Stonehenge was a vagina?

Although I can certainly agree that Stonehenge would likely have played some significant role in fertility rituals, and certainly see a symbolic representation as quite possible, and even probable. But somehow I find the idea suggested by the Canadian a little too literal. :)
This idea has actually been around for quite a while, long before this guy published it. I have a source somewhere around here--still not unpacked so I can't find it right off--that pointed out that at Midsummer's sunrise, all the tourists are looking at the sun rising over the heelstone outside the henge--and so miss seeing the shadow of that heelstone slipping straight into the "vaginal canal" of the henge itself, creating a literal and visible mating of sky and earth. I question this somewhat because of the geometry; this source said the shadow moved west into the circle, but the shadow cast by the heelstone in fact would only shorten as the sun rose, not extend. Still, an interesting idea.

Another idea explored by this unavailable source involved--geeze, I'm not sur eof the exaxt term . . . but I think they're called "cursas?" Latin for "ways?" These are depressions that appear to be roads, but they go from nowehere to nowhere, are of varying lengths, tend to curve or meander a bit, and seem to serve no practicaol purpose, yet they are unquestionably manmade and of roughly the same vintage as Stonehenge. There is a large cursa just down the hill--I think to the north or northeast--of Stonehenge itself, within easy view of the site.

This same nameless source quoted studies of cursas found throughout southern England. Something like sixty percent run southwest-to-noertheast, pretty close. It observed that tornadoes in England, while not as common as in the American midwest, do opccur every few years, and when they do, about sixty percent move from southwest to northeast.

His observation was that early people in the region would have been VERY impressed by the sight of a phallic cloud dangling from the sky, reaching down, "plowing" the earth . . . an event followed immediately by torrential rains. They may have begun marking the ground paths of tornados and improving on them to mark the exact site where the skygod had impregnated the earth goddess. Later henges may have therefor been attempts to localize the phenomena in one spot for ease of veneration.

As you point out, brian, this may be a bit too literal an interpretation; after all, rain has been viewed as the ejaculate of the god on a fertile goddess for thousands of years, and there may be no need to seek more literal visual imagery. But it's an interesting idea.
Hmm ... There's also something about the Babylonian temple at Ur, according to Joseph Campbell I believe, that represents a cow's vagina. Something to do with the Great cow goddess mother and possibly ritual rebirth.
As someone who, for about a decade now, has been researching how both solar and lunar eclipses influenced ancient humanity's religious beliefs and mythology, and who thus possesses considerable knowledge and understanding about the ancient "pagan" religious beliefs and practices that were inspired by the sun and the moon and their respective eclipses, I can say that Dr. Anthony Perks' just might be onto something. Keep in mind that the editors of this respected scientific journal quite evidently take Dr. Perks theory quite seriously...

In fact Dr. Perks' new Stonehenge theory quite nicely complements the scientific astronomical theories about Stonehenge, including its possible (dare I say probable?) purpose as an eclipse calculator. Some ancient cultures perceived profound cosmic sexual/fertility symbolism in both lunar and solar eclipses and responded to this and other profound cosmic symbolism manifested during solar and lunar eclipses in their "pagan" religious practices. It is now pretty much scientifically proven that Stonehenge could have been used by its ancient creators to reliably predict lunar eclipses. It is thus well within possibility that Stonehenge was used to predict the occurence of the dark red "blood moon" that is regularly manifested during lunar eclipses which some ancient cultures clearly associated with the blood of menstruation and childbirth... Amongst other things solar eclipses were perceived as the sun and the moon making love by many ancient cultures thus Dr. Perks' Stonehenge theory closely complements this ancient "pagan" religious belief as well.

The publicly quoted (in The Observer and other media) sarcastic dismissal of Dr. Perks' self-admittedly controversial Stonehenge theory by "expert" David Miles, chief archaeologist of English Heritage, is clearly quite gratuitous and even contains some remarkably disingenuous (to say nothing of totally spurious...) arguments that any competent and knowledgable archaeologist or historian should know better than to utter, either publicly or privately.

It is unfortunate that archaeologist David Miles cannot take his own good advice about responding to Dr. Anthony Perks' attempt to present some potentially valuable new knowledge and understanding of Stonehenge in his gratuitously dismissive response to Dr. Perks' intriguing new theory that Stonehenge may have been constructed in a manner that symbolically represents the female reproductive organs including the labia majora, labia minora, clitoris and birth canal when viewed from the sky.

"Stonehenge is a site of global significance and anything that adds to our knowledge and understanding is of great importance."

The fact of the matter that even if Dr. Perks' Stonehenge theory contains some serious flaws (and I am not suggesting that it does) but is never-the-less largely valid in its basic thesis that Stonehenge symbolically represents the human female's reproductive sexual organs when viewed from the sky this theory clearly adds to our knowledge and understanding of Stonehenge and thus is of great importance and even global significance according to David Miles own apparently forgotten words...

Please feel free to read my <A HREF="">letter to the editors</A> of The Observer that denounces David Miles irresponsible gratuitous dismissal of Dr. Anthony Perks Stonehenge theory here -

It should be clear from the information provided in this letter to the editors and the various links to other web sites that Dr. Anthony Perks' Stonehenge as birth canal theory just may hold water...

Dr. Anthony Perks controversial theory that Stonehenge was designed to symbolically represent a vulva when viewed by an <A HREF="">"Eye in the Sky"</A>...

is now available online, as it was published in a <A HREF="">short article</A> in the Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine in February 2003, in Abobe Acrobat pdf file format here -

I highly recommend reading the complete article and looking at the pictures it shows before coming to any final conclusions about the "Vagina Monoliths" and possible premature ejaculation of opinions... ;-)
Hi Robin Edgar, and welcome to!

You certainly make an interesting argument - I'll definitely check out those links later today.

Personally, I think there's an immediaet but simple concern of symbolic versus too literal an interpretation. But I'll examine the sources more closely before running away with unfounded generalisations. :)
New "Vagina Monoliths" "Web Sight"

My new Vagina Monoliths" "Web Sight" that is dedicated to providing the public with truthful and accurate information about Dr. Anthony Perks' new theory that Stonehenge may have been designed to symbolically represent the vulva of an "Earth Goddess" when viewed from the sky, in order to counteract the abundance of misconceptions, misinformation, and possible disinformation, that is now on the internet, is taking form here -

Besides providing accurate information about what Dr. Perks new Stonehenge theory actually says, this new "web sight" will present my own personal knowledge and insights that arise from my extensive research into how the religious beliefs and "mythology" of ancient humanity were profoundly influenced by both solar and lunar eclipse phenomena and will explain how these ancient religious beliefs inspired by ancient, and even prehistoric, eclipses of the sun and the moon almost certainly relate to Dr. Anthony Perks controversial theory that Stonehenge symbolically represents the vulva of an "Earth Goddess".
I've finally managed to read your article! Apologies for the delay.

Although I can appreciate what is being said, I found the general argument that an ancient structure faithfully represents something as like an anatomical drawing, somewhat going beyond the scope of the symbolism.

Although there are the chalk carvings about Europe of sometimes anatomically significant figures, and although I'm aware of the various stone phallus structures - especially in southern Europe - I simply consider that symbolism was essentially more important than literalism.

In even simpler terms, rarely does the ancient world have any particular interest in anatomical features (outside of sculpting) - at least, in representating them literally - excepting, as noted, with the penis.

With Stonehenge it would be easy to argue that the structure has a distinctly "womb-like" meaning - the earth as receptive to the Sun and sky, etc. Although I'm sure that you would perhaps suggest that it supports your ideas, I simply see the ancient mindset as more interested in the strictly symbolisc interpretation of the fertility process.

I'm probably on weak ground here - no doubt there are numeous objections to my points (not least the various Greek myth literature on the latter paragraph). However, I am simply trying to convey honest first impressions.

This is not to say that I would like to ridicule your ideas - truly I like diversity of opinion simply because I live by a maxim that I cannot know objective truth.

However, as a subject for debate, this all makes for very interesting material. It would be fascinating to see whether anyone else here has made a point to look at Stonehenge in any particular way. (I freely admit it's not been a great focus of interest for myself).
The idea of Stonehedge being in the image of a sacred yoni would not be a surprise. The Christian fish is taken from the same source as the Pisces of Venus. The yoni had several representations in the heavens in ancient Egypt. One was as Nut the sky goddess. Geb was the earth god who would rest on his back with an elongated phallus (black too). Nut would be the upper Yoni. This is where the ankh originated in the Southern Cross.

The Northern Crown was yoni shaped. It would represent Bast in Egypt as well as the red crown of Lower Egypt. In the OT it was Tamar and the weird birth of her twins (red thread) as constellation of "the second coming." In the NT it was the crown of thorns placed on Christ's head (red blood).

This same constellation was the sin of Onan. On May 10-18 there was and is a meteor shower associated with this constellation. The Celts claimed it was lost souls coming to the earth looking to be reborn. The spilled seed of Onan prevented the formation of a life, thus the returning souls had no place to go.