Politics and Islam


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Muhammad was both a founder of a major world religion and a major military/political leader. What did he use his political and military leadership for? And how did Muhammad die, peacefully, or painfully? Did he ever force his teachings upon anyone directly or indirectly?

If anyone here is willing to educate me, please don't write long essays, simple and short is more understandable.

Salaamu Alyckum

Muhammad was both a founder of a major world religion and a major military/political leader. What did he use his political and military leadership for?
You ask about big issue in Islam and want short answer .you should know that if you want to understand any act or issue you must know the reasons behind it .however , I will try to answer your question without details .

Firstlly ,he used his political and military leadership to defense Islam and the permission to fight has been given to those whom others have come to fight. Which means: "O Muslims, now that the polytheist rejecters have come to fight against you, fight them." In reality this is a state of defense. Why has this permission been given?
Because the oppressed must defend themselves. Then comes a promise of help:

And truly God is capable of helping them; “those who have been expelled from their homes for no reason except for their saying: "Our Nourisher is God".

Fight in the cause of God those who fight you, but do not transgress limits; for God loveth not transgressors. (The Noble Quran, 2:190)"

Fighting in the cause of GOD Almighty those who fight us is what "Jihad" is all about. I can't go and kill a non-Muslim just because he is a non-Muslim. That is absolutely forbidden in Islam:

-the second purpose to used his political and military leadership to help poor people whom control by dictatorial leaders «And why is it that you do not fight in the way of God and the way of the mustazafin(weak ) of men, women, and children.» (4:75)

O Muslims why are you not fighting in the way of God and in the way of those who are helpless. Men, women and children who are helpless in distress; why do you not fight for them? Why do you not fight to save them?

-Jehad is not obligatory for the purpose of converting the people to Islam by force of coercion. Similarly the commandments about Jiziyah, Jiziyah is a tax charged from the infidels for their protection (while the tax which taken from Muslims called Zakat ). charged to the infidels (after announcing them as Thimmees) against the protection of their wealth and lives, clearly show that even after Jehad was announced obligatory for the Muslims, the infidels were never forced to embrace Islam.

And how did Muhammad die, peacefully, or painfully?
About two months after returning from Makkah for Pilgrimage, the Prophet (PBUH) became ill but he was still able to perform his prayers in the mosque and give directives to the companions. His health was deteriorating day by day. At the last moment he asked Abu Bakr to lead the prayers in the mosque, Every member of his family and every companion was worried about his health. It was on Monday, 12th (Rabi'Al-Awwal,) the year 11A.H.,when he passed away at the age of sixty three years.

The last thing the Prophet (s.a.w) did before his death (according to Aisha):

“He lay down in my lap, brushed his teeth harder than he had ever done before ”, then his eyes were fixed and he was saying “Nay, the Companion on high from paradise.” -I said to myself “You were given the choice and you have chosen, by Him who sent you with the Truth.” Then, he passed away.” (Bukhari)

Many people did not believe that he had passed away. They thought that the Messenger of Allah would live forever. It was Abu Bakr, who had the feeling, since the Farewell Pilgrimage that the death of the Prophet (PBUH) was coming near, He convinced the congregation that the Prophet (PBUH) had actually passed away. Abu Bakr said to the congregation that if they worshipped Muhammad had died , and if they worshipped Allah (SWT), He lives forever. Then hrecited from the Qur'an:

"Muhammad (PBUH) is nought but a Messenger like the Messengers who had surely passed away before him: will you, then, if he dies or be slain, turn round on your heels?"

Did he ever force his teachings upon anyone directly or indirectly?

-In the Quran we have a group of verses which specify that religion is to be accepted freely and cannot be forced upon someone and this confirms what we have been saying namely that in Islam no one can be coerced, be told either to become Muslims or die.
«There is no compulsion in religion, for the truth has been made manifest from the false» (2:255)

Which means that we must explain clearly the right path to people; its own reality, is manifest. There is no place for the use of compulsion in religion, no one must be obliged to accept the religion of Islam.

I hope these answers can help

Thanks to you