Scientific Miracles and Discoveries in the Noble Quran


In the Name of God
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Allah Almighty promising to show us His Miracles in the outside Universe and in our Embryology:

"We will soon show them Our signs in the Universe and INSIDE THEIR SELVES, until it will become quite clear to them that it is the truth. Is it not sufficient as regards your Lord that He is a witness over all things? (The Noble Quran, 41:53)"

Allah Almighty Said: "And when the heaven split (crack) asunder and becomes ROSY LIKE RED HIDE (The Noble Quran, 55:37)"

What Allah Almighty is Saying here is that when Galaxies explode, they form a red-rose-shaped explosion. He is also telling us that the Universe will all turn into red exploded galaxies looking like red or reddish roses when the Day of Judgment happens.

In the Arabic Noble Verse, "wardatan" was translated as "ROSY" above. The root word "WARDA" in Arabic LITERALLY means "ROSE" or "FLOWER".

Explosion of Galaxies can not be seen with the naked eye. It also can not be seen with regular telescopes. You need the special Government-owned and NASA-owned "Hubble Space" Super Telescope. The point from all of this is that Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him could not have come up with any of this on his own 1400 years ago!


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I can't help but feel that this is a pure example of "pushing the boundaries of literalism and science much too far". I have a big stack of photos of supernovae on my PC, and this is the only one that can even come under the guise of "red rose".

Also, remember that what you are looking at is a snapshot of a very dynamic process - you're seeing a mere single photograph of a stellar explosion that goes on for centuries.

If it's signs and wonders anyone is looking for, they will find them anywhere they want them appear.

As a commentary on stellar mechanics - I just don't see that in the Qur'anic verse in the slightest. A pick and mix bag of signs and wonders?
I said:
Also, remember that what you are looking at is a snapshot of a very dynamic process - you're seeing a mere single photograph of a stellar explosion that goes on for centuries.
salaamu Alyckum
I knew what you said ,You are right , but you should remember that the red rose at the beginning was part from tree then it become bud , after that it will open slowly to be red rose (during this process it's color may changing ) finally this rose will gone with the wind . I know this is relative issue regarding the duration that each process goes on ,but the verses was very clear that Allah mention about the similarity not about identification , also the similarity came from the shape of the rose As in the picture above .

this is one evidence from many other evidences, and those whom are intelligent and read Quraan verses carefully, find new evidences ,because what is written in Al Quraan is over the ability of the mankind and still we don't reach all the science and information that Just Allah know about them.
Any way .Thanks for your reply
The Smallest Matter
There is a word in Arabic spelling as Zarrah. This is usually translated as 'atom' and it is usually thought of in Arabic as being the smallest item available at one time.

Those who would outsmart the author of the Qur'an have insisted that, well, the atom is not after all the smallest piece of matter because in this century it has been discovered that even the atom is made of still smaller pieces of matter. Is it them possible to outsmart the author who chose to use this word? Well, there is an interesting verse, in chapter 10, verse 61, which speaks of items the size of a zarrah, (atom) or smaller. There is no possibility that on this subject someone is going to say a new discovery has outdated the words of the Qur'an on the issue of the size of matter or the ultimate particles.
The verse talks about items the size of a zarrah (atom) or smaller. (hence, it IS written in the Qur'an that an atom IS NOT the smallest particle!.)

Friend said:
this is one evidence from many other evidences, and those whom are intelligent and read Quraan verses carefully, find new evidences ,because what is written in Al Quraan is over the ability of the mankind and still we don't reach all the science and information that Just Allah know about them.
Any way .Thanks for your reply
I have several questions about this thread.

1. What is the purpose of it? To share information? To encourage others to share their thoughts? To preach?

2. Someone who doesn't interpret these things the way you have is not intelligent or isn't capable of understanding the Qur'an? We're all capable of reading and understanding what we read, I think. That approach might kindly need some revision I believe.

3. The Qur'an states specifically that it is a clear message and was sent for mankind, so that those able to hear its message understand and answer to it. Why, if that is so, would Allah send something that's so complex and difficult to understand that it requires someone to constantly add on rules and regulations that are not in the Qur'an to make it easier for laymen to understand?
mirrorinthefog said:
I have several questions about this thread.

1. What is the purpose of it? To share information? To encourage others to share their thoughts? To preach?

2. Someone who doesn't interpret these things the way you have is not intelligent or isn't capable of understanding the Qur'an? We're all capable of reading and understanding what we read, I think. That approach might kindly need some revision I believe.

3. The Qur'an states specifically that it is a clear message and was sent for mankind, so that those able to hear its message understand and answer to it. Why, if that is so, would Allah send something that's so complex and difficult to understand that it requires someone to constantly add on rules and regulations that are not in the Qur'an to make it easier for laymen to understand?

-The purpose of this thread is to share information and to encourage others to share their thoughts about the greatest of our God, and you can search in your holy book too and say to those whom doesn't believe in the power of our God that Allah is existing and know everything in this universe, to give others about the Miracles of the perfect creation of our God (Allah).

- I did not mean that those whom can't interpret some verses of Al Quraan are not intelligent, only those whom can search in the scientific subject can understand what Allah said in his holy books about the universe and the creations subjects, these verses was in the Quraan from more than 1400 years ago and Muslims read it without understanding it's meaning, I think each time you read it you find new information, I mean that many people read Al Quraan daily without thinking or knowing what Allah wants to inform people in his great book .

-Al Quraan is very simple regarding to the basic teaching and how people
should relate and communicate with each other
, but also Al Quraan valid to each time and each place, so in this time people thinking in different way from the people in previous time .If we search about the Mathematical arrangement of Al Quraan we see it is complex, but this doesn’t mean that Al Quraan is not simple, this issue need intelligent person to think about it or discover it. I want you to think about Al Quraan as a book of Allah, not a book of Muslims.


The problem with the supernova argument is - so far as I can tell - supernovas are just too variable to be ever declared to follow a regular "rose" pattern - even in a "bud" phase.

Added to that - you have just set up the counter argument that if I can find a picture of a supernova that looks nothing like a rosebud, then I have disproved the Qur'an.

Surely this is not a very logical argument either way? Especially when you have not quoted the Qur'an as stating plainly in a single sura that this is what happens, but instead have two very different lines reinterpreted together to state this?

Also - the idea of the indivisible atom - that was an idea much older. Democritus is credited with the first seeds of atomic theory, precisely because he declared that at some point divisibility would be impossible. So it wasn't a new idea - even 1000 years before Islam.
Salaamu Alyckum
I,Brian,I respect your opinion , but I want to add some thing about this issue the illuminating stars we see at night were, just as was the whole universe, in that ‘smoke’ material. God has said in the Quran:
“ Then He turned to the heaven when it was smoke...” (Quran, 41:11)

Because the earth and the heavens above (the sun, the moon, stars, planets, galaxies, etc.) have been formed from this same ‘smoke,’ we conclude that the earth and the heavens were one connected entity. Then out of this homogeneous ‘smoke,’ they formed and separated from each other. God has said in the Quran:

“ Have not those who disbelieved known that the heavens and the earth were one connected entity, then We separated them?... “ (Quran, 21:30)

Dr. Alfred Kroner is one of the world’s renowned geologists. He is Professor of Geology and the Chairman of the Department of Geology at the Institute of Geosciences, Johannes Gutenberg University, Mainz, Germany. He said: “Thinking where Muhammad came from . . . I think it is almost impossible that he could have known about things like the common origin of the universe, because scientists have only found out within the last few years, with very complicated and advanced technological methods, that this is the case.”

Also he said: “Somebody who did not know something about nuclear physics fourteen hundred years ago could not, I think, be in a position to find out from his own mind, for instance, that the earth and the heavens had the same origin.”
Hello again,

Friend said:

-The purpose of this thread is to share information and to encourage others to share their thoughts about the greatest of our God, and you can search in your holy book too and say to those whom doesn't believe in the power of our God that Allah is existing and know everything in this universe, to give others about the Miracles of the perfect creation of our God (Allah).
You seem to be assuming that I have a holy book, which I do not. I don't feel the need to constantly show people what I believe or validate it, as I don't think anyone is required to hold my views but myself. However, if you say the thread is to share ideas, then I won't argue with that. :)

Friend said:
- I did not mean that those whom can't interpret some verses of Al Quraan are not intelligent, only those whom can search in the scientific subject can understand what Allah said in his holy books about the universe and the creations subjects, these verses was in the Quraan from more than 1400 years ago and Muslims read it without understanding it's meaning, I think each time you read it you find new information, I mean that many people read Al Quraan daily without thinking or knowing what Allah wants to inform people in his great book .
Surely these verses can be interpreted many ways? Why constrict them with rigid explanations?

Friend said:
-Al Quraan is very simple regarding to the basic teaching and how people
should relate and communicate with each other
, but also Al Quraan valid to each time and each place, so in this time people thinking in different way from the people in previous time .If we search about the Mathematical arrangement of Al Quraan we see it is complex, but this doesn’t mean that Al Quraan is not simple, this issue need intelligent person to think about it or discover it. I want you to think about Al Quraan as a book of Allah, not a book of Muslims.


Why? I can appreciate your view without accepting Qur'an or Allah. Why do you want us to think this way?
I said:
Certainly interesting points, Friend - and I've just found an image you may particular enjoy:


I still find it a strange argument - perhaps I should watch out for the topic of Islam and astrophysics in some concise way. :)

I,Brian,thank you very very very much about the image and information,actually I interest in any scientific subject .and I respect your opinions.
I said:
I can't help but feel that this is a pure example of "pushing the boundaries of literalism and science much too far". I have a big stack of photos of supernovae on my PC, and this is the only one that can even come under the guise of "red rose".

Also, remember that what you are looking at is a snapshot of a very dynamic process - you're seeing a mere single photograph of a stellar explosion that goes on for centuries.

If it's signs and wonders anyone is looking for, they will find them anywhere they want them appear.

As a commentary on stellar mechanics - I just don't see that in the Qur'anic verse in the slightest. A pick and mix bag of signs and wonders?

I think you read it wrong , in the translations it said " red rose , red hide , red oil " And as you can see in your collection of the nebulas are allmost all RED thats the key word here , never mind flowered shape , every picture looks like a painting , red oil splattered , So why would the Qu'Ran didint say blue ? How did the Qu"Ran know there was something red in space ? so people are alittle mixed up or misunderstanding it ,

And there is another thing you should look at wich is the word [ anshaqat ] wich means [ RIPPING ] Why RIPPING ? coes we all know that the pictures you have all of tyhem came from a telescope from a sattelite , wich was sent from earth how? by RIPPING threw the layers of the heavens or the sky , we all know the 7 layers .... subhanaallah , you cant say its all what we want it to be , anyone can say that to him self and ignore the amazing miracles or proof that God provided us , same thing when other did miracles , they directly said " your bewiched " so its kinda the same thing your doing here , your ignoring proof .

Thank you , ill read the rest :)
mirrorinthefog said:
3. The Qur'an states specifically that it is a clear message and was sent for mankind, so that those able to hear its message understand and answer to it. Why, if that is so, would Allah send something that's so complex and difficult to understand that it requires someone to constantly add on rules and regulations that are not in the Qur'an to make it easier for laymen to understand?


The Qu"Ran is meant to be read or used for all intelegentse and all time , let me give you an example :

Surat55 Ar-Rahman 17 : [ (He is) the Lord of the two easts , and the Lord of the two wests ]

now , if you go back 1400 years aggo , you wont know what it means , now they know that this means that the earth is round or egged shapped , becouse when the sun rises here , it sets in the other side and when it sets here it rises in the other side , so we got 2 of each , Aha! now they understand , but this doesent mean the Qu'Ran was confusing 1400 years aggo , did you hear about a verse in the Qu'Ran saying that the sun sets in a pile of mud or something like that , well thats how people 1400 years aggo putt it , when they say the sun setting they thought it was going inside a hole , like when you see the sun setting in the see, it looks like its going into the sea , right? well thats how God putt it for them , so it wasent so confusing for them , but what was confused is understood now and what WAS understod is confused or misunderstood now,

I hope i didint confuse you :D

My english is alittle plain i cant express what im saying but i hope you understand, and if you have a comment or question pleasepost :)