A little taste of Rumi



a little taste of the Sufi poet Rumi

Are you searching for your soul?
Then come out of your prison.
Leave the stream and join the river
that flows into the ocean.
Absorbed in this world
you've made it your burden.
Rise above this world.
There is another vision.

The above poem reminds me of Jesus 'I am in this world but not of this world' walking between the worlds, in my language walking between different dimensional realities.

More Rumi

If you can't smell the fragrance
don't come into the garden of love.
If you are unwilling to undress
don't enter into the stream of truth.
Stay where you are.
Don't come our way.

I like this one above it speaks to me of self development and peeling back the layers.

Deafened by the voice of desire
you are unaware the Beloved
lives in the core of your heart.
Stop the noise,
and you will hear his voice
in the silence.

being love

Thanks for the beautiful poems which I just read on a backward look through this site's postings. I've always liked this piece too:

Do not mock the wine; it is bitter only because it is my life.

-Jalalu’d-Din Rumi

With appreciation
