end time prophecies


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Hi there to all reading this. I would like to know if there are end time prophecies in Islam. If so what are they and how do they parallel Christian and Jewish prophecies. Thank you.
didymus said:
Hi there to all reading this. I would like to know if there are end time prophecies in Islam. If so what are they and how do they parallel Christian and Jewish prophecies. Thank you.
hi didymus,
This topic was discussed to a certain extent in a previous thread. The link is below:
Please go through it...if you still have questions, you are most welcome to ask.
There are many parrells and allussions between Christian, and Islamic endtime prophecies. Here are a few examples:

The Bible says that There will be a false prophet that will lead the world's coming one religion, and he will also assist the Anti Christ, the Coming world dictator. The false prophet will have power to do great miricles, and he will convince the world to follow after the Anti Christ. The Qura'n says that there will come in the last days Isa (Jesus), and he will be able to preform miricles to prove to the world that he is Jesus. He (Isa), will break all the crosses, and convice the world to follow after the Al Medhi - Islams last prophet.

There are more to all this, but Im tired now. Maybe later?
Conscience said:
There are many parrells and allussions between Christian, and Islamic endtime prophecies. Here are a few examples:

The Bible says that There will be a false prophet that will lead the world's coming one religion, and he will also assist the Anti Christ, the Coming world dictator. The false prophet will have power to do great miricles, and he will convince the world to follow after the Anti Christ. The Qura'n says that there will come in the last days Isa (Jesus), and he will be able to preform miricles to prove to the world that he is Jesus. He (Isa), will break all the crosses, and convice the world to follow after the Al Medhi - Islams last prophet.

There are more to all this, but Im tired now. Maybe later?
I'll have to correct you on that. The Qur'an alludes to the return of Jesus(pbuh) in the end times. Christians believe this also. that is the parallel. The parallel you should have been making and which you didnt is the appearance of the Anti-Christ whom we know as Dajjal [meaning, The impostor]. As far as i can tell, they are the same person and he is the one who will have great powers and he will call to a false religion. What he will show as paradise will actually be hell and what he will show as hell will actually be paradise.
The person Al-Mehdi you refer to will appear before Jesus(pbuh)'s returns. According to Islamic teachings in this regards, Prophet Mohammad(pbuh) is the last messenger of God... there are no messengers after him. Imam Al-Mehdi will not be a prophet.
P.S. Eesa (pbuh) is Jesus(pbuh). Please note that Jesus (pbuh) did not speak Latin or english. also, please note that the arabic and hebrew are sister languages.
Hoep this clears it up.
And Allah knwos best.
Yes, there are prophecies about the End Times. Some of these are:
1) False prophets
2) Some Arabs will be calling for hell others.
3) Many sects.
4) Islam will revert to be strange--something it is not.
5) Muslims will divide into 73 groups--only 1 group will go to heaven.
6) Jews will divide into 71 groups--only 1 will go to heaven.
7) Christians will split into 72 groups--only 1 will go to heaven.
8) Increase of ignorance.
9) Adultery, alcohol, drugs and immorality will increase.
10) Men will be lesser in number than women (50 women: 1 man)
11) A lot of killing.
12) Muslims will grow in ignorance until no one knows the islamic prayers, fast and rituals.
13) Qur'an will disappear in one night from the earth and no Qur'anic verse will will stay.
14) Droughts, famines, new diseases, wars and floods will increase.
15) Selfisness, lack of trust, disrespect of parents will all increase.
16) Men will treat better a friend than their fathers.
17) Voices will rise in the mosques.
18) Leaders will be worse than those who follow them.
19) Men will wear silk.
20) Respect will be shown only out of fear.
21) Female singers and music will be popular.
22) Women will walk naked dispite being dressed.
23) People will transform into animals.
24) There will be a red, visible wind to take away the believers.
25) Opening of the earth.
26) Leaders will be opressors.
27) People will believe in stars and will reject the Truth.
28) Stones will be fall on people.
29) Living will envy the dead.
30) Euphrates will show a golden treasure.
31) No honesty.
32) Two large groups of same faith will fight.
33) At least 30 false christs
34) Increase in earthquakes.
35) Time will pass quickly.
36) Competition in building high buildings.
37) Believers will become unbelievers and vice versa.
38) People trade faith for wordly goods.
39) Muslims will weaken by love of this world and lack of jihad.
40) Nations will call one another to fight Muslims.
41) Greed will increase.
42) Three landslides: east, west and Arabia.
43) Fire from Yemen.
44) Some destruction of the city of Medinah.
45) Thunders and people will be struck by thunderbolts.
46) Heavy, destructive rains.
47) Paganism will increase.
48) Divorce will increase.
49) Homosexuality will increase.
50) Relatives will be in divide (families in divide).
51) Increase in trade.
52) Graves will become mosques/churches.
53) Poverty will increase.
54) Appearance of Mahdi.
55) Destruction of Ka'ba.
56) False Messiah.
57) Christianity will be annulled.
58) Second Coming of Jesus Christ, the Messiah.
59) Jesus will destroy the antichrist.
60) Appearance of Gog and Maggog.
61) Jesus will destroy Gog and Maggog.
62) Peace will last until Jesus dies.
63) Sun will rise on the west.
64) Emergance of best from the earth.
65) Fire will bring people to their last gathering.
66) Trumpet sounds 3 times.