So, You Want to Summon a Demon?

'Amir Alzzalam

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To all these 'wizards' who fall out of bed and accidentally conjure Amdusias, or mutter a few spooky words, and poof there's Alloces sitting high upon his steed! Aleister Crowley, had at the time, a unique view of the Goetic demons. Instead of actual entities, he saw them as aspects of a person’s mind, Jung would agree, I do agree. He believed one could control these aspects through ritualistic preparation. By commanding a specific demon or energy, one would be able to tap into a part of the unconscious mind and access this archetype, and possibly gaining occult (hidden) knowledge.

What are these Spiritual Creatures the Karçist summons? Spiritual Creatures are Gods, Devils, Demons, and Angels they are archetypal structures embedded deeply within our unconscious mind, they can be brought into conscious awareness by disinhibiting the brain's temporal lobe.

There is a monumental amount of preparation and grueling work that is needed to properly instill the specifics of the spirit being conjured into one's psyche. Then an even longer and arduous repetitive process of ritually disinhibiting the temporal lobe (particularly the left temporoparietal junction), and finally creating the appropriate platform for which to experience this spirit. This process varies from several long focused hours to days and even weeks or months in order to shut off the objective and engage the subjective.

The entirety of this Majiqal process is by way of mythology, and symbology in which the Idea/First Form of the spiritual creature begins to take form within your unconscious mind. Through properly disinhibiting specific parts of your brain, a sense of Agency is created, visuals and audials are experienced, a connection with this spiritual creature is established. However, even after months of dedicated work towards summoning something, you may often be left with nothing. The process requires just the right ingredients between the brain, the unconscious mind, and the Will. That said, there will never be, and never has been, any spiritual creature summoned to objective reality. They exist purely within our subjective universes.

All the grimoires and invocations/evocations are designed to suppress the consciousness and to stimulate the unconsciousness, allowing buried imagery and associations to step forward. The more you know about the entity and its symbolism the better chance you have of communicating with it. In essence, you are speaking to your inner Self when you communicate with any entity, they do not exist apart from yourself (my belief).

None of these entities can do anything for or to you that you cannot do yourself, in fact, the entire process of ritually summoning and communicating with an angel or demon is a form of Majiq, in that through communication you are seeking to create a change within your Self in order to create a change in your outer Self, eventually influencing your environment and producing the desired results.

So, You Want to Summon a Spiritual Creature? Here's the basics . . .
After you have read all the classic grimoires and contemporary books on the process here's a checklist:

1. Have You Mastered Meditation techniques?
2. Have You Mastered Majiqal Trance Induction?
3. Have You Mastered Visualization techniques?
4. Have You Studied several Dead Languages?
5. Can you Translate between languages?
6. Can you Design a proper Summoning Ritual?
7. Have you completed the 6-18 month Abramelin Operation?
8. Are you using the Bornless Ritual as a preliminary procedure?
9. Have you Designed and Created all the Tools needed for this Working in the Proper Fashion and at the Proper Times?
10. Have you Researched, Studied, Read, and Assimilated All the Stories that include the Spiritual Creature you intend to Summon?
11. Have you Prepared your Physical Vessel days in advance to be in the Presence of this Spiritual Creature?
12. Are your summoning rites lengthy, extensive and intense, lasting several hours or even for several days?
13. Have you rehearsed and memorized the ritual?

What's going on here anyway?
Spiritual Agency (experiencing a spiritual creature) takes place after portions of the brain are disinhibited. Prolonged activity, such as a ritual operation/trance induction, engages specific portions of the brain, and eventually, these portions become disinhibited thus resulting in the spiritual agency. After many years of research and practice, I have come to the conclusion that one of two things is taking place.

1). Because of disinhibiting these portions of your brain, a sense of spiritual agency is achieved, thus it is an internal hallucination, though not necessarily an unuseful one.
  • In this paradigm the brain is 'producing' the sense of spiritual agency which is our ability to connect with ancient archetypal structures. These spiritual creatures are then 'Ideas' and Platonic Forst Forms and are experienced with conscious awareness.

2). Through these disinhibited portions of your brain, these spiritual creatures make themselves known to us.
  • In this paradigm the brain acts as a conduit for externally existing spiritual creatures to enter into our immediate objective reality.

I gravitate towards the first-case scenario. Though, like many, I would like to believe in the second case scenario as it is far more romantic.
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I'll talk, about what The Demon means to me:

There's the make-believe ideology, and there's its logistic.
The inclusive reference, of both logistic and make-believe ideology here is a professional science, due to the theme's identity-virtue and means-sanity.

By theme's identity-virtue, I mean the selection call-out, of ideas.

The Demon, that I desire to invoke, is an anti-person person. They are an edition, indeed, of the make-believe syndrome; they are a distinction edition, despite their already distinction, a parallel to their being an anti-person person.

They occupy. Is it an institute? Is it a derelict building?
Is it a derelict institute?

I myself, have a derelict: I am versus (revelation vs history).

Again, to The Demon:
what does it mean, for this being to be an anti-person person?

I imagine, it would mean that they are the anatomy of humanity, but, are an observation of sequence (I'll make a promise, to Madison Wolfe's meta here - never, will I be a member of a deconstruction of nostalgia).

For Holt McCallany, Aunjanue Ellis, David Conrad, Hal Holbrook and Powers Boothe
To all these 'wizards' who fall out of bed and accidentally conjure Amdusias, or mutter a few spooky words, and poof there's Alloces sitting high upon his steed! Aleister Crowley, had at the time, a unique view of the Goetic demons. Instead of actual entities, he saw them as aspects of a person’s mind, Jung would agree, I do agree. He believed one could control these aspects through ritualistic preparation. By commanding a specific demon or energy, one would be able to tap into a part of the unconscious mind and access this archetype, and possibly gaining occult (hidden) knowledge.

What are these Spiritual Creatures the Karçist summons? Spiritual Creatures are Gods, Devils, Demons, and Angels they are archetypal structures embedded deeply within our unconscious mind, they can be brought into conscious awareness by disinhibiting the brain's temporal lobe.

There is a monumental amount of preparation and grueling work that is needed to properly instill the specifics of the spirit being conjured into one's psyche. Then an even longer and arduous repetitive process of ritually disinhibiting the temporal lobe (particularly the left temporoparietal junction), and finally creating the appropriate platform for which to experience this spirit. This process varies from several long focused hours to days and even weeks or months in order to shut off the objective and engage the subjective.

The entirety of this Majiqal process is by way of mythology, and symbology in which the Idea/First Form of the spiritual creature begins to take form within your unconscious mind. Through properly disinhibiting specific parts of your brain, a sense of Agency is created, visuals and audials are experienced, a connection with this spiritual creature is established. However, even after months of dedicated work towards summoning something, you may often be left with nothing. The process requires just the right ingredients between the brain, the unconscious mind, and the Will. That said, there will never be, and never has been, any spiritual creature summoned to objective reality. They exist purely within our subjective universes.

All the grimoires and invocations/evocations are designed to suppress the consciousness and to stimulate the unconsciousness, allowing buried imagery and associations to step forward. The more you know about the entity and its symbolism the better chance you have of communicating with it. In essence, you are speaking to your inner Self when you communicate with any entity, they do not exist apart from yourself (my belief).

None of these entities can do anything for or to you that you cannot do yourself, in fact, the entire process of ritually summoning and communicating with an angel or demon is a form of Majiq, in that through communication you are seeking to create a change within your Self in order to create a change in your outer Self, eventually influencing your environment and producing the desired results.

So, You Want to Summon a Spiritual Creature? Here's the basics . . .
After you have read all the classic grimoires and contemporary books on the process here's a checklist:

1. Have You Mastered Meditation techniques?
2. Have You Mastered Majiqal Trance Induction?
3. Have You Mastered Visualization techniques?
4. Have You Studied several Dead Languages?
5. Can you Translate between languages?
6. Can you Design a proper Summoning Ritual?
7. Have you completed the 6-18 month Abramelin Operation?
8. Are you using the Bornless Ritual as a preliminary procedure?
9. Have you Designed and Created all the Tools needed for this Working in the Proper Fashion and at the Proper Times?
10. Have you Researched, Studied, Read, and Assimilated All the Stories that include the Spiritual Creature you intend to Summon?
11. Have you Prepared your Physical Vessel days in advance to be in the Presence of this Spiritual Creature?
12. Are your summoning rites lengthy, extensive and intense, lasting several hours or even for several days?
13. Have you rehearsed and memorized the ritual?

What's going on here anyway?
Spiritual Agency (experiencing a spiritual creature) takes place after portions of the brain are disinhibited. Prolonged activity, such as a ritual operation/trance induction, engages specific portions of the brain, and eventually, these portions become disinhibited thus resulting in the spiritual agency. After many years of research and practice, I have come to the conclusion that one of two things is taking place.

1). Because of disinhibiting these portions of your brain, a sense of spiritual agency is achieved, thus it is an internal hallucination, though not necessarily an unuseful one.
  • In this paradigm the brain is 'producing' the sense of spiritual agency which is our ability to connect with ancient archetypal structures. These spiritual creatures are then 'Ideas' and Platonic Forst Forms and are experienced with conscious awareness.

2). Through these disinhibited portions of your brain, these spiritual creatures make themselves known to us.
  • In this paradigm the brain acts as a conduit for externally existing spiritual creatures to enter into our immediate objective reality.

I gravitate towards the first-case scenario. Though, like many, I would like to believe in the second case scenario as it is far more romantic.

Interesting, I do all those things you mentioned above, and all I have done is actually tricked my subconscious into creating the things I am trying to conjure. Hmmm.

I can tell you why this happens. It happens because minds teach you inside yourselves, then they dump a whole lot of crap into yourself to teach you things. They literally knot you inside yourselves. You have 5 metamorphosis you go through itself,you,me,yourself, and himself/herself. By stuffing himself/herself inside of yourself, me can not become himself/herself until he/she becomes yourself first. When we become nothing here, as in death they will teach you inside of me, you, and then itself returning you to zero. Once zero they will teach you , you then me as a 4 to 7 year old. In life you can never figure out me but you can figure yourself out stuck inside yourself.

The trick is to become himself/herself first and then you can skip all the other things you have mentioned, this allows you to see outside yourself.

I like to share this picture that I did while automatic writing/drawing. This mind is telling me he is controlled and inside himself.


A while back a contact of mine on messenger sent me this link to an episode of Star Trek, Janeway vs evil alien.

Janeway is inside herself “yourself”, inside herself. Minds teach you inside yourself and then try to become all the things you try to figure out. When you do all those things you listed above inside yourself inside yourself, you are only figuring out your thoughts of those things. This is why I always find trouble when people try to figure things out knowing something about something. Give them nothing to become and you can then figure them out.

To actually find time inside yourself then, you would need to understand this part.
It would be said like this “ I need to become himself inside yourself to become himself here first.” This is then himself inside himself here first, and then yourself.
