Anti-love - Anti-Christ ?



Dear All

I have put this thread here because this is about 'Belief' it is a sincere request from my heart with pure intent. I seek nothing but to understand.

How many of you believe that anti-love is anti-christ?

That there were teachings promoted by Rome in the bible that include anti-love?

GOD loves everyone for GOD does not judge, he sent Jesus to teach us not to judge others and love our neighbours as ourself, to love our enemies as ourself. Anti-love of anyone is anti-christ for Jesus came to teach us love, love of self, love of others and most of all love of GOD - in fact Love beyond measure.

In the past I was given some divine guidance, I was told that in the past I had used the term 'they do not resonate with my energy, and that it was now time to move up another level of consciousness. If ever I felt that I did not resonate with someone's energy then that means that I must love them more'.

And so it is I do my best to love everyone unconditionally no matter what, to see through GOD's eyes of love always.

What do you think about the anti-love promoted by Rome in the past. I say in the past because Rome as made some big shifts in recent years due to the influence of GOD and leaders from other religions and cultures. These shifts are not liked by a lot of people as one can witness from many CF websites attacking the Pope and Rome which once again is anti-love.

I wish to understand why anyone should wish to hold on so tightly to anti-love?

And when I do not understand I must love more.

How can humanity unite in the love of GOD while the believers of GOD still embrace anti-love? This question would also apply to Muslims, Jews and probably some other religions too.

Love beyond measure

perhaps this should be a poll so voters names are hidden and does not compromise anyone.
From a CF point of view based on scriptures: :)

2 John 1:7 For many deceivers have gone out into the world who do not confess Jesus Christ as coming in the flesh. This is a deceiver and an antichrist.

1 John 2:22-27 Who is a liar but he who denies that Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist who denies the Father and the Son. Whoever denies the Son does not have the Father either; he who acknowledges the Son has the Father also. Therefore let that abide in you which you heard from the beginning. If what you heard from the beginning abides in you, you also will abide in the Son and in the Father. And this is the promise that He has promised us--eternal life. These things I have written to you concerning those who try to deceive you. But the anointing which you have received from Him abides in you, and you do not need that anyone teach you; but as the same anointing teaches you concerning all things, and is true, and is not a lie, and just as it has taught you, you will abide in Him.

1 John 4:1-3 Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits, whether they are of God; because many false prophets have gone out into the world. By this you know the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is of God, and every spirit that does not confess that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is not of God. And this is the spirit of the Antichrist, which you have heard was coming, and is now already in the world.

Matthew 24:24 For false christs and false prophets will rise and show great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect.

You can also look up false teachers and false prophets since they speak of the same thing.. basically its summed up to anyone that teaches that Jesus Christ was not the Messiah come in the flesh for our salvation.. One that teaches against his doctrines which is also of Love others as God loves us. The warning to us is to not fall by the wayside of false teachers.. false prophets and false witnesses which is also called apostacy.

The following is a list of questions that we must ask any new teaching as to whether its sound and of God.

2. Does it bring CONVICTION to me?
3. Does it have a useful practical application in MY life?
4. Does it help to bring me to the PLACE of MATURITY that Scripture shows I need to be pursuing?
5. Does it increase my desire to be involved with my brethren in my Local Church? Or does it cause me to foster an 'Elitist' attitude?
6. Does it have a POSITIVE SCRIPTURAL influence TOWARD the Lord Jesus Christ?
7. Does it allow 'God to BE GOD' or does it limit Him?

We must understand that there are scriptural laws and principals that govern EVERYTHING - INCLUDING what God can and cannot do. God said so. Outside of these God given principals - We MUST NOT LIMIT God. We must allow Him to do things AS HE WISHES.
Since this is directly and specifically Christian, it belongs there, rather than general Belief, since you're asking about a specific faith rather than more cross-faith issues.... Moving it over...
Dear Bruce

I feel it would be better placed in comparative religion forum due to its influence on the future of the Muslim religion and their belief in the second coming.

"How can humanity unite in the love of GOD while the believers of GOD still embrace anti-love? This question would also apply to Muslims, Jews and probably some other religions too."

Love beyond measure

I just wanted to add something.. I think there is some confusion about anger not being possible if you truly confess to love something. All throughout the bible God has been angry the difference being is that its a righteous anger.. Jesus was angry in the NT a few times.. but it was a righteous anger. Yet they still love. The Holy Spirit can also be angered. I can personally attest to the fact that I have been angry a few times on this forum. I felt a just righteous anger which sometimes showed itself.. it does not take from the fact that I do not love the person that angered me and that I do not pray for them.

We war not against flesh and blood.
Dear Faithfulservant

And did Jesus not learn that his righteous anger got him nowhere with the Jewish priests all it did was alienate him from those he wished to embrace?

His anger was created by the core issue of frustration with the root cause of impatience. As we know patience is a great virtue, in my view, experience and bible Jesus also learnt from the error of his ways. Paul mentions in the bible that it was a weakness that got Jesus into trouble and if he had any weakness at all it certainly was his righteous anger. We also know from a medical point of view all types of anger are detrimental to the bodymind and from a spiritual perspective it is also detrimental to the soul. For the soul needs an inner sanctum of peace for it to reach its fullest potential.

And as not the promotion of a wrathful, angry and jealous GOD promoted in the Bible, Quran and Torah turned many people away from GOD and leave the fold which as benefitted other forms of spiritual expression and experimentation?

It is basic human nature that people wished to be loved not condemned hence the pure intent of this thread. GOD the most merciful, compassionate, loving and forgiving is a straight contradiction of an angry GOD.

Yes I know GOD to be just and recognise injustice, but yet my experience as always been that GOD shows us a better way and encourages us to be even more loving when faced with any dark shadows, whether those shadows manifest from within or outside of the self.

(excerpt from the 'Heart of Communication' article for health and education workers).

When we react to others communication with a negative response this is a clear sign that we are taking things personally and the dialog is triggering our own issues. Problems in communication are usually created by a lack of self-love, unresolved buried anger, negative thought patterns, seeking to gain control. caused by blame, judgment and criticism. This can create guilt, fear, shame and negative emotions which ensures that the other person will disconnect from us, the power struggle and control drama. There is now sufficient evidence to prove that hostile reactions are the biggest predictor of heart disease.

Taking control begins in childhood when we perceive that our needs have not been met, through a lack of recognition, sibling rivalry, competition, perceived failure, feeling invisible and eroded boundaries. These people take other’s energy by constantly needing to be in control of situations and this is a result of them not feeling safe, secure and loved. Justifying or defending our position comes from a lack of self-worth and this prevents compromise, trust and solutions being agreed.

Words can heal or destroy, consider what is really important, is it winning or making a point? Why do we have the need to react and respond? What is the intent? What is really going on at a deep core level? When we cease to observe ourselves in a negative way then we also cease to do that with others. We hold each soul in our hand, we can mark them like an exam paper or we can embrace them with our love and compassion in thought, word and deed. Thoughts create words these can manifest as a blessing and a present to the recipient or a kick in the face. How would we like to be observed?

Every individual wishes to be valued and honored with respect but before we can truly implement communicating from the heart we need to learn to respect, value and love ourselves including our strengths and our weaknesses. When these virtues are in place within us, we are then safe enough to allow our own vulnerabilities to shine through, our vulnerability then becomes a strength replacing weakness and dis-empowerment. We then begin to see all through the eye’s of love and compassion. We then see only positivity and act with the same humility and reverence that a mother gives to a new born child.


I agree we can have a critical perspective but it is imperative that this is laced with love and empathy so that there can be peace on earth.

Love beyond measure

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Sorry I cant agree with you on this either.. Christ biblically was perfect and without err.. Not only was he human he was also equally Divine. If anger was a sin he would never have felt anger. His anger was righteous in condemning hypocracy in the priests.. God was continuously angry at the rebellion and disobedience of his children.. that was righteous.. to assume that God or Jesus could act in any way other than righteously is not even a question to MY mind or many other Christians.
In response to Star's original post:

How many of you believe that anti-love is anti-christ?
I believe hate is unChristian, if that is what you mean...

That there were teachings promoted by Rome in the bible that include anti-love?

GOD loves everyone for GOD does not judge, he sent Jesus to teach us not to judge others and love our neighbours as ourself, to love our enemies as ourself.
Judgement doesn't equate to hatred, Star. A jury doesn't convict a murderer because they hate him - they convict him because he is guilty.

Anti-love of anyone is anti-christ for Jesus came to teach us love, love of self, love of others and most of all love of GOD - in fact Love beyond measure.
Agreed - except for that tidbit about love of the self. As I said somewhere else, self-giving and self-love seem contradictory to me.

What do you think about the anti-love promoted by Rome in the past.
Certain actions of "Rome" were wrong - the Crusades never should have happened, the behavior of the clergy needed some serious improvement, and the Church shouldn't have entangled itself in politics the way it did. But these things occured centuries ago. Instead of musing over the wrongs committed by the Church, we should dwell on the only truly important thing in history - the life of Christ.

These shifts are not liked by a lot of people as one can witness from many CF websites attacking the Pope and Rome which once again is anti-love.
So, is your attack on the views of CF websites "anti-love"? No, you merely disagree with them - as they do the Pope.

I wish to understand why anyone should wish to hold on so tightly to anti-love?

And when I do not understand I must love more.

How can humanity unite in the love of GOD while the believers of GOD still embrace anti-love?
I have a question for you, Star - and answer honestly. Am I, or Bandit, or Faithfulservant, or Quahom, or Juantoo, or any Christian hanging out here on Comparative-Religions, "anti-love"? Because I would claim we are reflective of the majority of Christians (well, Quahom is more interesting than most people, and we each have our own individual quirks, but you get the idea ;)) , and you seem to be indicating (correct me if I'm wrong) that many, if not most, mainline Christians adhere to "anti-love" teachings. So I ask, bluntly, are we, as a group, anti-love? If not, then I'd ask you to reconsider your view that most Christians are, as well.
Romans Chapter 2

1: Therefore thou art inexcusable, O man, whosoever thou art that judgest: for wherein thou judgest another, thou condemnest thyself; for thou that judgest doest the same things.

2: But we are sure that the judgement of GOD is according to the truth against them which commit such things.

3: And thinkest thou this, O man, that judgest them which do such things, and doesth the same, that they thou shalt escape the judgement of GOD?

4: Or despiest thou the riches of his goodness and forbearance and long suffering; not knowing that the goodness of GOD leadeth thee to repentance?

5: But after they hardness and impertinent heart treasures up unto theyself wrath against the day of wrath and revelation of the righteous judgement of GOD:

6: Who will render to every man according to his deeds:

the scripture goes on

Chapter 11 Corinthians

31: For if we could judge ourselves we should not be judged.

32: But when we are judged, we are chastened of the Lord, that we should not be condemned with the world.

Chapter 15 Corinthians

33: For GOD is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all churches of the saints.

Galatians Chapter 13

This is the third time I am coming to you. In the mouth of two or three witnesses shall every word be established.

2. I told you before, and foretell you, as I were present, the second time; and being absent now I write to them which heretofore have sinned, and to all, that, if I come again, I will not spare.

3. Since ye seek a proof of Christ speaking through me, which to you-ward is not weak, but is mighty in you.

4. 4. For though he was crucified through weakness, ye he liveth by the power of GOD. For we are also weak in him, but we shall live with him by the power of GOD toward you.

5. Examine yourselves, whether he be in the faith, prove your own selves. Know he not your own selves, how that Jesus Christ is IN you, except he be retropates?

6. But I trust that ye shall know that we are not retropates.

7. Now I pray to GOD that ye do no evil; not that we shall appear approved, but that we should do that which is honest (living in integrity) though we be as retropates.

8. For we can do nothing against the truth, but for the truth.

9. For we are glad when we are weak, and ye are strong: and this we also we wish, even your PERFECTION.

10. Therefore I write these things being absent, lest being present (being less consciously aware or altered state) I should use sharpness, according to the power which the Lord hath given me to edification, and not to destruction.

11. Finally, breathen farewell.

Be PERFECT, be of good comfort, be of one mind, live in peace; and the GOD of love and peace shall be with you. 12. Greet one another with a holy kiss.

13. All the saints salute you.

14. The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ and the love of GOD, and the communion with the Holy Ghost, be with you all. Amen.

So Paul is encouraging us in these words to reach people through love and peace not righteous anger demonstrated by the weakeness of Jesus, this message spoken through Paul by our Lord Jesus Christ himself.

And if Jesus as the humility to learn from the error of his human weakness should we not also be inspired to do the same, and be willing to learn to communicate from the heart of love and compassion? So that others may learn from our example, love is omnipotent it illuminates the universe with GOD's unity consciousness.

GOD is love and love is the way to live life forevermore.

GOD bless

KnightoftheRose said:
I have a question for you, Star - and answer honestly. Am I, or Bandit, or Faithfulservant, or Quahom, or Juantoo, or any Christian hanging out here on Comparative-Religions, "anti-love"? Because I would claim we are reflective of the majority of Christians (well, Quahom is more interesting than most people, and we each have our own individual quirks, but you get the idea ;)) , and you seem to be indicating (correct me if I'm wrong) that many, if not most, mainline Christians adhere to "anti-love" teachings. So I ask, bluntly, are we, as a group, anti-love? If not, then I'd ask you to reconsider your view that most Christians are, as well.
Sacredstar, I have to ask do you ever just answer a question? And arent all your quotes above from the same bible you constantly tell us has been corrupted by Rome? So how do you get to pick and choose what part you think is right and what part you think is wrong?
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I'm wondering too, SS, why do you think the Christians here and Christians in general are anti-love. You imply so all the time. I've seen just about everyone here say that they realize they are not perfect but they try to follow Christ's example of love.

I've also noticed that your politics are not all love, compassion and forgiveness. Politics rarely are.

Don't mean to be harsh but this does seem a bit agressive and unfair.

Rats, I've entered the fray. :(

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Dear Faithfulservant

You speak of righteousness and I am a passionate supporter of justice and equality of all so I do not have a problem with this.

Can we meet on GOD's bridge of peace in the middle where Grace is known?

What about Righteous Love which GOD tells me is Compassionate Action?

What assumptions did you make about me and Paul's writings?

Dear Dor

"Sacredstar, I have to ask do you ever just answer a question?"

Always when I have the time and energy to respond. But sometimes I do miss some and I hope that you can find it in your heart to forgive me when that happens.

"your quotes above from the same bible you constantly tell us has been corrupted by Rome? So how do you get to pick and choose what part you think is right and what part you think is wrong?"

Dor you are aware that we are all gifted with the Holy Spirit and are able to view and feel what is appropriate for our heart and soul at this point of our soul's evolution. This is not just with the bible but with all reading material and conversation.

So when one reads a book one might like some of it but not all of it, so for each individual it is up to them to decide for themselves. Do we choose to embrace religious scripture/text written down by man (with his own agenda) that encourages wrath war and anti-love or do we embrace the passages that foster love, peace and understanding, I feel that it is the latter that is the inspired word of GOD and it is this that GOD inspires me to promote through the Christ Vision of Peace - A Mission of Compassion.

Emissary of love

I've seen, many individuals use the bible to justify bad behavior and anti-love. Anti-love was not (in my opinion) what Jesus thought. Using Jesus words to justify hate,anger, jealousy etc. is the adversary at work. No one is exempt from having anti-love in thier hearts no matter what religion they profess. God is love! :)
I did not want to leave this open to interpretation so I must say, I do not believe that a person, because they are of the Christian faith, is anti-love. I know Christians who are loving caring people, who work diligently to help others and to be as loving and accepting as Jesus was.I believe that this is Christianity in a nutshell to attempt to be as Jesus was.
Always when I have the time and energy to respond. But sometimes I do miss some and I hope that you can find it in your heart to forgive me when that happens.
As I said in a previous post I forgive everyone for everything, Im not here to pass judgement or show antilove but I will question things that seem questionable at best to me.

Dor you are aware that we are all gifted with the Holy Spirit and are able to view and feel what is appropriate for our heart and soul at this point of our soul's evolution. This is not just with the bible but with all reading material and conversation.
Sorry I have to disagree with this not everyone has been gifted with the Holy Spirit. As it states in 1Cr 2:14But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know [them], because they are spiritually discerned. It also states it has to be asked for Luk 11:13If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children: how much more shall [your] heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to them that ask him? It also states that it is for those that repent and are saved Act 2:38Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. Act 2:39For the promise is unto you, and to your children, and to all that are afar off, [even] as many as the Lord our God shall call.

So when one reads a book one might like some of it but not all of it, so for each individual it is up to them to decide for themselves.
Well unfortunately I can not believe this either even though it might make things alot easier if I could pick and choose what I want to believe. Of course for most of the christians(not all) the Bible is more than a book!!
2Ti 3:16All scripture [is] given by inspiration of God, and [is] profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: Isa 34:16Seek ye out of the book of the LORD, and read: no one of these shall fail, none shall want her mate: for my mouth it hath commanded, and his spirit it hath gathered them. Rom 15:4For whatsoever things were written aforetime were written for our learning, that we through patience and comfort of the scriptures might have hope.

Yes God is love, but isnt that picking and choosing again what you want does the bible not describe God as Love, Light, Incorruptible, Eternal, Only wise, Perfect, Glorious, Most High, Just, True, Upright, Righteous, Good, Great, Gracious, Faithful, Merciful, Long-Suffering, Compassionate, Jealous and A consuming Fire.
Hello SS :)

*shrug* maybe it was an assumption that you discredit Paul.. I was under the impression that you did because you think that Rome has corrupted the bible for their own purposes and Paul was a Roman. I dont understand how you can embrace the positive and disregard the negative.. it all seems wishy washy to me. Everyday in this world we have consequences to our actions and what makes our spiritual life any different?

When you quote scriptures its supposed to mean something profound but when someone else quotes scriptures that you disagree with its "corrupt". Do you see my reasoning behind feeling that this is hypocrisy?

I love the all scriptures and I appreciate your love of them as well.. but there is beauty in the "negative" too.
Dear Dor

"Of course for most of the christians(not all) the Bible is more than a book!!"

Well we will have to agree to disagree from experience of different forums around the world most people that were born Christians have retained their belief in GOD as a Christian that is good, but have turned against the bible to the extent most call me a Christian evangelist! Can you imagine! Big smiles!

Rome as shifted big time and CF's have the right to choose whether to embrace the shifts or become an endangered species. Which is why they feel so threatened by pure love. As Jesus said 'the last will be first and the first will be last'.

Let us pray that Christianity can come through the end times richer, mightier, more loving and compassionate then ever before.

I do hope so.

Love beyound measure

Dear Dor

You posted a joke about 'Christians -v- New Age' which I now cannot find on any of the forums.

I have to inform you that the term New Age and its contents is a bit old hat to the more advanced on the spiritual pathway. So allow me to bring you up to date we are now on the threshold of the 'Golden Age' and this is how modern spirituality as evolved in the last 150 years from a Christian perspective. GOD explained it through an analogy of the chakra system which is part of our soul and dimensional consciousness.

Root Chakra - I WANT TO BE SAFE - Theosophy Movement

Sacrel Chakra - I WANT TO BE HAPPY - Christian Spiritualists

Solar Plexus - I AM POWER - I AM movement

Heart Chakra - I GIVE DIVINE LOVE - This is what we are integrating now

So all is evolving in line with GOD's divine plan, all is transformed in the continued raising of consciousness of our planet and our people. All movements have played a very important role in achieving GOD's will to good and to get us to the point of unity and the new era of the transparency of Christ Consciousness.

One planet, one people, one heart, equality for all people, cultures and religions across all frontiers.

Love beyond measure
