Racism - Diversity Awards UK



I was just sent this information and found the article interesting.


In 2003 Elaine Sihera wrote:

"Expect a lot more programmes like these because acceptance of equality and diversity is an inside job. It's not about other people and what they are
doing. It actually starts with the self. Black or White, nothing will change
in Britain until we begin to respect ourselves, value ourselves and love

This will empower us to begin the process of valuing, appreciating and
respecting other people and to deal positively with difference." Elaine was writing about the Secret Policeman programme which showed acute
racism in the police force. In view of the latest exposé by BBC 1's Real Story
on the treatment of Asylum Seekers to Britain it is clear that these awards are more timely than ever.

Elaine continues "As I predicted, we are already on to the next programme in
the series of discriminatory practices in Britain. I am sure there will be
many more to come so long as the lip service to diversity goes on and the
platitudes on good practice engulf us with their inanity. Many organisations are cynical about diversity and the message of inclusively that it contains. Their arrogance about its worth aligns neatly with the institutional racism that is still rife and reflected in Real Story......... (for the full article please see


1. The BRITISH DIVERSITY AWARDS were launched at the House of Commons in October 1995 by Elaine Sihera, Editor and Publisher of NEW IMPACT JOURNAL (which advocates genuine diversity/equality development and practice). Author of “managing the diversity maze”, she is also a leading authority on its development in the UK. The only national awards of their kind in the world, the event has been a catalyst for significant employment change throughout the UK. Every year, organisations across the country with employees totalling up to 3 million (nearly 10% of Britain's workforce) enter the awards.