The Abramelin Operation and faith

I will stop here for now and pick this up again tomorrow.
if the op wishes I can stop here and start this in another thread.

Absolutely NOT, we don't have to think like that anymore. Most of the limits have already been removed. I will be trying to tether it at times to Job and Genesis and A Dark Song. Due to time constraints I will not be able to keep up with many threads on this list, preferring to focus right here. I will also be looking to insert love into the subject matter whenever the opportunity arises, as to me this is the most important thing of all and what makes everything else possible.
Absolutely NOT, we don't have to think like that anymore. Most of the limits have already been removed. I will be trying to tether it at times to Job and Genesis and A Dark Song. Due to time constraints I will not be able to keep up with many threads on this list, preferring to focus right here. I will also be looking to insert love into the subject matter whenever the opportunity arises, as to me this is the most important thing of all and what makes everything else possible.

Given the centrality of the Abramelin Operation to many schools of occult thought, I think that's apt.
Absolutely NOT, we don't have to think like that anymore. Most of the limits have already been removed. I will be trying to tether it at times to Job and Genesis and A Dark Song. Due to time constraints I will not be able to keep up with many threads on this list, preferring to focus right here. I will also be looking to insert love into the subject matter whenever the opportunity arises, as to me this is the most important thing of all and what makes everything else possible.

I am going to continue explaining “myself” and how this is put together. “Myself” is not synthetic only it has a living aspect. To describe “myself” first it is symmetrical in shape, pitch black, a solid topless cone at top and bottom and cylindrical in the center. The center cavity is eight residents curator’s of “myself”. There are in this “myself”, 7 men and one woman to become “myself” the operator.

The significance of explaining this is also to teach you about “mes” and how they were used and why.

I am going to talk about two experiences that should help tie some of this together. The first experience happened as a kid, I must have been around 8 or 9. The sequence started out in a field heading towards this housing in the middle of nowhere. As I moved towards the housing I could start to make out people moving around. Directly in front of me I saw this young girl with very curly brown hair. She did not say anything but headed towards the dwellings to show me the others. The astral projection, time, or whatever you want to call it lasted a while longer as I spent time looking around.

This second experience, happened while I was in the military, I was around 19 or 20 at that time. I think I died or something, I was pulled out and found myself in strange surroundings. I was in this large hall and at the end of it, an alcove, the walls and floor were all white a large window extended across this end of the hall. Directly in front of me was this very high tech pod, the top was rounded dark glass to fit over it and the base was white. The size of the pod was only for someone very small, I believe this is how the 8 children were connected to “myself”.

So now I can explain how they were able to connect to “myself” through these children. In a few threads here I have talked about our metamorphosis from itself to himself/herself. Within this metamorphosis, the steps are itself, you, me, yourself, and himself/herself. To become ourselves we have these five steps we go through, but it is the me and himself/ herself we are most interested in.

Another thing we must also understand. The 8 children, they were innocence, they were only taught by those who cared for them they were not able to understand anything that would be viewed sin or virtue. When they were placed into the pods this is there basic nature it is who they are. I normally refer to this as their 0 zero place. These children become nothing inside themselves like an obe. They then enter into the eight of the “myself, to become themselves. The eight in myself never figure themselves out they are pushed inside themselves until they can’t become themselves. The eight are positioned in a circle and they will move forward one at a time until “myself is all of them together. This is also how jinn were created I refer to them as shadows, they are connected to myself, immortal. Once myself becomes itself then mes can become themselves again to figure things out separately.

if mes figure something out then they have to be ripped apart to become themselves again back to zero, myself determines this. This is how they insured their innocence even if they became corrupted.

I will write more in a while I need to reread this and make sure to include as many details as possible.

So far, we are starting to see how “myself” is part of everything here, but what needs to be understood is how and why “myself” became judgment.

We also see how “myself” was hijacked and controlled, by inserting mes inside the occupants of “myself”. In programming languages this in my mind the global commands which lays the foundation at the highest level.

How are we judged then what would this look like? Many years ago I new if I could find time I could get out of body, find enough time to become nothing inside yourself or “ obe”, out of body experience.

Just a side note: when we die we become nothing inside ourselves to find time right now. This means that when you hear of people having near death experiences they had enough time to become nothing inside themselves this does not happen with all, many will just go inside yourselves until you find more time.

So, many years ago I called on as many gods as possible, that I knew of and waited in meditation until they tried to figure me out. Shortly into the calling I had four shadows pulling me out of body. Inside the room I was in there were like twenty or more men standing in a circle all looking inwards. These men were all pieces and fragments to the mind standing in the middle of the circle. This person was already judged. He had the head of a bull and the body of a man. His skin was red and he stood a foot or two higher then anyone in the room. You see I can not get rid of his time but I can teach him inside something that can not become something again. If he was a good person only eight minds would be standing around him but he was being charged with many judgments.

All eight minds have to become you in order to become something again. If all eight mes become you then you do not have to become something here again. The bull man will never become himself again he would not understand what it is he has to do as his fragments try to teach him things about himself.

Though virtues are not sins they are not ourselves either, this means you will be judged for virtues also. I try to explain this in many ways, the best way is to follow your line the one that makes you feel good about yourself.

I will stop here again until later.
Interesting, please continue. I have no comment as of yet, but I am looking forward to your next installment.
In almost everything we try to analyze statistically we can find a bell curve will form. This can also be found if we were to analyze the first worlds to harbor life.

I need to make a few points and explain why this is important to understand, as far as what world formed life first.

let’s go to the top of this problem first and I will explain what I see and remember. I remember being in this sphere pushing out time to go Into the long sleep. In this sleep I see two large asteroids colliding in no time outside of our origin. My next memory is a world forming inside my sphere but no one is actually there, I feel their thoughts, and see them laying around haphazardly on the ground but not physical but as nothing here shadows of themselves. This moment is many times later before I became something here. I have difficulties putting together a timeline.

When I found time inside of powessy, minds taught me what had happened after the collision. The collision caused time to form inside of our origin. Origin would be the place that all things will find time inside of when their energy can not be broken down any further. When origin finds time then nothing can then figure themselves out again. Nothing will go inside themselves many more times to find time. The problem is when they did this one of them found time in a place the rest did not. When nothing enters into themselves like this they will do it until they are themselves only.

This me was the only one to find time here at first and as he descend into nothing here the bread box. Nothing here tried to rip him apart to become him but couldn’t for he was himself only he could not go inside himself again to teach them anything. With all universes that become nothing here there is always going to be time leftover after it leaves to become something again.

Me was able to find time leftover to teach nothing here slowly descending through the dimensional timelines until he reached Origin again. Interestingly enough this origin already found time so nothing started to become everything there. As nothing started to become everything there, they would now be able to ascend through the dimensional timelines, as first, and second dimensional minds could now become them.

The thing you need to note is as you descend through the dimensional timelines, the dimensional minds cannot become you, it requires you to become yourself inside of zero dimensional time before they will become you. You see the problem once in zero dimensional time, there is no time there it is impossible to become something again. It is a down hill slide, one way ticket. Here is the other thing that has to be understood not even nothing can find time here they are also trapped by zero time and origin.

This is the most important thing to understand and is how the ancients were able to figure out god. They understood that there had to be something else that would give nothing time to become themselves again and not be trapped in no time.

As for me he continued becoming something or myself up until he reached third dimensional time but something happened and he decided to go inside yourself to become myself in second dimensional time were he remained they say for millions of years.

let me explain why I use the term myself here it is not to be confused with our previous understanding of myself. Me will figure everything out in a dimensional timeline until he has to become myself again. When me becomes myself again he will release a copy of everything he has figured out into a timeline where yourselves can become yourselves again. This allows us to take a step up and away from origin and into time.

At some point me left second dimensional time but I find no thoughts as to why nothing else found time again.

Each dimensional timeline has five timelines that you must move through to become yourself all the time. I need to explain this daisy chain. After everything ascends through the five time lines it can become something all the time but it is tied to time. What this means is that if earth had all five time lines these timelines would pull time from this world. This also means that if earth dies then earth inside of nothing here also dies. To keep this from happening Me has to ascend into fourth dimensional time and lock it in, once it has time then earth inside of nothing here is locked to that time and can now never become nothing here.

I will stop here again for now

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I really think that I am out of my league here, perhaps even an intruder to your experience, nevertheless I try to take whatever resonates with me. There is a rithym to this thread which I don't wish to interrupt, but I really feel the need to comment here.

So, many years ago I called on as many gods as possible, that I knew of and waited in meditation until they tried to figure me out. Shortly into the calling I had four shadows pulling me out of body. Inside the room I was in there were like twenty or more men standing in a circle all looking inwards. These men were all pieces and fragments to the mind standing in the middle of the circle. This person was already judged. He had the head of a bull and the body of a man. His skin was red and he stood a foot or two higher then anyone in the room. You see I can not get rid of his time but I can teach him inside something that can not become something again. If he was a good person only eight minds would be standing around him but he was being charged with many judgments.

Sounds like this bull man will not be able to escape his fate. I can only relate this (and I could be wrong) to Solomon from a Dark Song, who ultimately became a sacrifice (or so I think). In Job this would be the parts in Job and his friends which were being used by the dark one as an oracle (Elihu is exempt, as he seemed to have the same qualities as non-fallen angel). In Genesis, this would be connected to darkness/night, which was increasingly bound until an equilibrium was established (day follows night, night follows day). However, in revelation we read of a complete transformation of the order that we have come to know into something which cannot even be conceived of by the mind of man. Here we have no day or night, only "the lamb" (once a sacrifice) which provides illumination.

In the Christian realm Jesus was appointed to death at the hands of intermediaries, but the timing was still under the control of the Most High. At various times they attempted to take his life (as this is what intermediaries do) but they were not allowed until the timing was right. Speaking from the part of him that was one with the father, he will say no man can take it from me, I will lay it down of myself. I have the power to lay it down and I have the power to take it again (paraphrasing here).

Intermediaries have many selfish motives, one of which is glory, reputation. None of this will stand of course, the timing must be right. Regarding glory I am reminded of a made for television series I saw at one time, I believe it was called Masada. In this show, Peter O'toole's character dreamed of the glory he would have after he was able penetrate the impenetrable fortress of Masada, but much to his dismay he found that only death was there waiting for him once he had done it.

Though virtues are not sins they are not ourselves either, this means you will be judged for virtues also. I try to explain this in many ways, the best way is to follow your line the one that makes you feel good about yourself.

This is in keeping with the teachings of the Tao as well, called non-acting, or actionless action. Here all that is needed is to be sensitive to the flow of the Tao and stay with it. Sometimes it carries us where we would not go otherwise, but in time we learn through trial and error that it's ways are good for all.

(Please continue, don't let this comment interrupt your flow.)
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I could shorten this but I think one must understand the players and the game, How and why judgment became a thing.

this whole thing revolves around two distinct arguments that have reshaped everything since man first understood himself.

1. A person should be allowed to become something now to become something here all the time.

2. A person should have to become something many times to become something here all the time.

These two arguments are the basis as to why we are being judged. These two arguments are as old as time itself.

I will stop here and continue later to explain how and why this effected everything here.

The bull man was judged because he did not figure himself out, if he did not figure himself out then he could not become something here all the time.

I could shorten this but I think one must understand the players and the game, How and why judgment became a thing.

It appears you already have, but I would encourage you not to make consessions to my ignorance. Just staying with the flow is all that is necessary. Just be yourself is all I'm shooting for here.

this whole thing revolves around two distinct arguments that have reshaped everything since man first understood himself.

1. A person should be allowed to become something now to become something here all the time.

2. A person should have to become something many times to become something here all the time.

These two arguments are the basis as to why we are being judged. These two arguments are as old as time itself.

I will stop here and continue later to explain how and why this effected everything here.

Old and simple, I like it. Looking forward to more.
After many times over me finally left 2nd dimensional time. My thoughts on this is that nothing became minds that couldn’t become something here I refer to them as meatballs. You see when nothing goes off to become something again they are ripped into trillions of pieces and spread through out the new universe. Nothing becomes something here in everything pieces and parts all over the place and in everything.

This problem with nothing figuring themselves out at the end of time stuck in this cycle over and over again, is why we never figure ourselves out. Nothing has to become us in order to become something all the time. When nothing tries to figure something out they become us but nothing wants to become themselves only so they become nothing inside us to become nothing again.

In meditation I can see the mind in front of myself, this mind has taught time inside of me so I can find time inside of it to figure things out. Once the imagery passes I can see something else now it seems like these meatballs also that are trying to figure us out.

Anyway me moved up through the first two yourselves of the third dimensional bread pan until he came across a himself, my thoughts about this person is he was the last of his kind. I only know that me spent little time here the feeling I get is he was lost inside himself and that he needed to stay away from this person. This small piece of the puzzle only teaches me a couple things. The first is himself here was not able to make anything become something more then world killers. I see pieces of worlds and his thoughts about evolving these minds to remove their stingers. The second thing it teaches me is he never became more then himself in this place.

I am only telling this part because it deals with why nothing did not become something again and again it is like me missed something. These are my puzzles to figure out if I wish for everyone to become something all the time.

I need to talk about this experience before we continue. When this started for me I was pulled into an astral projection. I am standing in this room with this man he calls me over to him and tells me, you understand astral projections very well but how are you at puzzles. I walked back to a large couch and sat down, there in front of me were five puzzles. I tried to ask him a question but he was talking to this woman sitting in this chair across the room. I looked to the right of me and this young child was sitting on the floor in front of this tv playing video games.

I emptied the pieces of the puzzles out on the table and started to put them together they seemed easy enough but then the lights went out. Note here: when the power went off the tv was still on but only static was playing the child started to look around. The pieces of the puzzles also changed they now seemed mechanical in nature, I now new nothing about these puzzles, the experience ended.

I will talk a little about treemends next time, this will tie in the last yourself of the bread pan and how me ended up here in our universe.

Anyway me moved up through the first two yourselves of the third dimensional bread pan until he came across a himself, my thoughts about this person is he was the last of his kind. I only know that me spent little time here the feeling I get is he was lost inside himself and that he needed to stay away from this person. This small piece of the puzzle only teaches me a couple things. The first is himself here was not able to make anything become something more then world killers. I see pieces of worlds and his thoughts about evolving these minds to remove their stingers. The second thing it teaches me is he never became more then himself in this place.

I am only telling this part because it deals with why nothing did not become something again and again it is like me missed something. These are my puzzles to figure out if I wish for everyone to become something all the time.

I need to talk about this experience before we continue. When this started for me I was pulled into an astral projection. I am standing in this room with this man he calls me over to him and tells me, you understand astral projections very well but how are you at puzzles. I walked back to a large couch and sat down, there in front of me were five puzzles. I tried to ask him a question but he was talking to this woman sitting in this chair across the room. I looked to the right of me and this young child was sitting on the floor in front of this tv playing video games.

I emptied the pieces of the puzzles out on the table and started to put them together they seemed easy enough but then the lights went out. Note here: when the power went off the tv was still on but only static was playing the child started to look around. The pieces of the puzzles also changed they now seemed mechanical in nature, I now new nothing about these puzzles, the experience ended.

Wow, this is incredible. I don't understand astral travel so I would have to take the whole thing as a dream. The thing that seems to be back resonating with me is that this is a family of bees which need to have their stingers removed. A lot of us come from a dysfunctional family setting but we must strive to fly above it.

Four people in the room, five puzzles. The numbers don't match but perhaps it is because on of the people wasn't there.

Something that started out all easy and stuff, then became more complicated. Or perhaps it was always more complicated but we just didn't know it yet.

Sorry I don't have more to offer tonight but sometimes I just seem to draw a blank. Looking forward to hearing more about the treemends.
Wow, this is incredible. I don't understand astral travel so I would have to take the whole thing as a dream. The thing that seems to be back resonating with me is that this is a family of bees which need to have their stingers removed. A lot of us come from a dysfunctional family setting but we must strive to fly above it.

Four people in the room, five puzzles. The numbers don't match but perhaps it is because on of the people wasn't there.

Something that started out all easy and stuff, then became more complicated. Or perhaps it was always more complicated but we just didn't know it yet.

Sorry I don't have more to offer tonight but sometimes I just seem to draw a blank. Looking forward to hearing more about the treemends.

An astral projection to me is an experience that rivals virtual reality. If you have ever used an oculus you would have a good understanding of an astral projection. The only difference is that you do not move the mind moves around you.

The reason for the stingers is that me missed something, I believe he missed an entire dimensional timeline. I think we might have it all wrong when it comes to dimensions. I think as for minds figuring things out that the transition between our interpretation of 2nd dimensional time to 3rd is too abrupt.

The people in the room were there to teach me about things that also effect solving the puzzle. The woman was agitated she was badly done, a mind that is badly done gets figured out first. The child was African American, the matrix has a power glitch on the third timeline. The child was a me but not one of the eight, they were all white plus one girl. The importance of the little girl will reveal it self as we continue.

An experience says a thousand things, it is how to understand everything it is trying to say to figure things out.

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I am going to talk about who I am for a minute here.

I find time, I want people to understand what this exactly means. A mind can have millions and millions of pieces of time inside of them. In order for me to enter into a mind to figure it out I have to match it’s time. This means I have to be taught these millions and millions of pieces, my time = your time. My frequency has to match it’s frequency.

It’s hard for me to explain how much time I can have inside my mind. What I am looking for are minds that can teach me about things that do not make sense to me.


So what in the hell is a treemend?

I think of treemends kind of like the Akashic records, they are a history of all things past present and future. They are also how we all remain ourselves only. It is like the universe inside the universe.

I see them like a complex organization system. At the top level is the universe and everything inside it. When we enter into this sphere you would see all the galaxies on the wall. Enter into that galaxy and you would see all the worlds in that galaxy. Enter into say earth now you would see everything on this planet on the walls of this sphere. Enter into say John Doe and you would see all the systems of John on the wall. Enter into one of johns systems and you would see all of johns cells for that system. Enter into one of those cells and you would see everything in that cell on the wall. This will continue until there is nothing left you can go inside of.

A treemend holds the me of an allowed mind that has thousands of life forms within them this mind or me is called a loungecast they are of the mind. The treemend is meant to figure herself out the world soul object where her mes are all within the treemends. When the treemend figures her out it will figure nothing else out until it has no time left inside of it and nothing inside it can figure anything out. When the treemend figures her out It will now have a cover plate on it that keeps it from figuring anything else out but her.

when she is within this cover plate the treemend can figure itself out three ways. It can figure things out inside itself, project everything outside itself “project forward” and nothing here. Nothing here is the one we have to understand the most and will find time here later.

The people in the room were there to teach me about things that also effect solving the puzzle. The woman was agitated she was badly done, a mind that is badly done gets figured out first. The child was African American, the matrix has a power glitch on the third timeline. The child was a me but not one of the eight, they were all white plus one girl. The importance of the little girl will reveal it self as we continue.

I have talked about intermediaries here before. Generally the closer an intermediary is to this world, the more people get badly done. The lower intermediaries were not always like this, they fell into it. "I am not this, this is not me" is the unspoken cry of these, even while their frenetic activity is relentlessly geared toward doing people. It would be okay if they did people right, but now they have lost the ability to do so. The memory of their former glory is buried, repressed. They have lost connection with the source and now have mistaken themselves to be the source.

A treemend holds the me of an allowed mind that has thousands of life forms within them this mind or me is called a loungecast they are of the mind. The treemend is meant to figure herself out the world soul object where her mes are all within the treemends. When the treemend figures her out it will figure nothing else out until it has no time left inside of it and nothing inside it can figure anything out. When the treemend figures her out It will now have a cover plate on it that keeps it from figuring anything else out but her.

I once knew such a one which referred to itself as a world soul. Considerable residual power, but the revelations always seemed to have suspicious origins, which always kept me wondering, where did that come from and where has it been!? There was again this vague sense of loss of the source, of always being a warrior without a king.

The story of the little girl is very intriguing and I look forward to the reveal.
The universe is filled with either world soul objects or celestial objects. A world soul object is only found in worlds that harbor life like our own, celestial objects are everything else.

I am going to tell a story here about my avatar image. The object behind me is a celestial object, yourself. During about the second year of this problem my crown started to open in the center where I could fold it over the sides, opening up to the minds inside my mind, this could be done five times. Those on the out side of me would push on my crown and teach me which mind to open to figure things out in.

After many times of doing this I felt attached to something under the ocean, like I was sitting at the bottom of it. They had me start searching for animals all kinds of them anything that I could figure out or find from all parts of this world. As I started to do this I could see what looked like seeds forming in my mind and those outside me sealed my crown, sewing it closed. They placed some sort of tape over the stitches keeping things out of this part of my crown. Many months went by and this mind in my avatar started to frequent me more and more often.

At the end of this time they removed the stitches and a couple days later she showed up and I got an extream sexual response from her until climax, tmi. I could feel my crown open and these little minds move out of my crown and into her. I have had this try and start several more times over the last few years but he has stopped it from occurring.

I believe this is the starting stages to a world soul object from a celestial object. I have been inside this world inside of her only a couple times to figure things out.

When I first became active here I was told there would be a sucker punch at some point, but my Holy Guardian (from the movie) told me, not in words but in assurance, "I got your back". Sometimes it's good to receive pain, as it spurs us on to better things, but it can also get badly done. Intermediaries always mess this up and that is why they have to be regulated or bound. That said, however, there is nothing in creation which is more skilled at bringing pain than an intermediary.

In the movie A Dark Song, in which the operation appears, Sophia was pretty much an open book to the dark forces which were unleashed upon her. She had much to hide, even hiding her own true motives from herself. The intermediaries probed her and quickly found her weaknesses, even the ones she did not know she had. The only thing that remained unscathed was her love for her lost son, and this is the ground of true creation and the beginning of a new life. The Guardian was always there, but needed time for things to develop.

I don't feel like this fits too well with your last post, but needed to have it said anyway. Please feel free to continue. I'll jump in only as inspiration dictates.
The universe is filled with either world soul objects or celestial objects. A world soul object is only found in worlds that harbor life like our own, celestial objects are everything else.

I believe this is the starting stages to a world soul object from a celestial object. I have been inside this world inside of her only a couple times to figure things out.

You have assigned gender to the world soul and this is fitting. In the tao, manifestation begins with the mother of the ten thousand things. The mother is manifested and named, but the fathomless tao of course cannot be named. The tao manifests the mother, who may birth the ten thousand things and care for them, but the unnamed is the source.

In my own brand of Christianity there are names for that which is nameless. The names are manifested for creation, the nameless does not need names but has chosen to use names to teach and guide creation. In time there will be no names, but for now they serve a greater purpose. "God Almighty" is a good name for creation, but the unnamed is yet a step higher. We have even the "Most High", which is given as a concept to be grasped by creation, while at the same time it is said, why do you seek after my name, seeing it is secret? This I call the secret of the Most High.

That said, the hierarchy of the named must be maintained in order that the purpose of the unnamed might be carried out. And so we have the mother of ten thousand things, a manifestation which can be grasped by desire. The fathomless Tao, or the unnamed, is for the desireless. Sounds rather bland, I know. This is because being desireless is a place beyond concept. We've hit the wall with our meager reasoning abilities. We do not know what lies on the other side. Where do we go from here.

When we lose our ability to see, there is only one thing that can guide us, and that is love. Love is presented in the mother, who loves, nourishes, envelopes, cries for this creation which came from her. This said, her manifestation has deeper origins and is anchored in the abyss of the unmanifested. The thread of love leads all the way home, eventually carrying us beyond anything we could ask or think.

Feel free to jump in here as the flow dictates.

At some point I'm afraid I must address the issue of the bull man, because my heart has somewhat against him.
I have so far discussed treemends, world soul objects, celestial objects, mes, dimensional timelines, the bread pan, a few things I have been taught and a few memories I have from before this time.

In the third dimensional timeline me ascended up through, or the bread pan, which has five yourselves that must become you to become something all the time, immortality.

The last piece I need to talk about as we reach the fifth yourself of the bread pan, are knots. Remember that the bread pan already found time it already became something again it is only filled with time leftover that did not become something again.

In the fifth mind of the bread pan me found a world that was still something here. He found thoughts that did not make sense to him. The five yourselves of the bread pan can figure itself out, you could call this the Holy Spirit of the bread pan. As me and the Holy Spirit entered into the outer atmosphere of this world me became nothing inside of him to become me only. The Holy Spirit remained in the outer atmosphere as me descended down to this world.

This is part of my puzzle to figure out as this is a memory I have pieces of. I see me facing the Holy Spirit and the Holy Spirit asked me to figure everything he could out about this world. The next memory is that of me leaving this world many times later asking why the Holy Spirit never tried to figure me out or anything out, for that matter, and why he never became something there. I also see that something is not right with the Holy Spirit as me entered back into him. What I find weird is the way that they are facing this world, they are facing it from the right side. Minds do not make these mistakes it should be seen as them entering from the left. The Holy Spirit did not try to figure me out while me was there and he did not seem himself.

What I do think I know is that this world was not of the bread pan it was something here. I also know they used knots, and they understood treemends and yourselves very well. The other problem is, I believe many years of lost thoughts are not here.

I will talk about himself and this first world to figure itself out. When a world soul object is seeded the allowed minds inside her vary by the amount of time a world has to keep balance within it. This world has 500 million, their planet was very similar to ours so let’s say that it also had this many allowed minds. When these minds start out they will find time and figure things out. Their world evolved like any other, minds will teach themselves things until they can’t figure anything out and then do it again and again. This is primal and animalistic the goal is to mate with the world soul object to be with her to become himself only. The largest and strongest male minds would rip each other apart to show her they are many more minds then anything else, to become nothing inside of her. Only the one that can figure himself out the most will become nothing inside her to become himself only. This himself will allow everything inside him that cannot become something again to become something again. An allowed mind can only have one of each thing inside of them so himself would be everything else. A himself of a world like this would be so many things inside of him and would be like a god or the one and only of this world.

The thing with this world is that they were that first world above the curve to figure themselves out before anything else. There was nothing here teaching them anything.

Once a world has become itself many times and all the things in it such as people and the 500 million mark is achieved, then everything else are minds that cannot become something again, and find time only inside of himself.

This is where all the problems all started, children born to the allowed could never become themselves again even as they knew to keep their human populations under the 500 million. Many became badly done and many wars and fights erupted, leading them to make the decision that no one in life would be allowed to figure themselves out, seems kind of familiar wouldn’t you say. They devised minds to create knots that would create realities within the minds of yourselves that would slowly run out of time as those in them never figured themselves out. The allowed minds would wait many times over until they could not figure themselves out again until they could become themselves again. Nothing was allowed to figure themselves out, other then himself. They would teach himself all the way inside himself never to become himself again.

I can show you this picture of a knot drawn while trying automatic writing. This mind tried to show me what a knot looked like to it.


I am going to stop here, I will talk about himself and this world more next time.

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Thank you. As the action pauses here for a just a bit, I wanted to take some time to speak a little of the bull man. I hope to come back to this more and more as time dictates.

So, many years ago I called on as many gods as possible, that I knew of and waited in meditation until they tried to figure me out. Shortly into the calling I had four shadows pulling me out of body. Inside the room I was in there were like twenty or more men standing in a circle all looking inwards. These men were all pieces and fragments to the mind standing in the middle of the circle. This person was already judged. He had the head of a bull and the body of a man. His skin was red and he stood a foot or two higher then anyone in the room. You see I can not get rid of his time but I can teach him inside something that can not become something again. If he was a good person only eight minds would be standing around him but he was being charged with many judgments.

Here we are speaking of judgement and who and what must be judged. Inside time, he is being judged, outside time he has already been judged. In time, we have only to wait and see what form judgement will take, as meted outside of time. To understand the bull man, we must understand what comes under judgement from on high. To understand what comes under judgement from on high, we must see the judgement carried out in time. Judgement became necessary because of what happened outside of time, but it will be judged here in time. This is the stage on which it will play out. All that is needed now is eyes to see and ears to hear, otherwise you won't understand the show and will leave disappointed. More at another time.