Would Jesus do e-mail marketing?


Peace, Love and Unity
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Received an e-mail today from a very old e-mail address I abandoned ages ago, after making some spam lists from usenet postings.

Point being it wasn't sent because of CR.

As a point of discussion, is the following e-mail an act of Christian duty?


e-mail said:
Kristina Williams <pwinnegdcriu@inwind.it>

Before its too late make peace with GOD,

and make sure the ones you love do also.

You need to pick between a eternity of joy or one of torment.

Accept him.


Get baptized.

And have a nice eternity.

In laplacian we can felsite as always l teet theirfore
similitude is shell and tn.
No. I dont see the point in anyone doing that, especially if you don't even know who you are sending or recieving from.
No. I dont think Jesus would do that. I don't even think Jesus would spend more than a couple of hours a week online, unless maybe he had part of his income from sales online.
Dear Brian

Interesting question.

Would Jesus send an email like the one that you have received? I would say no way.

Would Jesus use email and the internet to reach out to people because this is where a lot of people are nowadays. I would say yes he would.

Would he send block emails? Doubtful he was and still is interested in the individual.

Before its too late make peace with GOD - It isn't a prison sentence

and make sure the ones you love do also - God does not interfere in free will.

You need to pick between a eternity of joy or one of torment - Well that is free will also.

Accept him - Free will

Repent - Never requested by GOD

Get baptized - Never requested by GOD

And have a nice eternity - That's free will


Blessings in abundance

Accept him - Free will

Repent - Never requested by GOD

Get baptized - Never requested by GOD

And have a nice eternity - That's free will
Now Star,:) Starla, Starling, my favorite shining Star <smooch>
I dont know where you got that repentance is nothing or not requested. There are over 100 verses on that.
If I had known I was so perfect that I never had to repent of anything...then I would already be perfected in the womb.
Even Jesus went to be baptised to fulfill all righteousness.
At least I am glad to see that you see we do have the freedom as in free will.
It wonderful to be a servant of the Lord.:)

Jesus might put up a website or two. I wonder how many people would visit it and check back often.
SS, John the baptist was prophesized in the OT as being a voice in the wilderness.. he declared who Jesus was and baptized Him himself. Baptism is argued in some Christian circles as to whether its necessary for salvation.. I do not believe it is so because its putting a stipulation on top of believing in Jesus.

Just like Bandit said.. God has been telling man to repent since the OT.. IF you would like I could list scriptures or you could go somewhere like Crosswalk.com and put repent in the search fields to find them yourself.

The choice is you either choose to believe in Christ or your dont.

Brian, Would Jesus send emails? maybe not.. would He tell us not to do that? I dont believe He would. What if someone read that email and it made them think and re-evaluate their life? God will use any means necessary and He has used me in places you would never think that someone would be saved or brought back from backsliding. Places that one would think was completely opposite of where God would want His children to be.. Right Dor? ;)

Bandit, there are wonderful spirit filled website on the internet.. Maybe Jesus does have a few up :) after all it does say that when 2 or more are gathered in His name He will be present..imagine a site like this one where a few of us are discussing him in the Spirit.. wouldnt that mean He would be here? :) We cant limit Him.
Dear Bandit

Please see my post on repentance -v- redemption on another thread in response to Faithfulservant.

Bandit said:
Now Star,:) Starla, Starling, my favorite shining Star <smooch>I dont know where you got that repentance is nothing or not requested. There are over 100 verses on that.If I had known I was so perfect that I never had to repent of anything...then I would already be perfected in the womb. Even Jesus went to be baptised to fulfill all righteousness.
At least I am glad to see that you see we do have the freedom as in free will.It wonderful to be a servant of the Lord.:) Jesus might put up a website or two. I wonder how many people would visit it and check back often.

One as to understand the inner meaning of the teachings to understand the literal translations. Please see the other thread.

Jesus was blessed with water as part of his rebirth but we can be blessed in rebirth in many different ways. The blessing of water is discussed in the Harmonic Epiphany thread and the importance of using water to cleanse and purify the soul which we can receive daily whenever we wash and cleanse the self. Each new day gives us another opportunity to be reborn in the eyes of GOD.

But I am not against Baptism in fact I feel it is one of the most beautiful ceremonies especially for a GOD parent like myself. But yet in GOD's name I am not willing to accept the Catholic view that every child is born in sin I find this an appalling testement to the dogma of the church and a negative affirmation on the pure child of GOD that as just arrived on planet earth.

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and I see such beauty and perfection in babies.

My experience is that GOD demands nothing that is why we have free will, all is our choice to choose GOD and align with divine will.

Glory be to GOD for the mercy, compassion, love and zero judgement.

Must fly divine so bye for now.

being love

Kindest Regards, Brian!

"Would Jesus do e-mail marketing?" -ummm, why?

Jesus came originally to a specific group of people. It is from there that his teachings spread, and the bulk of that seems to be from one specific follower who took the teachings to the masses outside of that specific group. Now, if the question had been, "Would Paul have used e-mail marketing," then I would be inclined to think maybe yes.

As for whether or not Jesus might use e-mail marketing today, after his initial advent, I am not sure he would need to. Something tells me it would not be necessary.

BTW, what the heck does "In laplacian we can felsite as always l teet theirfore similitude is shell and tn." mean? Anybody got a clue?
juantoo3 said:
Kindest Regards, Brian!

BTW, what the heck does "In laplacian we can felsite as always l teet theirfore similitude is shell and tn." mean? Anybody got a clue?
Not sure juantoo3. I think it means "Bleaz foytem us enatca toot pluto, inka similia a la dodo"

and yes Star the catholic church messed up the whole baptism and put there own idea into it. But it is still in the scripture, and they did not mess that part of it up. Everyone went down into the water.
So why are Christians not doing this today Bandit?


Kim xx
I think baptism is symbollic of being cleansed and renewed. I know people that have experienced complete transformations of soul and spirit outside of the church. They believe in God and that's all.
I'm talking about the USA Faithful. Some of the transformations I'm talking of occured outside of the church. These folks speak in a manner and express their transformation similar to one from a church. y point being God touches people everywhere. Not all are led to a church anfd they are completely happy and blessed people.

By the way as I said earlier, I'm from the same country as you and while baptism is discussed it isn't the rule. I do think it is a great expression of faith though.
I agree.. God doesnt need limits on his effect on peoples lives.. There are many places in this world where people find God without a church in site.. its been like that in the USA in past centuries..

Baptism to me is a public declaration of your dedication and acceptance of Jesus Christ. I believe we are to be bold in our faith.