in whatever was given them.

I have been indeed been sent to hell by many Christians, but I still believe in Jesus Christ.
I do believe in Jesus 110% and the Bible both old and new testaments for eternal life and I just will never bow to anything else. I have been filled with the Holy Ghost for 29 years. You dont just walk out on it.:)

I do like to know what others are seeing and I feel I can learn from most everyone.

There is no doubt some who absolutely refuse to even listen to what someone else is trying to say and neither are they going to try to understand which is a shame.
Organized religion creates that sense of power that makes them point fingers, threaten others and go off the deep end.
I dont think there are any two people who are going to see everything eye to eye.

There is more to life than just bibles and beliefs.:D
I used to consider alternative viewpoints to my religious beliefs and it sent me down a bad road. I started making exceptions in my mind about what I believe God wanted and expected of me. I got lost. It took a long time to come back and I came back stronger but I still now know that I cant allow alternative viewpoints to cloud what I know for myself. It doesnt stop me from discussing other peoples faiths or lack thereof. Im a curious person I want to know things I want to know what insights other people have. Sometimes I disagree and sometimes I agree it doesnt mean I cant be their friend or find something that we do agree on to base a friendship. How boring it would be if everyone thought the same way. Places like CR wouldnt be quite as interesting.
LensmanZ313 said:
I'm a Deist. I don't have a problem with "organized/revealed religions" as long as they don't do anything in the way of infringing on others' rights.

Yes, I have a problem with ultra right-wing Christians and how they view those of other religious beliefs and lifestyles.

Someone--in another forum--once posted that those who believe that their religious beliefs are 100% true and right (It's their way or the highway) . . . those people are foolish.

Does anyone agree?

I mean, I don't agree with some Deist viewpoints. Do you have to embrace your faith 110%? Without any and all doubts?
When it comes to religious beliefs, I leave that to individuals and respect their right to believe what they will. In fact, even if someone believed that their religion was the one and only moral religion, that only they were going to enjoy salvation, and there can be no other way, I'd still respect their rights to believe or even say that in a fair and appropriate venue.

But what is completely unacceptible, is any attempt to lie, mistreat, disrespect, or oppress those of differing beliefs. In other words, if a person said, "you know, I think all you people are going to hell, but in the mean time I'm going to treat you with respect and work with you honestly and equally in peace" that would be fine by me. :)