Satan as an Isolate Consciousness

'Amir Alzzalam

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Part One

Of all the arguments in favor of the physical (theistic) existence of Satan/Set (Prince of Darkness), Dr. Michael A. Aquino's is one of the more logical and stable theories. Man is superior to all other animals, our higher intellect appears to be the result of something that interfered with our natural evolution. That 'something' is hypothesized by Dr. Aquino to be an Isolate Intelligence known as the Prince of Darkness and its Gift the Black Flame.

"We know that there is evidence for the existence of an intelligent entity distinct from the objective universe and thus in incidental, if not deliberate conflict with its laws. For whatever its reasons, it has instilled in humanity the potential to enjoy the same external perspective, as well as the intelligence to do so with deliberate, creative purpose." - Dr. Aquino

I am in agreement that Man's unusual evolution appears to be 'introduced' to us by an external force separate from the confines of the objective universe. However, from our long history of philosophical and psychological thought, we have been confronted by a plethora of ideas from various cultures that point toward Man and a Higher Self. I prefer to use the term Greater Self in contrast to our lesser self.

There is no definitive rationale to discard the idea that what Occultists refer to as the Prince of Darkness (Satan/Set), what Right Hand Path adherents refer to as God, The All, The Absolute, etc. is none other than Man's Greater Self guiding him through his evolutionary process. The Greater Self is that Isolate Intelligence/Consciousness, but not as One Consciousness whereby we all are a part of. Not a singular intelligence or force that interferes with our evolution, but rather our own, direct, Greater Consciousness (intellect/psyche/soul) guiding each of us in the most perfect direction that would enable us to attain our greatest potential. This Isolate Consciousness is our Platonic First Form, the absolute, full potential, and perfect You.
Man is superior to all other animals

Are we? According to whose criteria? Man's? That seems potentially biased.

our higher intellect appears to be the result of something that interfered with our natural evolution

Does it? I don't see any stage in the history of our natural evolution where an external interference would have occurred. When would this have taken place? What evidence do we have that it happened?

There is no definitive rationale to discard the idea that what Occultists refer to as the Prince of Darkness (Satan/Set), what Right Hand Path adherents refer to as God, The All, The Absolute, etc. is none other than Man's Greater Self guiding him through his evolutionary process.

How can one be guided through their evolutionary process? Evolution is just the natural selection of adaptive mutation. I don't think there's anything we need to do to help that process along. It kind of just does its own thing. Even if we were all wiped out as a species, that would still be a part of the evolutionary process.
Are we? According to whose criteria? Man's? That seems potentially biased.
Perhaps "superior" is not the right word..
There is certainly a difference between man and beast.
Mankind hold council and dominate over other creatures.

Does it? I don't see any stage in the history of our natural evolution where an external interference would have occurred. When would this have taken place? What evidence do we have that it happened?
What evidence would you expect to see?
It cannot be proved that all creatures have a common ancestor, although most people believe it.
Even if we did, there is still "nothing to see", as we do not have a time machine to go back and observe exactly what happened. :)
Are we? According to whose criteria? Man's? That seems potentially biased.
You did read the OP right? I am paraphrasing Dr. Aquino. But if you want me to supply you with arguments for these theories, I can do that. Who is the apex predator on this planet? You guessed it . . . we are. Who is capable of writing a book on Platonic First Forms and Thermonuclear reaction? Yep, we are. Etc etc etc. Do you really believe there exists any other organism on this planet that is superior to homo-sapiens?

Does it? I don't see any stage in the history of our natural evolution where an external interference would have occurred. When would this have taken place? What evidence do we have that it happened?
How can one be guided through their evolutionary process? Evolution is just the natural selection of adaptive mutation. I don't think there's anything we need to do to help that process along. It kind of just does its own thing. Even if we were all wiped out as a species, that would still be a part of the evolutionary process.
Mankind displays a potential for intellectual external-perspective and willful creation that is in sharp contrast to everything else that is known concerning this Universe. While anthropologists can chart the stages of prehistoric human evolution to the limits of available data, they remain unable to explain why the entire phenomenon should have occurred at all. The best they can do, in textbook after textbook, is to say that “man developed high intelligence because he needed it to survive”. According to this theory, proto-men were lacking in speed, strength, fighting teeth & claws, and other physical attributes necessary for survival. Mutants with greater intelligence tended to survive through cunning, sustaining their descendants, while less-intelligent groups died out. This process, repeated over some five million years, resulted in homo sapiens, the prototype of Cro-Magnon, Neanderthal, and Modern Man.

Five million years is plenty of time for almost anything to evolve into almost anything else. Besides, the anthropologist will say, the entire primate development process can be traced to origins some fifty millions of years ago. Hence the condition of Modern Man isn’t as startling as it would be had it happened “overnight”.

Proto-man was just one of many animal species fighting for survival over the millennia. If his brain could evolve through processes of natural selection, then why did the brains of other creatures not similarly evolve - at least a little? The fact is that the brains of other creatures have remained practically the same size while man’s has “evolved”. This is inconsistent, and it will be recalled that the hallmark of the objective universe - and deistic proof of God - is its consistency. By the law of averages - which applies to natural selection as much as to anything else - there should have been at least some species other than man evolving in intelligence at least partway to the human level. There is none.

The second problem arises through application of one of the bastion theories of Darwinian natural selection. It is that nature always takes the easiest way out - that selection favors the less-complicated adaptation over a more complex alternative. When a time of famine favors species able to reach higher for herbal food, longer-necked giraffes survive. We do not see short-necked giraffes with wings. A more-or-less easy physical modification must first accidentally occur in a species; thereafter selection takes place against those who do not possess the characteristic. That is the way evolution actually works.

But there is no explanation for human brain evolution in the laws of natural selection. The biophysical factors of a sophisticated brain are far too intricate. A protoman trying to adapt to hostile environments through brain modification would have died out long before such external stress as he could bring to bear on his brain would have any effect upon that organ [if indeed they would have any physiological effect at all]. In the case of proto-man, natural selection would occur in favor of almost anything else besides the brain. He would become stronger, hairier, tougher, meaner, and faster. According to natural selection, you and I should be gorillas.

But we are not gorillas. Indeed, as our intelligence has made life progressively easier for us, we have become weaker and more vulnerable physically. We are healthier and more long-lived only because our intelligence has enabled us to produce medicines to stave off diseases, and dietary standards to maximize our health and growth potential. We have controlled environments to fend off the elements, and have developed weapons to fend off other creatures. Take away our abnormal intelligence and mankind would die out or be killed off within a few generations. Because of our brain, then, the natural evolution of the rest of our body [which would normally operate in favor of an unaided tougher, more disease-free physiology] has actually operated in reverse. Once more this is inconsistent.

It is that natural selection, when it does occur, does not overcompensate. If conditions allow all giraffes with four-foot necks to survive, there is no reason for the species to evolve in the direction of forty-foot necks. If the human brain were presumed to be the product of natural selection, why should it possess intelligence greater than that required to raise man to stone-age culture? More than than, why should it possess the capacity to be ten times smarter than it is today?

If human high intelligence is a violation of objective universal law, how did it occur? There are two possible explanations: accident or deliberate cause. If accidental cause is assumed, then the accident would have had to be both a major violation of the law and one which sustained itself over several millennia. And if there were one such accident, the laws of probability would necessitate others in lesser degrees [and greater numbers]. In all of the many manifestations of life and evolution with which we are familiar, we know of no other such accidents. Natural law’s grip on everything else besides ourselves appears total and inescapable. We are left with the second explanation: deliberate cause.
Black Magic (Temple of Set)
Dr. Michael A. Aquino
You did read the OP right? I am paraphrasing Dr. Aquino. But if you want me to supply you with arguments for these theories, I can do that. Who is the apex predator on this planet? You guessed it . . . we are. Who is capable of writing a book on Platonic First Forms and Thermonuclear reaction? Yep, we are. Etc etc etc. Do you really believe there exists any other organism on this planet that is superior to homo-sapiens?

I don't see why these things make us "superior."

Since you asked, yes, I do think there are several species on this planet that are superior to humans.

To start with, I think phytoplankton are superior to humans in every way. Rather than devouring other organisms, they're powered by the radiation of the sun. Rather than polluting the ecosystem, they're what keep air breathable for a large chunk of life. Rather than take up too much space and use too many resources as they overpopulate, we could actually stand to have a lot more phytoplankton.

Rather than kill each other with pointless wars or bore me to death with inane social media hot-takes, they coexist mostly peacefully with one another and keep to themselves. Rather than creating irresponsible technologies like thermonuclear reactors that require materials ripped from the earth and which leave behind horrifically radioactive and destructive waste, they're content with their lot basking in the sun.

There are several more organisms that I think are superior to man, too, but phytoplankton is one of the best examples.

Mankind displays a potential for intellectual external-perspective and willful creation that is in sharp contrast to everything else that is known concerning this Universe. While anthropologists can chart the stages of prehistoric human evolution to the limits of available data, they remain unable to explain why the entire phenomenon should have occurred at all. The best they can do, in textbook after textbook, is to say that “man developed high intelligence because he needed it to survive”. According to this theory, proto-men were lacking in speed, strength, fighting teeth & claws, and other physical attributes necessary for survival. Mutants with greater intelligence tended to survive through cunning, sustaining their descendants, while less-intelligent groups died out. This process, repeated over some five million years, resulted in homo sapiens, the prototype of Cro-Magnon, Neanderthal, and Modern Man.

Five million years is plenty of time for almost anything to evolve into almost anything else. Besides, the anthropologist will say, the entire primate development process can be traced to origins some fifty millions of years ago. Hence the condition of Modern Man isn’t as startling as it would be had it happened “overnight”.

Proto-man was just one of many animal species fighting for survival over the millennia. If his brain could evolve through processes of natural selection, then why did the brains of other creatures not similarly evolve - at least a little? The fact is that the brains of other creatures have remained practically the same size while man’s has “evolved”. This is inconsistent, and it will be recalled that the hallmark of the objective universe - and deistic proof of God - is its consistency. By the law of averages - which applies to natural selection as much as to anything else - there should have been at least some species other than man evolving in intelligence at least partway to the human level. There is none.

I'm not quite sure what you're talking about. There are apes and dolphins with IQs of humans. Social creatures like bees have their own languages and methods of communication, too. It's just slightly more complex with humans, which is exactly what we would expect to see if it was evolved.

The second problem arises through application of one of the bastion theories of Darwinian natural selection. It is that nature always takes the easiest way out - that selection favors the less-complicated adaptation over a more complex alternative. When a time of famine favors species able to reach higher for herbal food, longer-necked giraffes survive. We do not see short-necked giraffes with wings. A more-or-less easy physical modification must first accidentally occur in a species; thereafter selection takes place against those who do not possess the characteristic. That is the way evolution actually works.

This is not really how natural selection works. Natural selection just means that whoever is able to survive and reproduce is able to continue their genetic lineage.

Some general rules of thumb emerge from this, for example natural selection does tend to favor organisms that use energy more efficiently, but as long as an organism is still able to survive and reproduce then their energy efficiency doesn't really matter as far as evolution is concerned.

But there is no explanation for human brain evolution in the laws of natural selection.

Yes, there is. Evolutionary neuroscience is a whole scientific field that's existed for over a century now. We understand the incremental changes made to our brain over long spans of time, which parts of the brain are newer, which parts are responsible for all of humanity's supposedly unique capabilities, and so on. We know, in great detail, how the human brain evolved.

The biophysical factors of a sophisticated brain are far too intricate. A protoman trying to adapt to hostile environments through brain modification would have died out long before such external stress as he could bring to bear on his brain would have any effect upon that organ [if indeed they would have any physiological effect at all]. In the case of proto-man, natural selection would occur in favor of almost anything else besides the brain. He would become stronger, hairier, tougher, meaner, and faster. According to natural selection, you and I should be gorillas.

This is not true. There's a reason why the T-Rex went extinct. It was massive, strong, competetive, and an apex predator. Yet our ancestors, who were meek little burrow-dwelling rodents, survived because we were more adaptive.

In fact, every single living organism alive today got there through evolution, including many organisms that are not gorillas, not physically strong, not hairy, not tough, not mean, and not fast. Look at phytoplankton again, which have existed longer than we have because they have had no real need to evolve too much since they're better adapted to their environment than we are to ours.

But we are not gorillas.

Taxonomically, we are still apes.

Indeed, as our intelligence has made life progressively easier for us, we have become weaker and more vulnerable physically. We are healthier and more long-lived only because our intelligence has enabled us to produce medicines to stave off diseases, and dietary standards to maximize our health and growth potential. We have controlled environments to fend off the elements, and have developed weapons to fend off other creatures. Take away our abnormal intelligence and mankind would die out or be killed off within a few generations. Because of our brain, then, the natural evolution of the rest of our body [which would normally operate in favor of an unaided tougher, more disease-free physiology] has actually operated in reverse. Once more this is inconsistent.

It hasn't operated in reverse. We lost our hair because we could better regulate our temperature using clothes and fire, so being incredibly hairy was now less adaptive than it was before. Our arms shrank so that they could be more maneuverable. Our muscles shrank because it conserves energy more and we no longer needed to be as strong now that we had spears and torches.

That's not reverse evolution. It's just normal evolution.

It is that natural selection, when it does occur, does not overcompensate. If conditions allow all giraffes with four-foot necks to survive, there is no reason for the species to evolve in the direction of forty-foot necks. If the human brain were presumed to be the product of natural selection, why should it possess intelligence greater than that required to raise man to stone-age culture? More than than, why should it possess the capacity to be ten times smarter than it is today?

We possess high intelligence because the random mutations that slowly gave us higher and higher intelligence didn't prevent us from surviving long enough to reproduce. This is the same reason that any living organism has any arbitrary feature of their biology.
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What evidence would you expect to see?

None, because I don't think it happened, and that's exactly what we see: none.

It cannot be proved that all creatures have a common ancestor, although most people believe it.

I do think that we need more evidence before agreeing on a Last-Universal Common Ancestor but I do think that we can have evidence to indicate it.

Even if we did, there is still "nothing to see", as we do not have a time machine to go back and observe exactly what happened. :)

There is plenty to see without a time machine.
I don't see why these things make us "superior."

Since you asked, yes, I do think there are several species on this planet that are superior to humans.

To start with, I think photoplankton are superior to humans in every way. Rather than devouring other organisms, they're powered by the radiation of the sun. Rather than polluting the ecosystem, they're what keep air breathable for a large chunk of life. Rather than take up too much space and use too many resources as they overpopulate, we could actually stand to have a lot more photoplankton.

Rather than kill each other with pointless wars or bore me to death with inane social media hot-takes, they coexist mostly peacefully with one another and keep to themselves. Rather than creating irresponsible technologies like thermonuclear reactors that require materials ripped from the earth and which leave behind horrifically radioactive and destructive waste, they're content with their lot basking in the sun.

There are several more organisms that I think are superior to man, too, but photoplankton is one of the best examples.
If your idea of being the food source for most of the ocean creatures is that of superiority . . . then we are lightyears away in thinking.
Speaking of thinking; Aristotle, probably the most influential of all thinkers, argued that humans were superior to other animals due to our exclusive ability to reason.

We are a creature of fire

Unlike virtually every other creature on Earth, we human beings do much more with energy than just power our own metabolism."Anything that allows an organism to get energy more efficiently is going to have huge effects on the evolutionary trajectory of that organism," explains Prof Rachel Carmody of Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachusetts. She believes the decisive development was cooking. Cooking transforms the energy available from food, she argues.

As our brains began to grow, it created a positive feedback loop. As neurons were added to the mammalian brain, intelligence increased exponentially, says Suzana Herculano-Houzel, a neuroscientist based at Vanderbilt University in Nashville, Tennessee. "This allowed us to evolve even smarter brains, and the ensuing virtuous circle propelled our brains to the top of the class."

Humans are the only animal that can modify themselves. We build glasses and hearing aids to fix sensory deficits. If we lose a limb, we can replace it with a prosthetic limb. While our native senses and abilities may be less than some animals, with our tools we see better and farther, hear better, can travel faster and are stronger than all other animals. Humans are capable of abstract thought. Human communication is superior to that of all other animals. Humans are the only animals capable of making advanced tools. The few other animals that use tools can only modify existing natural materials. We build tools to build more complex tools.

With language and advanced tool making skills we can dominate nature and rid our environment of predators and diseases. We have been able to colonize the entire planet. We have even established permanent habitats on Antarctica and in space. Humans are the only animal to have left the planet Earth and lived for a while on another body.

The abundance of all animals is limited by the carrying capacity of the environment. Humans have been able to increase the carrying capacity of the environment to support higher numbers of humans. Humans are also the only animal that feels a responsibility towards other animals.

I'm not quite sure what you're talking about. There are apes and dolphins with IQs of humans. Social creatures like bees have their own languages and methods of communication, too. It's just slightly more complex with humans, which is exactly what we would expect to see if it was evolved.
There is not one organism on earth that is even close to an adult human IQ.

This is not really how natural selection works. Natural selection just means that whoever is able to survive and reproduce is able to continue their genetic lineage.
You have no idea how Natural Selection works or about Darwinian Evolution.

Yes, there is. Evolutionary neurology is a whole scientific field that's existed for nearly a century now. We understand the incremental changes made to our brain over long spans of time, which parts of the brain are newer, which parts are responsible for all of humanity's supposedly unique capabilities, and so on. We know, in great detail, exactly how the human brain evolved.
even though I only have a BSc in Neurotheology, we did study Evolution and Neurology. To this day we really know very little about the brain.

This is not true. There's a reason why the T-Rex went extinct. It was massive, strong, competetive, and an apex predator. Yet our ancestors, who were meek little burrow-dwelling rodents, survived because we were more adaptive.
If you don't know that the T. rex went extinct during the K-T mass extinction (a catastrophic asteroid colliding with Earth), about 65 million years ago, I don't know what to tell you. This extinction killed the remaining dinosaurs (not just T. rex) and many other animal and plant groups.

In fact, every single living organism alive today got there through evolution, including many organisms that are not gorillas, not physically strong, not hairy, not tough, not mean, and not fast. Hey, look at photoplankton again, which have existed longer than we have because they have had no real need to evolve too much since they're better adapted to their environment than we are to ours.
I don't recall saying any organisms didn't evolve through natural selection, I did however, say that protoman evolved in very little time and to a greater extent.

Taxonomically, we are still apes.
Actually, humans are not descended from monkeys or any other primate living today. We do share a common ape ancestor with chimpanzees. This common ancestor lived between 8 and 6 million years ago. But humans and chimpanzees evolved differently from that same ancestor.

We possess high intelligence because the random mutations that slowly gave us higher and higher intelligence didn't prevent us from surviving long enough to reproduce. This is the same reason that any living organism has any arbitrary feature of their biology.
The time period where protoman becomes an extremely intelligent human, is ridiculously short in comparison to any other organism's evolution, including Man's early evolution. That is the whole point of Dr. Aquino's hypothesis.

And my conclusion to Dr. Aquino's theistic theory of an Isolate Intelligence (Prince of Darkness) being responsible for the leaps and bounds of Man's Superiority is that this Isolate Intelligence is not something external to us, it is not something we can call The Prince of Darkness or Set, or Satan, etc. What it is, is our Isolate Consciousness/Greater Self interacting with us and guiding us towards becoming the potential being we can become.

Being that this is the Left Hand Path group I am putting forth the idea of GodSelf, Apotheosis, Autotheism, etc.
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Evolution = “You have to become something here many times to become something here all the time”, or “you have to become something here many more times then anything else to become something here all the time”.

I also hear it as, I am many more minds then you are, I can become myself many more times then you, I can figure myself out many more times then you can to become something here, all the time.

I do not know about an isolate, but I do know that our mitochondria are playing a significant role within our minds and perhaps our evolution. Mitochondria learn as we learn and I would say they could possibly be the bulldozers to our evolution. The arguments above that I listed are perhaps the driving force of our evolution and our mitochondria, a mind that is many more minds then we are and is also able to figure things out many more times then anything else.

If cooking food is the ingredient to our fast evolution then we should start to see dogs and cats evolving more and more over time, they get some of the same treatments as we do.

I do not know about higher self or greater self only myself or yourself, and the mind. The mind is your ability to figure things out it is also symbiotic in nature and figures you out as you become nothing here.

There is not one organism on earth that is even close to an adult human IQ.

Humans have a general IQ range from around 85 to 115 on average. Koko the Gorilla had an IQ of at least 75 but probably closer to 95, overlapping with human IQ range. I could list more examples if you want.

If you don't know that the T. rex went extinct during the K-T mass extinction (a catastrophic asteroid colliding with Earth), about 65 million years ago, I don't know what to tell you. This extinction killed the remaining dinosaurs (not just T. rex) and many other animal and plant groups.

I am well aware. Unfortunately, this has no relevance on the fact that the T-Rex went extinct and our ancestors survived because our ancestors were better able to adapt to the catastrophic event, meaning that they were ultimately favored by natural selection.
That's not what I meant..
What do you expect to see if something DID "interfere"?

It really depends on what we're talking about. "Something interfering" doesn't really give us any falsifiable hypotheses. It's vague to the point of meaninglessness.

I think you mean "assume".

Not at all. An assumption is an unsubtantiated claim. Conclusions drawn from inductive inference based on empirical observation (empirical observation being what we metaphorically "see") are, by definition, not assumptions. They're inferences.
I don't recall saying any organisms didn't evolve through natural selection, I did however, say that protoman evolved in very little time and to a greater extent.

You said that, according to natural selection, we should be gorillas. This doesn't make any sense.

Actually, humans are not descended from monkeys or any other primate living today. We do share a common ape ancestor with chimpanzees. This common ancestor lived between 8 and 6 million years ago. But humans and chimpanzees evolved differently from that same ancestor.

I didn't say that we were descended from monkeys. I said that we are apes, taxonomically speaking, which is true because we belong to the Hominidae family.

The time period where protoman becomes an extremely intelligent human, is ridiculously short in comparison to any other organism's evolution, including Man's early evolution. That is the whole point of Dr. Aquino's hypothesis.

I don't think that said evolution is really that ridiculously short.

And my conclusion to Dr. Aquino's theistic theory of an Isolate Intelligence (Prince of Darkness) being responsible for the leaps and bounds of Man's Superiority is that this Isolate Intelligence is not something external to us, it is not something we can call The Prince of Darkness or Set, or Satan, etc. What it is, is our Isolate Consciousness/Greater Self interacting with us and guiding us towards becoming the potential being we can become.

Being that this is the Left Hand Path group I am putting forth the idea of GodSelf, Apotheosis, Autotheism, etc.

And you're free to your religious beliefs, I won't challenge them. Actually, I have no interest in arguing with you at all. I just figure that other people who read this thread might not want to be mislead by your inaccurate portrayal of evolution.
Honestly, I'm not sure why I still bother trying to correct creationists on evolution. Everyone interested in learning about the topic has better avenues to educate themselves, although you apparently went through college without a decent understanding of how evolution works so... I don't know anymore.

This conversation has broken my spirit.
Humans have a general IQ range from around 85 to 115 on average. Koko the Gorilla had an IQ of at least 75 but probably closer to 95, overlapping with human IQ range. I could list more examples if you want.
Let me know when any of them cure a disease, write a book, direct a play, or invent something.

I am well aware. Unfortunately, this has no relevance on the fact that the T-Rex went extinct and our ancestors survived because our ancestors were better able to adapt to the catastrophic event, meaning that they were ultimately favored by natural selection.
Pick up a book and do some research . . . 65 million years passed before people appeared on Earth.
Honestly, I'm not sure why I still bother trying to correct creationists on evolution. Everyone interested in learning about the topic has better avenues to educate themselves, although you apparently went through college without a decent understanding of how evolution works so... I don't know anymore.

This conversation has broken my spirit.
The Left Hand Path and its realizations are not meant for the weak of heart, sorry.
Let me know when any of them cure a disease, write a book, direct a play, or invent something.

Pick up a book and do some research . . . 65 million years passed before people appeared on Earth.


The Left Hand Path and its realizations are not meant for the weak of heart, sorry.

"Broken my spirit" as in "I no longer care about this discussion." As far as I'm concerned, the Left Hand Path has no realizations. (At least not on biology or neurology)

I can't be weak of heart when I don't have one. I can, however, recognize how absurd this thread is and how hopelessly lost you are on the topic of evolution.
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"Broken my spirit" as in "I no longer care about this discussion." As far as I'm concerned, the Left Hand Path has no realizations. (At least not on biology or neurology)

I can't be weak of heart when I don't have one. I can, however, recognize how absurd this thread is and how hopelessly lost you are on the topic of evolution.
Irrelevant because you have nothing else to add?
The Western LHP certainly has 'realizations', how did you arrive at that foolish idea?
The Western LHP is at THE front of tying together Occultism and Neurotheology, so again you are quite incorrect.
Did you have your heart removed or something? LOL
Trust me, I have been clear about my philosophy and concepts for decades (yes, I am olde), it is you who is entirely confounded in your lack of occult gnosis, not I.