Have you experienced a state of nonduality/infinity/oneness?

Vasu Devan

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I have and the result makes me strongly believe:

  • consciousness has everlasting life without form after death
  • god is infinite unconditional love
  • the more we practice love, the closer we get to god but god denies no one

less strongly:
  • god is the mind of this infinite uncertain universe
  • communing with our inner god is possible and everyone has an inner god
Whether you have experienced Oneness or not, what are your thoughts about it?
Hi Vasu Devan –
consciousness has everlasting life without form after death
Agreed, but that is beyond our human consciousness

god is infinite unconditional love

the more we practice love, the closer we get to god but god denies no one

god is the mind of this infinite uncertain universe

communing with our inner god is possible and everyone has an inner god
Agreed, although I see no distinction between God and an inner God – there is only one God – so I believe in transcendence and Immanence.
Hi Vasu Devan –

the more we practice love, the closer we get to god but god denies no one

So if a person harmed or killed a family member(or someone you cared for), would you forgive them....or even refuse to bring charges?

Hi Vasu Devan –
communing with our inner god is possible and everyone has an inner god
Agreed, although I see no distinction between God and an inner God – there is only one God – so I believe in transcendence and Immanence.

by inner god, i simply meant the voice within that we can speak with. I sought external signs and symbols of god for so long before I discovered my inner divine self. My belief is that we are all divine selves. But we may not know it due to the conditioning of society and culture. In the end, all our beliefs are shaped by our life experience and so much of that is tuned to what shared among others in the places we live our lives.
Our mind is our own for the most part however and only needs to be deeply shared at will. It can present alternate experiences of reality that may alter our beliefs as well.
So if a person harmed or killed a family member(or someone you cared for), would you forgive them....or even refuse to bring charges?
I'd like to say that would depend on circumstance, but that's a test I'd prefer not to undergo.

by inner god, i simply meant the voice within that we can speak with.
So do I.

My belief is that we are all divine selves.
Ah, here we differ.

In the end, all our beliefs are shaped by our life experience and so much of that is tuned to what shared among others in the places we live our lives.

Our mind is our own for the most part however and only needs to be deeply shared at will. It can present alternate experiences of reality that may alter our beliefs as well.
Well there's a whole can of issues and questions ... as you say, the mind is a tricky customer ...
Ah, here we differ.
You believe in life after death but see it as being separate from god? When I say we are all divine selfs, I do not mean that we have godly powers or somesuch. Merely that everything in reality is a little piece of god. If god is infinite, then I dont think there is anything that is not-God. It just manifests in infinitely in finite physical forms here except for humans who can also commune with their greater self. Just a theory of course :)
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You believe in life after death but see it as being separate from god?
No, I did not mean to imply that.

When I say we are all divine selfs ... Merely that everything in reality is a little piece of god.
Here's where I disagree. I believe in creatio ex nihilo, that God created the world, brought it out of nothing, as an act of love/will, but not from Himself.

If god is infinite, then I dont think there is anything that is not-God.
We get onto tricky ground here ... I believe God is Infinite, but I also believe in created finite natures (the Infinite must include the finite and contingent, or else it's not infinite) that are brought into beiong by God, but are not themselves God, or a bit-of-God.

It just manifests in infinitely in finite physical forms here except for humans who can also commune with their greater self. Just a theory of course :)
Of course :D I believe we can commune with the 'Greater Self', but that self is not me.
Here's where I disagree. I believe in creatio ex nihilo, that God created the world, brought it out of nothing, as an act of love/will, but not from Himself..
Hmm .. I find that problematic.
If the created universe isn't from "Himself", that assumes that he created it from "something else"..
..which means that not only God existed before the creation of the universe.
I have and the result makes me strongly believe:

  • consciousness has everlasting life without form after death
  • god is infinite unconditional love
  • the more we practice love, the closer we get to god but god denies no one

less strongly:
  • god is the mind of this infinite uncertain universe
  • communing with our inner god is possible and everyone has an inner god
Whether you have experienced Oneness or not, what are your thoughts about it?

I've had what I would term mystical experiences, but to me they revealed no God or gods.

Consciousness: yes, but nothing personal, nothing indicating any essence.

Love: oh, yes. Again, not of an essence or concerned with anything an individual would care about. But yes, unmistakably Love.
I've had what I would term mystical experiences, but to me they revealed no God or gods.

Consciousness: yes, but nothing personal, nothing indicating any essence.

Love: oh, yes. Again, not of an essence or concerned with anything an individual would care about. But yes, unmistakably Love.

I am uncertain myself if god as I see it, is another consciousness in this reality or is simply the existence of unconditional love. It may have no desire except to keep being and changing. We might simply be the neurons in the brain of the Universe.
If I am honest with myself, while 2 of my mystical experiences were another being communicating with me, the most significant and life changing one involved no such being. It was simply a knowing that I was all that was being and boundless love of all that was being. Hard to put into words cos there was a sense of other beings(the lifeforms in the universe) but no real sense of Other. We were all one.
We get onto tricky ground here ...

Of course :D I believe we can commune with the 'Greater Self', but that self is not me.
Well it's tricky ground for me too but in the end matters not. If a separate god exists, I could never accept one that was conditional love even if that meant being assigned to a hell or some such. Especially then, in fact. Hate never breeds love.
I have and the result makes me strongly believe:

  • consciousness has everlasting life without form after death
  • god is infinite unconditional love
  • the more we practice love, the closer we get to god but god denies no one

less strongly:
  • god is the mind of this infinite uncertain universe
  • communing with our inner god is possible and everyone has an inner god
Whether you have experienced Oneness or not, what are your thoughts about it?

we are not god and god is not ourselves. Everything inside of god is yourselves and he is himself only.

To explain. If you are every you inside of you to become yourself. You are trillions of cells, to become you. Now if every you, everything you can see and not see, is a you then the universe is also a you with you inside it.

Since nothing is god and we are all inside of him then we are only inside of god but not god.

yourself is your godself.

Hmm .. I find that problematic.
If the created universe isn't from "Himself", that assumes that he created it from "something else"..
..which means that not only God existed before the creation of the universe.


we are not god and god is not ourselves. Everything inside of god is yourselves and he is himself only.

To explain. If you are every you inside of you to become yourself. You are trillions of cells, to become you. Now if every you, everything you can see and not see, is a you then the universe is also a you with you inside it.

Since nothing is god and we are all inside of him then we are only inside of god but not god.

yourself is your godself.


I see it nowadays as more like a fractal form. Many little forms inside a big form of the same type.....and zoomable to any scale.
I see it nowadays as more like a fractal form. Many little forms inside a big form of the same type.....and zoomable to any scale.

Good. Law of minds, everything is inside of something to become something here. Universe, galaxies, worlds, living organisms, then everything inside yourself until nothing else remains.

problem with the veil and minds is you have to have something to compare things to, in order to find how many minds something is.

Good. Law of minds, everything is inside of something to become something here. Universe, galaxies, worlds, living organisms, then everything inside yourself until nothing else remains.


What I sometimes question is will we ever reach a point where we can be certain nothing else remains? First we saw the physical forms, then inner parts, then molecules, then atoms and so on until currently we have quarks...in an infinitely spaced universe with infinite time, can we ever be certain that there is nothing less or nothing more?
What I sometimes question is will we ever reach a point where we can be certain nothing else remains? First we saw the physical forms, then inner parts, then molecules, then atoms and so on until currently we have quarks...in an infinitely spaced universe with infinite time, can we ever be certain that there is nothing less or nothing more?

They call it absolutely nothing here, to become and figure absolutely nothing out. I believe this is where the soul is stripped from the yourself.

absolute nothing is how we become ourselves again and again it is this thought that allows something inside of nothing. When nothing teaches something nothing there a yourself is formed.

They call it absolutely nothing here, to become and figure absolutely nothing out. I believe this is where the soul is stripped from the yourself.

absolute nothing is how we become ourselves again and again it is this thought that allows something inside of nothing. When nothing teaches something nothing there a yourself is formed.


Poetic and true! Nothing always is...and perhaps a drop of uncertainty birthed something inside it.....