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Mods I hope you allow this but I like people to view the lyrics to a last years longest chart toping song. Feel free to let me know you think.

Where is the love By Black eyed peas
[Complete lyrics removed by moderator]
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Postmaster said:
Mods I hope you allow this but I like people to view the lyrics to a last years longest chart toping song. Feel free to let me know you think.

Where is the love By Black eyed peas

Sorry, but posting copyrighted material wholesale like this is not allowed - the copyright owners need to give permission, or it needs to fall under "fair use".

Haven't heard the song, myself, but the topic certainly seems relevant - not sure it's not more for the Politics section than Belief & Spirituality, depending on which lines, though....

Snippets (picked by me... not Postmaster, in case it's not clear) follow:

But if you only have love for your own race
Then you only leave space to discriminate
And to discriminate only generates hate
Let your soul gravitate to the love y'all
If love and peace so strong
Why are there pieces of love that don't belong?
Only visions of them livin and
Not respecting each other
...Where's the love y'all?
Dear PM

Right on! Truly inspired words.

The music industry do their best to inspire the young and bring the real issues to the fore.

This quote from Jimi Hendrix sums it all up.

When the power of love
is more powerful then the
love of power then there
will be peace on earth.

Sadly the people have not taken responsibility for aeons of time, it is scarry for them to realise they are co-creators of everything that happens on planet earth. People are conditioned to be sheep from childhood, society likes sheep because they do as they are told, they can be herded through fear, but yet we are all being called by GOD to be Christ Lionhearts in GOD's name. Sheep follow by Lions lead.

And so it is the Lion of Judah, Christ himself is guiding us to take back our power and take responsibility for our creation and what we are doing to planet earth and its children.

Through love, in love, being love
Through peace, in peace, being peace

Love beyond measure

Kim xxx
Heh, things can and do get ugly with copyrighting - now if you do anything naugty, I can threaten to send the RIAA on you. :D
The most they will do is tell me to remove the content of which I would be happy to do, if they don't it either means they are not bothered or they haven't come accross it.

I'm so sure of myself I put my site at risk :)

We shoud be people of reason :) For I'm merely promoting the song.
The RIAA isn't famed for reason, though - old ladies and little girls have already been slammed hard with big fines.

Even if the RIAA is a [insert favourite expletive here] there are general copyright issues that have to be dealt with. Not just in music - and it's an issue we have to be really careful of on forums. Small excerpts are fair use, but that's all we can go for.