Nelson Mandela - in London Make Poverty History



Anyone living near to London might wish to join Nelson Mandela on the 3rd of February.

ON FEB 3rd you will have the unique opportunity to see Nelson Mandela appear in London’s Trafalgar Square, where he will call on world leaders to MAKEPOVERTYHISTORY.

Mr Mandela will be appealing to the G7 leaders to make concrete commitment to overcoming poverty in their meeting beginning in London the next day. He will also emphasise the importance of 2005 as a great opportunity for change. Guest speakers and key supporters will appear with Nelson Mandela to call for action.

Everyone in Trafalgar Square will be wearing white bands – you can go online now and buy yours at Wearing the white band says that you want an end to poverty, and that now is the time for us to take action together.

This is your personal invitation to come to Trafalgar Square at 12 noon on February 3rd, and be part of this important moment. You can join Nelson Mandela in calling for progress on poverty in 2005, and demanding that world leaders put their money where their mouth is.

To find out more visit the website now.

A true Charioteer.......

Blessings in abundance
