Server Move


Peace, Love and Unity
Veteran Member
Reaction score
As some of you may be aware, there are issues with the server this site is hosted on, resulting in disappearing posts and threads, and links not behaving correctly.

However, the hosting company is about to engage in the mass migration of all servers to a new facility, and this should include the site being moved to a much better server.

I now have a date range of March 4th-6th as the window for when this will happen.

The forums may throw up a few bugs until then - but afterwards, if all goes to plan, we should be in a much better position, with far more stability on the forums and more resources as well.

I also plan to bring in a few small changes to accompany the move... :)

(No, really - just small changes - but hopefully useful. :) ).
that will be nice.

one day when i was posting, the same page split itself into two pages, like seeing double mirror image. I thought it was being hosted by a poltergeist.:D

Cheers and good luck with the move.
Yes, the bugs here have been pretty annoying - last pages on threads inaccessible was a recent one, posts not showing under threads, etc.

Btw - the move will likely be anytime between 00:00-08:00 GMT, either tonight (Friday), Saturday, or Sunday. No certainly as yet, but I'm backing up.
Server move seems done - for the moment the site seems a lot more responsive. Do *please* keep me informed if anyone experiences anymore problems with the site.