American Health Care is Rotten

Nicholas Weeks

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This is the view of retired doctor with 50 years experience in the four fields of healthcare:

"In my opinion, the healthcare system in this country is currently on life support. The level of trust is lower than it’s been in at least 50 years and deservedly so. While many probably believe that the negative impact on the healthcare system’s reputation is based on the nation’s Covid response, I will endeavor to provide, from the perspective of a retired physician and patient, a roadmap that brings all of the elements of the healthcare system together to explain how the disastrous Covid response merely highlighted the rot, rather than being its cause. While I’m keenly aware of the forces outside the healthcare system that played important roles in this drama, for this article, I will stick with all things medical."
We have never had a health care system in the US. We have had a sick care system....when we are sick we got to the doc or hospital to get better.

The closes we come to health care is gynecology and prenatal care.

Health care would be regular checkups and an FDA that supported production and consumption of healthy foods and habits.

ObamaCare was the largest upgrade to our system in decades, it ain't perfect, rarely is anything perfect the first round. Yet instead of improving it it has been attempted to be dismantled by conservative factions.

Note, without ObamaCare and our current system I would not be posting as I would not be alive.

Someday we may catch up with other industrialized nations.
Coming in June, Naomi Wolf's Pfizer Papers - Pfizer's Crimes Against Humanity

The book shows in high relief that Pfizer’s mRNA COVID-19 vaccine clinical trial was deeply flawed and that the pharmaceutical company knew by November 2020 that its vaccine was neither safe nor effective. The reports detail vaccine-induced harms throughout the human body, including to the reproductive system; show that women suffer vaccine-related adverse events at a 3:1 ratio; expose that vaccine-induced myocarditis is not rare, mild, or transient; and, shockingly, demonstrate that the mRNA vaccines have created a new category of multi-system, multi-organ disease, which is being called “CoVax Disease.”
We have never had a health care system in the US. We have had a sick care system....when we are sick we got to the doc or hospital to get better.

The closes we come to health care is gynecology and prenatal care.

Health care would be regular checkups and an FDA that supported production and consumption of healthy foods and habits.

ObamaCare was the largest upgrade to our system in decades, it ain't perfect, rarely is anything perfect the first round. Yet instead of improving it it has been attempted to be dismantled by conservative factions.

Note, without ObamaCare and our current system I would not be posting as I would not be alive.

Someday we may catch up with other industrialized nations.
When the Affordable Care Act was introduced I was one of the few Americans who actually read the bill. I kept telling everyone to read the bill because it was NOT what the media said it was. Aside from the obvious lie about being able to keep your doctor, the bill's main purpose was NOT to make healthcare affordable (even though it said so in the introduction page of the bill). The main purpose of the bill was twofold... force everyone in America into this "sick care system" and to eventually force everyone onto Medicaid. If I remember correctly, the original goal of the bill was to eventually have 90% of Americans on Medicaid. But the issue here is that Medicaid is awful! Where I live currently, 2 major hospitals and one major healthcare provider have pulled out of the area. Why? Medicaid is only paying 50% of their medical bills. Even though I live in an area that is doing well economically, so many people are on Medicaid because we expanded Medicaid (which was supposed to solve the issue, but made it worse). As with student loans, the federal government lies about how much they actually reimburse. If it wasn't for Obamacare, these hospitals would still be running.

It may have worked for you, but my daughter (who has cerebral palsy) lost her Medicaid under Obamacare. I had a lot of Obama supporters try to convince me that I should support the ACA because of my daughter. I told them that if they read the bill they would see that my daughter would lose her insurance under this law. She did. They didn't care. Thankfully their are non-profit organizations that were able to help us out.

I agree about the corruption of the FDA. No matter which political party a president is part of, they keep putting former Monsanto and former drug company employees on that board. They don't care about our health at all.

I am glad that Obamacare supposedly saved your life, but it almost killed my daughter. And that is why we both have different views on the law. That and I assume you never read the bill in its entirety before supporting it.
Pfizer keeps lying, thus health care suffers:

"Initially, Covid vaccines produced by Pfizer were seen as dangerous and untested; they were considered a Trump vaccine that only idiots who were willing to risk their own health would take. However when the 2020 election had been officially decided, and Biden and his political allies represented the Covid vaccines as the pathway out of the pandemic, a moral choice that would help yourself and others, narratives and incentives changed dramatically."