I'm trying to convert a friend. Can you help me?


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Oakland City, Indiana, USA
see, i've got this friend that has been an atheist since he was born, and i want to convert him to Christianity. I've already tried getting him to understand the basic idea of the whole thing.

also, there's this kid i know that used to be a Christian, but he lost his faith because of a "friend". if he brings it up again, i want to know what to say. can you help me?
You cant convert anybody.. thats Gods job. Your job is to spread the good news and the Holy Spirit is the one that calls people to God. Pray that the Spirit calls your friend and be there to answer questions. :)
Dear Mariah

Mariah said:
see, i've got this friend that has been an atheist since he was born, and i want to convert him to Christianity. I've already tried getting him to understand the basic idea of the whole thing.

also, there's this kid i know that used to be a Christian, but he lost his faith because of a "friend". if he brings it up again, i want to know what to say. can you help me?

I agree GOD does not ask us to convert anyone, it is their own journey of discovery and many paths lead to GOD. It is not for us to interfere in another's journey and life plan of personal evolution. If someone asks you for help they are more likely to hear you and the word of GOD, often we are told to lead by example and let your light and happiness shine out for all to see. People who seek happiness like you then start to ask questions.

The young man could be helped by a book called 'Conversations with GOD' Book one by Neale Donald Walsch it reaches the heart of the young ones.

Love beyond measure

I'm curious - which branch of Christianity should the friend be converted to?

Also, what makes you think that you're saved? After all, no point trying to save others if you're not. ;)
With all due respect, I don't understand why it's up to one person to save the world....Isn't everything up to God in the end? Why impose your will on another's free will, if perhaps they are capable of finding their own way to honour the Divine?

Matthew 7:12 Therefore, whatever you want men to do to you, do also to them, for this is the Law and the Prophets. 13 "Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it. 14 Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it.

Luke 13:23 Then one said to Him, "Lord, are there few who are saved?" And He said to them, 24 "Strive to enter through the narrow gate, for many, I say to you, will seek to enter and will not be able. 25 When once the Master of the house has risen up and shut the door, and you begin to stand outside and knock at the door, saying, 'Lord, Lord, open for us,' and He will answer and say to you, 'I do not know you, where you are from,' 26 then you will begin to say, 'We ate and drank in Your presence, and You taught in our streets.' 27 But He will say, 'I tell you I do not know you, where you are from. Depart from Me, all you workers of iniquity.' 28 There will be weeping and gnashing of teeth, when you see Abraham and Isaac and Jacob and all the prophets in the kingdom of God, and yourselves thrust out. 29 They will come from the east and the west, from the north and the south, and sit down in the kingdom of God. 30 And indeed there are last who will be first, and there are first who will be last."

I see that phrase used alot on this board "All paths lead to God". but from a Christian perspective its against what Christ teaches so I felt compelled to interject these verses explaining that the gate itself is narrow.
Act 4:12Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.
along with the above posts by Faithful seems to debunk the many paths all lead to God arguement used so much here.

As for how we are sure we are saved...
Jhn 3:15That whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life.
Mat 18:11For the Son of man is come to save that which was lost.
Jhn 14:3And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, [there] ye may be also.
Jhn 3:18He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.
There are many more I could post here but there is no need. I for one do not think Im saved it is one of the few things in this world I know beyond a shadow of doubt.
Thats a good point Dor made about knowing if your saved. Jesus was pretty clear about being the means of salvation. Part of having faith is knowing that I'm saved because I believe. Why else would He ask us to have this faith if it wasnt for our own peace of mind? My pastor, a man I respect very much taught a sermon and he said that if you question whether your saved or not.. you probably arent. Its part of being born again.. you just know it.
Faithfulservant said:
Jesus was pretty clear about being the means of salvation.

Well I would say that this is a statement from the church of Rome who saught to control the masses when the bible was constructed. Interesting I posted a quote from the Pope here a couple of weeks ago that stated all can find their way to GOD and it does not need to be through Jesus, so the Pope was confirming that there are many paths to GOD not just one way or through one faith or religion.

The truth will set us free when Rome reveals all of the truth about Jesus and his teachings.

Are we here to save the world, part of our purpose is certainly to serve others, showing them the way of how they can save themselves from darkness, just like Jesus the healer did. We were given two keys to truth one leads to the black hole and the other to completion, it is what we do with our energy and light that counts.

The eye of the needle is an interesting one, leaving the past behind of all that no longer serves us. Many are not prepared to let go of attachment to enable themselves to walk through the gate and create the Kingdom of GOD. And Christ told me 'nobody will be refused, spiritual, non-spiritual, religious, non-religous, rich or poor all are welcome to create the Kingdom of Love. Hand in hand, side by side in the front line.

Blessings in Abundance

mirrorinthefog said:
With all due respect, I don't understand why it's up to one person to save the world....Isn't everything up to God in the end? Why impose your will on another's free will, if perhaps they are capable of finding their own way to honour the Divine?

We all have a role to play and GOD works through us to save others, the secret is to know when our actions are coming from human will and seeking to control versus GOD's will compelled by love into compassionate action to help others when they seek that help. GOD brings those who need help, just a few weeks ago a patient that had run away from a mental hospital sectioned against her will was brought to my doorstep for help, so GOD works in mysterious ways and those he brings can indeed be helped with love not conversion. To help others to find the happiness within their own hearts for when they do so they also find GOD.

Blessings in abundance

no one is helping me. you're all just trying to discourage me from helping these people! it's not completely God's job to do everything! he works through us. and i'm not trying to save the world. i'm trying to save two people. to be a good Christian you have to tell people about God. so before anyone else posts, please remember that i'm not here to receive put-downs and offensive comments. i'm here to get help
Faithfulservant said:
I see that phrase used alot on this board "All paths lead to God". but from a Christian perspective its against what Christ teaches so I felt compelled to interject these verses explaining that the gate itself is narrow.
Indeed, and it's definitely a point worth noting.

I guess my own concerns would be:

1. That seeking to "convert" someone as an un-Christian thing to do, because it almost seems to reduce Christianity to the equivalence of a legal contract that must be signed - or be damned - rather than an important and emotional experience of open-ness with God.

2. That I've already seen instances elsewhere on the net where Christians tell each other they are not "true" Christians and damned to Hell based on denomination - which refers to my objection above, simply in terms of the conversion being a meaningless denominational concern, rather than a real invitation to feel God.
Dear Mariah

The best way for anyone to experience and feel GOD is through love and compassion, that is all that you need. The rest is up to the person themself how they react and respond to that love.

If there is anguish or stress related to the problem then it is ours not the other persons. So as always it is important that you love yourself and in so doing your love will pour naturally from you to others, and your faith is the light that will shine brightly for all to see.

So have faith in yourself and allow others to BE who they wish to BE.

being love

Mariah said:
to be a good Christian you have to tell people about God. so before anyone else posts, please remember that i'm not here to receive put-downs and offensive comments. i'm here to get help

Jesus said that we are the light of the world, and that we shouldn't put our light under a basket. Do you want your friend to know who Jesus is? Show them. Show them by being who Jesus was, and doing the things that Jesus did. Then when your friend looks at the world and sees all the filth and vanity and evil, they will be drawn to you; they will see your light contrasted against the darkness, and they will wonder how it is possible that someone so good could exist in a world that's so bad. And they will come to you.

Jesus said that he would make his apostles fishers of men. Have you ever been fishing? Which is the easiest way: To seek the fish, or to let the fish seek you-- to take the bait? Your character is the bait that will draw others to you in due time.

Does that make sense to you?
no one is helping me. you're all just trying to discourage me from helping these people! it's not completely God's job to do everything! he works through us. and i'm not trying to save the world. i'm trying to save two people. to be a good Christian you have to tell people about God. so before anyone else posts, please remember that i'm not here to receive put-downs and offensive comments. i'm here to get help
My prayers are with you I believe you are a tool that God can use to bring your friends into the fold.
My advice
1. begin every encounter with a silent prayer asking for the right words to be put in your heart (another words Go with God everytime you encounter them)

2. Dont make Jesus a 2000 yr old story that is hard to believe in. Out of reach in this modren era. Remeber Jesus appealed to every walk of life He was ridiculed for being around winebibbers he walked up and conversed with lepers when everyone else would have ran. Find things that your friends are interested in and find stories of Christains who by the power of God have succeeded in these areas.(example) My Son wants to be a pilot Jesus in the Bible never flew a fighter but there are many examples of Chirstian pilots who's faith and belief saw them threw some very scary times these stories help to build my sons faith and bring Jesus into his goals.
3. Always offer to pray about there problems if they say hey today sucked this this and this happened take out a pen and start writing down there concerns without makeing a big deal of it they will ask why when they do simply say well I am adding your troubles to my prayer list.
4 Be cool... if you are a stuffy you need to be saved or your going to hell type You will drive them away faster than you will lead them. When they start really looking at your life and seeing how Christ makes you different they will want it.
5 Once they are attached to the Vine(Christ) be sure you let God be the Gardner support them but let God be the one that prunes the things not nessesary for them in His time. I learned this my wife had a rose bush she loved it and cared for it gentley I however with all good intention pruned everything I thought looked sick or wierd. It died shortly after I got one of those wife lectures but learned a lesson about wittnessing.

Please Dont misjudge the posts of our friends they are right you cannot save your friends. Only God can do that But Make no mistake you are called to spread the Gospel (good news) and in doing so make a diference in your friends lives

James 5 :19 Brethren, if any of you do err from the truth, and one convert him;
20: Let him know, that he which converteth the sinner from the error of his way shall save a soul from death, and shall hide a multitude of sins.

Mariah may God give you the Knowledge and the words and deeds needed to acomplish this task you are in my prayers as well as your Friends
I Know God is Able
If you need me or have any other question click on my name and ask in a message or this post.

To my Breathren who Posted Before me BLAH lol :)
Sacredstar said:
Well I would say that this is a statement from the church of Rome who saught to control the masses when the bible was constructed. Interesting I posted a quote from the Pope here a couple of weeks ago that stated all can find their way to GOD and it does not need to be through Jesus, so the Pope was confirming that there are many paths to GOD not just one way or through one faith or religion.

The truth will set us free when Rome reveals all of the truth about Jesus and his teachings.

Are we here to save the world, part of our purpose is certainly to serve others, showing them the way of how they can save themselves from darkness, just like Jesus the healer did. We were given two keys to truth one leads to the black hole and the other to completion, it is what we do with our energy and light that counts.

The eye of the needle is an interesting one, leaving the past behind of all that no longer serves us. Many are not prepared to let go of attachment to enable themselves to walk through the gate and create the Kingdom of GOD. And Christ told me 'nobody will be refused, spiritual, non-spiritual, religious, non-religous, rich or poor all are welcome to create the Kingdom of Love. Hand in hand, side by side in the front line.

Blessings in Abundance

So you're basically saying that Rome sabbotaged the entire bible? Thats a cop out if you ask me. I see people taking parts of the bible they want for themselves then using that excuse as a reason for not taking the rest of the stuff that they dont like as the word of God. You cant have it both ways you either believe or you dont.. By rejecting one part of Jesus you're rejecting the whole. By rejecting any part of Gods word you are rejecting it as a whole. All throughout the bible it is written that it is inspired and written by the Holy Spirit. Oh wait.. Rome must have added that too.. LOL

Oh..have to add.. this post is my belief as a Christian.
Marsh said:
Jesus said that we are the light of the world, and that we shouldn't put our light under a basket. Do you want your friend to know who Jesus is? Show them. Show them by being who Jesus was, and doing the things that Jesus did. Then when your friend looks at the world and sees all the filth and vanity and evil, they will be drawn to you; they will see your light contrasted against the darkness, and they will wonder how it is possible that someone so good could exist in a world that's so bad. And they will come to you.

Jesus said that he would make his apostles fishers of men. Have you ever been fishing? Which is the easiest way: To seek the fish, or to let the fish seek you-- to take the bait? Your character is the bait that will draw others to you in due time.

Does that make sense to you?
Great response Marsh :)
I said:
Indeed, and it's definitely a point worth noting.

I guess my own concerns would be:

1. That seeking to "convert" someone as an un-Christian thing to do, because it almost seems to reduce Christianity to the equivalence of a legal contract that must be signed - or be damned - rather than an important and emotional experience of open-ness with God.

2. That I've already seen instances elsewhere on the net where Christians tell each other they are not "true" Christians and damned to Hell based on denomination - which refers to my objection above, simply in terms of the conversion being a meaningless denominational concern, rather than a real invitation to feel God.
Brian.. I disagree. Read Marsh's post.. Jesus called us to be fishers of men. We are told to go out and spread the gospel. How else are people to know the means of salvation if they dont even know who Jesus is or what his purpose was? As far as denominations are concerned Christ taught against organized religion...........He scolded the priests for the doctrines and hypocrasy I agree with that you say in the #2 segment. People are so caught up in the Church doctrine that they forget what God says in the bible.
Mariah.. I know what your feeling. I just want you to know that like Basstian said you have to pray and let your light shine. The most powerful thing you can do for these friends is to pray for them. Basstia thank you for that wonderful post. :)
So you're basically saying that Rome sabbotaged the entire bible? Thats a cop out if you ask me. I see people taking parts of the bible they want for themselves then using that excuse as a reason for not taking the rest of the stuff that they dont like as the word of God. You cant have it both ways you either believe or you dont.. By rejecting one part of Jesus you're rejecting the whole. By rejecting any part of Gods word you are rejecting it as a whole. All throughout the bible it is written that it is inspired and written by the Holy Spirit. Oh wait.. Rome must have added that too.. LOL
I am sorry this is not an easy post I hope it brings self examination and not offence. I had stopped posting on the why Sunday because I didnt want to offend I still dont but your statment
Rest assured there is some basis for the position that Christians are not obliged to keep the Sabbath or worship God on Saturday as opposed to Sunday. For example, in Colossians 2:16 Paul says that we are not to allow anyone to judge us in this matter of keeping the Sabbath. On the other hand, the Sabbath is not merely a Jewish regulation at all. The Sabbath is inextricably woven together with creation: For God Himself rested on the seventh day (Gen. 2:1-3). Not only that, but the Sabbath just happens to be one of the Ten Commandments, which most Christians regard as a summary of God’s moral code.

The truth is, the observance of Sunday rather than Saturday does not violate God’s Commandments at all! The Sabbath command in the Old Testament never specified a “Saturday” observance; rather, it was simply a command that we should observe a cycle of six days of work and then rest for one day. So obviously, the intent of the Sabbath command is kept when we rest on Saturday or on Sunday, it really doesn’t matter.

Not only that, but there is also some evidence that Sunday worship was practiced in the New Testament Church. As an example, in Acts we read about an evening meeting of the church on the first day of the week (Acts 20:7). And Paul instructed the Corinthians to take up a collection on the first day of the week (1 Cor. 16:2). When John says in Revelation that he was “in the Spirit on the Lord’s day” (Rev. 1:10), he appears to be referring to a day of the week set aside for the Lord, and not the traditional, Jewish Sabbath day.

In fact, in none of these passages is Sunday worship commanded. Christians are no more required to make Sunday their day of rest than they are to make Saturday their day of rest. However, of course, they are perfectly free to do so. In fact, to criticize Sunday observance and then to separate from the rest of the church over something like this, is both legalistic and divisive.
Ignoring the fact that in the book of acts the sabbath was observed over ten times with some being observed in the same city for several weeks in a row Not to mention being in Jersulem 50 days after the passover that Jesus was crucified at the time of the pentacost . And knowing that the seventh day of the week has not changed since the time of Christ even our calanders today pertray sunday as the first day and saturaday as the seventh day . To top this off you refer to John being in the spirit on the Lords Day a common term for the end of the world in propephcey ie the Day of the Lord even if it was sunday it was not a call to worship. Paul preached on the first day of the weak yes he came on what would be our saturday night preached till midnight the Kid fell out of the window he raised him from the dead and continued preaching till morning being ready to part on the morrow which by any historians know how the day began at sunset would have saw as being daylight Sunday. He called for offereing to be gathered on the first day of the week so as not to be a distraction when he came doesnt sound like any reference to a worsip service where they pass the plate.

I see people taking parts of the bible they want for themselves then using that excuse as a reason for not taking the rest of the stuff that they dont like as the word of God. You cant have it both ways you either believe or you dont.. By rejecting one part of Jesus you're rejecting the whole. By rejecting any part of Gods word you are rejecting it as a whole.
These are your words I would like to see all the scripture not just a couple your Pastor has taught you, I am not calling you on this to cause Division I am calling on you to Give me BIBLCAL proof of more that just a couple missinterpreted scriptures to help clear this up for me and for you I would be more that happy to take this back to the sunday thread and I deeply apologize for bringing the topic here.

Peace Please Peace