Wisdoms behind the Islamic teachings


In the Name of God
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Salaam to all

The pray ( Salaah ) is the most important worship in Islam

Allah . gave you many things , ready to help you always without equivalent …, while many people in this world deny his blessing he forgive them when they request forgiveness . If he want he can destroy the life in this earth , but he is the most Merciful. you can ask and pray to him in any time and in any place…..without enter -mediate . in this life if you want any thing from a manager or chief you need permission or requirement to meet him or to ask anything from him ……but Allah almighty …..permit you to ask him to pray to him without any restrictions .

We Muslim pray five times each day in certain time ,Why ?

While we pray we make continuate relation with our God Allah . not only when we need ,and this is to thanks him for his blessing and … also, Allah said which mean: Those Whom thank and believe me when they are happy ,I will help and appreciate them when they are in Difficult and sadness . if you want to make relation with some one you must keep in touch with him ….So what you should make to keep your relation with your perfect God "Allah ".

Fasting (Saom)

We Muslim know that Allah does not need anything from us when he call to fast in one month each year (Ramadan) , but in this worship the human soul , behaviours and the body influencing to be more humanity ….how?

Our soul cleaned from evil feeling …we feel with poor people …how is their life and how we can support in help each other ….many quarrelling people solve their problem and be friends in this month .

Our behaviours be good and quiet because of the affecting on our body physicaly, The hormones of our body organize and their effect on our behaviour reflected on our communicate with others …. the human desires be under control and we can prevent ourselves from harming others …

Our body systems and cells refresh , balanced and reorganized to be more health .

Pilgrimage ( Al Hajj )

This worship help Muslims to remember the day of Judgement ,all people despite of their positions in this life are equal , under the same conditions and for the same reasons came to the house of Allah ( AlKaabah ) wear the same clothes and drink from the same water pray to the same god Allah ,in Arafat Mountain they feel that they are in the day of Judgement, leave all the life interesting and stay in the same point to pray to Allah to save and forgive them.

( Zakah )

It is a system of redistribution of the Muslims incomes ,to struggle the poverty and to spread equality…all Muslims according to their income must pay for other Muslims or as in the past to the Islamic state to help and organize Muslims affairs ( like the tax system now )…and another system which called ( Sadqah) which means charity encourage muslim to pay to the poor if they want without any conditions .
Dear Friend

What is your view of the book 'Absolute Justice' a muslim friend as been sharing with me and we found so much wonderful unity and true understanding of the inner meanings there.

For those that do not know of this book and its writer I add some links about this enligthened man.

1. The Three Creative Principles Defined.- Three Stages of Human Relations
1. Adl - absolute justice
2. Ihsan – to grant someone more than his due
3. Ita’i Dhil-Qurba – to treat with such grace and overwhelming benevolence as one would treat one’s kindred.

The Quranic verse which I have chosen for today’s address is extremely vast and comprehensive.

“Indeed Allah requires you to abide by justice, to treat with grace and to give like the giving of kin to kin.” Surah Al-Nahl 16:91

Allah does not command us to exercise justice (Adl) alone, but He also desires us to voluntarily add benevolence (Ihsan) to the act of justice and to then move further to the third stage of human relationships, which is Ita’i Dhil-Qurba, a spontaneous expression of love and care as experienced by a mother for her child. When a mother loves her child she does so without any element of design and without any trace of affectation. It is but a natural flow which she does not generate, but one which she is carried away with. Spontaneity is always central to her expression of love for her dear ones. The above example illustrates fully the spirit of Ita’i Dhil-Qurba.

To recapitulate, the first part of this verse sets out three stages of human relations. The least Allah expects from the believers is absolute justice. However they are not expected to stop short at justice. They are required to move on to the domain of benevolence. They will then not only be just towards mankind, but will also learn the art of returning more than other’s due; their generosity will benefit people without obligations.

This in Quranic terminology is called Ihsan or benevolence. It should be remembered however that the term Ihsan is not limited to one subject matter only, there are several underlying meanings. When this term is used in relation to God and His servants, a change in its application takes place accordingly. I will mention this aspect later, at the appropriate juncture.

The third term used in this verse is Ita’i Dhil-Qurba, i.e. kindness to one’s kindred. According to this, we are expected to extend our favours to others in such a way that no feeling of pride finds any place in this relationship. Our benevolence is extended in such a manner that we consider it to be our duty or obligation and not favour to others.

Nooria said "These are the extremists, they call themselves as religious yet they claim to have the right to kill anyone who they see fit. Islam teaches that Muslims should respect "People of the Book" ie Jews and Christians and even provide shelter for them if they are persecuted. Some day Kim, some day... all will be Ok, I know this much"


This is a link to the founder of the community and his message, he saw himself as a reformer and not a law-giver, as Muslims know that Prophet Mohamed was supposed to be the last law giving prophet. However, many accused him of many things, like Jesus did at the temple, he put a bright light on darkness, which is not well received.

http://www.alislam.org/library/links/00000009.html << his message

http://www.alislam.org/library/pm-bl.html << his beliefs

The motto of the community is "Love for all, hatred for none"

This message really resonated with me.

- 1 -
I want to make it clear to Muslims, Christians, Hindus, and Aryas, that I have no enemy. I love all men as a merciful mother loves her children.
Nay more. I am enemy only of false beliefs, beliefs subversive of truth. To sympathise with all humans is my duty and to preach against falsehood, disloyalty to God, tyranny, evil conduct, injustice, immorality is my mission.

My motive for this height of sympathy is that I have discovered a gold mine, have had access to an unlimited supply of precious stones. In the mine I have found a bright and priceless jewel. So priceless that if I divide it between all of my fellow men, every one of them will become richer than the richest among them in gold and silver. What is this jewel? It is the true God. To reach Him is to know Him, to become really aware of Him, to have true faith in Him, to be united with Him in true love. To receive true blessings from Him in return. Having found such a priceless treasure it will be cruel on my part if I let not my fellow-men know about it. Could I let them go hungry while I have plenty. No, it will not be so, while I can help. My heart burns over their want and hunger. My soul becomes depressed over their dark and straitened existence. I want to see their homes filled with riches divine. I want to see them full with faith and truth. Full to capacity.

(Arbain No. 1, pg. 2-3)

- 1 -
What was this, do you know? This most wonderful thing which happened in the wilderness of Arabia? Spiritually dead millions became alive again in a matter of days; those without eyes began to see, those without speech began to speak the language of seers gifted with divine knowledge. This was a revolution which no eye had seen before nor had an ear heard of it before.

What was it, do you know? It was a miracle performed by the mighty prayers of a man who had dedicated his life to God. Prayers offered in the dead of night. These prayers shook the world. They wrought changes impossible for an unlettered person to bring about.

God! shower Thy blessings and send peace on this man! Bless not only him but also those who come after him and follow him! Remove their fears, their sorrows, their anxieties. And on this his Umma, shower Thy Bounties and Thy Blessings until the end of days.

(Barkat-al Dua pg. 10-11)

Love beyond measure

Kim xxx
Friend, all you did was tell us the basic principles of Islam; you did not show why there is any 'wisdom' behind these principles.

'while many people in this world deny his blessing he forgive them when they request forgiveness'

I'm sure the people who drowned in the flood, except Noah of course, would tell you otherwise.
Lucretius said:
Friend, all you did was tell us the basic principles of Islam; you did not show why there is any 'wisdom' behind these principles.

'while many people in this world deny his blessing he forgive them when they request forgiveness'

I'm sure the people who drowned in the flood, except Noah of course, would tell you otherwise.
Dear Lucretius,
You are off to a bad start; here as well in your other thread (i'll deal with that when I get the chance. I want to read it a second time before I decide what to do about it). If you wish to continue speaking in such a manner, the comparative section of the site is better for you. I say this considering this post and your other thread and the complaint-***-headsup that i have already received against your other thread. Furthermore, your locations says: Karachi, Pakistan (Unfortunately). Please remove the underlined as religious as well as nation bashing in such a manner is not appreciated.
Regarding the 'wisdom' you cannot find in Friend's post:
First, he spoke of prayer. The wisdom in it is written in the 'We Muslim pray five times each day in certain time ,Why ?' part.
Then he spoke of fasting. The wisdom is written in that complete section. for example, ' we feel with poor people' , 'the human desires be under control' and 'Our body systems and cells refresh , balanced and reorganized to be more health.'
Then he spoke about the Pilgrimage. The wisdom is again in the complete paragraph. Same with the Zakah section. Did you even read it?
Your comment regarding the flood is incorrect as well. Noah(pbuh) called them to the right path for a thousand years but they did not listen to him except a few. Please note that the Quran talks about a localized flood. And they werent asking for forgiveness, they were continuously denying the call of Noah(pbuh), thus, your conclusion from the quote is incorrect.
I sense quite a bit of negativity from your posts and a hefty attitude. Please keep it in check. Everything can be said without the attitude, so lets try harder please.

You are off to a bad start; here as well in your other thread (i'll deal with that when I get the chance. I want to read it a second time before I decide what to do about it).


Some muslims pasted what I feel are phony ‘scientific miracles’; in the thread I demonstrated why I feel they are phony. If muslims are to be allowed to post such dubitable ‘miracles’ then I think people who wish to argue them, should be allowed o do so.

Furthermore, your locations says: Karachi, Pakistan (Unfortunately). Please remove the underlined as religious as well as nation bashing in such a manner is not appreciated.


It’s not ‘nation bashing’ It’s my opinion and I think I’m entitled to one.

Regarding the 'wisdom' you cannot find in Friend's post:
First, he spoke of prayer. The wisdom in it is written in the '
We Muslim pray five times each day in certain time ,Why ?' part.
Then he spoke of fasting. The wisdom is written in that complete section. for example, '
we feel with poor people' , 'the human desires be under control' and 'Our body systems and cells refresh , balanced and reorganized to be more health.'
Then he spoke about the Pilgrimage. The wisdom is again in the complete paragraph. Same with the Zakah section. Did you even read it?


I read them. Your body cells do not necessarily ‘refresh and reorganize’ when you fast. Same with the other effects; I live with muslims who fast mercilessly but have no control over their ‘human desires’, and who do not really feel with the poor people. This is not to say that what Friend has written is wrong and never happens, but is something which, as far as I have seen, does not happen often. The same effects can be achieved in other better ways. There is no as such ‘wisdom’ behind these principles. But that’s just what I think.

Your comment regarding the flood is incorrect as well. Noah(pbuh) called them to the right path for a thousand years but they did not listen to him except a few. Please note that the Quran talks about a localized flood. And they werent asking for forgiveness, they were continuously denying the call of Noah(pbuh), thus, your conclusion from the quote is incorrect.


I apologize. I recalled the incident incorrectly.

Hi there
In reply to Lucretius comment
I read them. Your body cells do not necessarily ‘refresh and reorganize’ when you fast. Same with the other effects; I live with muslims who fast mercilessly but have no control over their ‘human desires’, and who do not really feel with the poor people. This is not to say that what Friend has written is wrong and never happens, but is something which, as far as I have seen, does not happen often. The same effects can be achieved in other better ways. There is no as such ‘wisdom’ behind these principles. But that’s just what I think.
If you didn't want to see something , you wouldn't recognize or understand it at all ......this is your opinion but these information proved scientifically .
your hormones system and the ratio of blood sugar control your behaviour ....and this is related with other body parts .

you talk about 1/5 of the world's population, can you make generalizations if you see the behaviour of some individuals which maybe didn't applied the main Islamic teaching correctly ....I doesn't think so !!!!!!!.
even though ....you are free to think anything you want.
If muslims are to be allowed to post such dubitable ‘miracles’ then I think people who wish to argue them, should be allowed o do so.

With all due respect, this is a board for the discussion of Islam, Islamic issues, and for raising questions about Islam. It is not intended as a board for posting critical attacks on Islam or Muslims.

If you want to engage in a genuine comparative analysis of Islam then try raising ideas on the Comparative Studies board - but please avoid large-scale copy/pastes of material from other websites, as this will be removed - as with your miracles refutation thread.

It’s my opinion and I think I’m entitled to one.
Sure you are - and there's an entire internet that will allow you to express it. However, please note that at CR it is expected that members respect one another, and there is no remit here to be anyone's personal soapbox against any particular religion or religious view. Please bear that in mind.

Really, you need to examine why you are here - if you want to engage in genuine discussion about a range of world religions, then we have an excellent representation of that in our membership - it's a great resource to tap if you wish to.

However, if your only motivation for being present is to attack Muslims for their faith - or persons of any other faith, for that matter - then you would simply find your access to the site removed.

Hope that helps make things clear.