70 million celebrating peace!



Dear Brian

Hope its OK to post this here.....it is wonderful proof that the world is indeed changing.

Just been sent this by the universal alliance news agency just imagine 70 million people celebrating peace....

WHY: Because the world need a message of peace and
tolerance and because IT IS a GREAT movie!!! :)

"Short cut to Nirvana:Kumbh Mela"

Watch the trailer at: www.melafilms.com

An exhilarating, insightful, uplifting and often hilarious journey of discovery to the biggest event in history - the Kumbh Mela. Held over 12 years where the holy Gange and Yamuna rivers meet, this incredible festival brings together 70 million pilgrims and many of India's great spiritual leaders, including the Dalai Lama.

"Mind blowing...A colossal event"
Los Angeles Times "radiates good cheer and offers moments of true Godly goodness"

San Francisco Chronicle "A beautiful crafted documentary. Highly recommended." Filmthreat.com

"A delightful and surprisingly full portrait of a
world sliced out of time." What is Enlightenment  

Here's a link to the showtimes in Houston this weekend: http://landmarktheatres.com/Market/Houston/Houston_Frameset.htm <http://landmarktheatres.com/Market/Houston/Houston_Frameset.htm>
Please check with your local theatres to see when it will play
in your city.

In loving service and gratitude,

Paddy McAlister
Energy Medicine Association
Sacredstar said:
proof that the world is indeed changing.

Held over 12 years...
Isn't this a regular Hindu ceremony held over the proceeding centuries? I missed how that implies change. :(

Anyway - moved to "Hinduism".
Dear Brian

well to my knowledge there hasn't always been 70 million my brother was there in 86 so will have to ask for a comparison in figures, but 70 million is a lot of people from religions from all around the world makes one wonder how many fly in. Great to see the Dai Lama once again leading the peace movement.

It is also the first time it as been filmed for worldwide distribution which enables even more people to hear the message of peace and unity. Who knows next time the figures could be double that....

onwards and upwards

Kim xx
What do the 70 million do when they go home, though? That's the important thing.
Yes agreed

I am witnessing a massive shift internationally even I am shocked by the speed of the critical mass awakening....the flock is indeed rising just as GOD promised.

being love

kim xx
Here is my brother's response

It's the MAHA KUMBH MELA ("the great fair of the pot of nectar - amrit
kalash - of immortality")

In '86 Haridwar... maybe 40 mil over the month......but it does Not...
happen every year! And it's been going on for centuries The Chinese pilgrim Hyuen Tsang who visited India in the first millennium wrote about it...so long long time b4 that.

Go to links;



and channel 4 did a docu on the 2001 fair

for all the info you need....