Divine Intervention the EGO



In September 2002 I was sitting on the bed reading a book and suddenly GOD spoke to me in a very loud voice. I got pen and paper and started to write down what he said. It took at least a year to come to terms with the conversation that we had.

EGO, Misconstrued, Maligned and Mistrusted

I responded the dictionary says that EGO is the I, the self.

GOD said: SPOT ON! The I AM presence.

I smiled and then responded: It also says it’s our self-confidence and where we are self-centered.

GOD said: Turn that around and it is the center of the self which is the Solar Plexus, Solar is a representation of the sun and the sun has represented God to many ancient civilizations, the word Plexus means network.

I responded: I am beginning to see the connection to God. Egoist is one who speaks too much of himself.

GOD said God is probably the most spoken about energy on this planet’ at this point I started to laugh then I responded: Egotheism the deification of the self, identification of oneself with God.

GOD said: Is this not what this age of enlightenment is all about?

I thought more deeply about this profound message, then I responded: Whoever taught us that the ego was bad never really understood God and the I AM presence and I think that GOD is right! He/She has been misconstrued, maligned and mistrusted. Time to take our power back and be the love force I AM GOD in manifestation on the earth plane.

I AM starting to get the feeling that so much of what we have been taught has been interpreted in a way, to stop us coming into oneness with the source.

GOD said: You are correct and this goes back to the time of Methuselah.

Who’s he?

GOD said: Methuselah was an old testament patriarch.

I get the feeling that a conspiracy is being revealed!

GOD said: Now Methuselah was taught by his father ENOCH and his grandson was NOAH. Now you are led to believe that the whole human race descended from Noah because the rest drowned in the floods. It was Enoch who foretold God's coming with holy myriads to execute judgement against the ungodly masses. It was Enoch the prophet who misconstrued the teachings from God and passed them on to his son.

Prior to this conversation AM had delivered this message.

"Beloveds build up yourselves and your faith in us, keep yourself in the love of God. Give mercy to those that do not believe in eternal life, have compassion, make a difference to your world, refrain from fear. Now unto him that he is able to keep you from falling and to present you faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy. To the only wise God our savior, BE glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and forever more. Eternity without judgment there is no sin unless you perceive it to be so."

This is the last piece of the jigsaw puzzle that we need, so that humans can be kind and cease to judge each other. I have always felt that Judgement Day, is the day that we all stop judging others, and I feel that this revelation has far reaching implications, impacting on both self empowerment and peace on earth.

A week or so later he woke me at dawn with some more.

EGO means Expressing God's Omnipotence

So what he is saying, is that EGO expresses his power. He said we are only now becoming human kind because judgement has stood between us and GOD. The beginning of a paradigm shift is thought of as nonsense at first, until it lights up the whole universe. Omnipotent human beings, being kind to each other is only right!

More confirmation from Archangel Michael

Archangel Michael said your minds, bodies and souls have been polluted because humanity has transgressed cosmic law and it is time for atonement, to reconcile with GOD and achieve redemption by surrendering your judgements so that you can accept the next stage of Ascension into your lives, it is your birthright ~ creating peace and paradise on earth.

My understanding of all of this is that GOD's power and energy can be used in many different ways and so it is, do we put GOD's energy into human selfishness or raise our consciousness and use the energy for the will-to-good and will to love planet earth and its people.

Love beyond measure

Kim xx
Maybe I'm reading this too fast...but are what you actually saying is that egotism and self-interest are Godly??

Have you ever read any Crowley? :)
Try reading it again Brian it takes some time to filter through.....it took me many months to take on board what he was saying.

No I have never ever read Crowley in fact I have not read much at all.

The moral of the message is for people to cease to judge others because when we judge others we also judge GOD for we are one. So when we drop the judgement on EGO we can raise our consciousness. All is GOD's energy it is what we do with that energy that really counts, do we use GOD's energy for selfish reasons or do we to use it to help others?

When we cease to judge the self - again we raise our consciousness, because it is judgement and lack of trust that blocks the third eye and stops people having full communion with GOD.

being love

There is a line from a poem by Frater Achad that says: "Out of the vast comes nearness"Self, like snowflakes seem to be a wonderful expression of Divine Creativity, even playfulness in a sense. The dysfunction comes in to play when self sees itself as separate from all creation. When we see ourselves as separate from the Universal Source and therefore from each other, poisionous behaviors can result. The term "ego" must have gotten bad press because it is usually associated with this negative isolationist attitude, nicht vahr?
I also feel there are inner meanings to this discourse in respect of the human perception of duality and separation. Some months after receiving the above I discovered these quotes and it seems that materialism/objects is the main problem not the ego as such.

Gospel of Thomas

The Master said

Everything above, being of the world of objects, will pass away.
The dead, being in DUALITY, do not live.
the living in UNITY, will not die.
In the days when you fed on objects you made it alive.

When you come into the light what will you do!
On the day when you were ONE
you made it duality;
but then being two
what will you do?

Tha Master said

Happy is he who is aware that his earlier original form and his present BEING are one and the same.

If you do not transcend the world of objects you will not find the Kingdom.

In the three heavens there are merely GODs where there is the Father and the Mother I myself am with him.

He who is seeking and had begun to find the truth
to him shall be given
and he who does not have
even the little that he has will be taken away from him.

He who would understand the ALL with his mind
but if he lacks his true self
he will be deprived of it all

Master Jesus said 'I will overturn this domain of duality, doctrines and mental concepts and the ego and no will be able to build it up again.

Onwards and upwards

Kim xx
Sacredstar said:
The moral of the message is for people to cease to judge others because when we judge others we also judge GOD for we are one.
Ah, that made more sense. :)
Does it touch truth, that those who speak of judgement carry judgement, for how else could their perception rally to itself. In human realms judgement has reason, for how else can we live in a balanced society, an appraisal of right and wrong is inherent.
To move in the realms of non-duality is a completely different consciousness living in the moment, beyond a framework of what is and what is not, judgement is not a perception either way, it is beyond translation. As with the perception of ego. As with the perception of materialism. And love is manifest by its radiant being, beyond words.
Touching earth, putting aside all the mighty - this is how it should be, there is an honesty and humility in simply wishing to be a good human being. And the ultimate enlightenment, for when we arrive we return to the true essence of creational humanity.
Does it touch truth, that those who speak of judgement carry judgement, for how else could their perception rally to itself. In human realms judgement has reason, for how else can we live in a balanced society, an appraisal of right and wrong is inherent.
To move in the realms of non-duality is a completely different consciousness living in the moment, beyond a framework of what is and what is not, judgement is not a perception either way, it is beyond translation. As with the perception of ego. As with the perception of materialism. And love is manifest by its radiant being, beyond words.
Touching earth, putting aside all the mighty - this is how it should be, there is an honesty and humility in simply wishing to be a good human being. And the ultimate enlightenment, for when we arrive we return to the true essence of creational humanity.
Dear Ciel

How could GOD teach us without recognition and in recognition of that which keeps us in separation.....his will, will be done.

Love beyond measure

Kim xx
The above was included in the Divine Intervention article provided for the Harmonic Concordance in 2003. I have just reviewed the full original discourse received in September 2002 and this is how it began. The loud voice pronounced the heading and then I was asked to write this down.

‘Misconstrued, misunderstood, maligned and mistrusted’

It seems that you have all missed the point here, at how important the ego is to your survival!

The word ego is banded around when someone opposes you, can you all please join the same side and bring your soul energy into alignment instead of judging the self and others, creating that which does not serve the self or others.

You cannot align your human self with divine self if you do not allow the self to do so. Embrace all of you with LOVE. There is no right and wrong only oneness with the source the creator. The creator gave you a ‘center of power’ which you ridicule and in so doing you ridicule the creator.

Think on!

Ego stands for ‘Everlasting God Omega’ It is the level of consciousness that gives you your individuality and uniqueness, It is this part of the mind field that reacts to perceived reality. To truncate your ego only cuts you off from the source ~ the creator. Allow your ego to create and in so doing you are honoring the source of all creativity. You have the power, may the force be with you to honor the “Everlasting God Omega”

I then responded as above.

being love

Interesting Sacred Star,
Can you simplify.........
Your words dance from one side of the universe to the other, first one position, then another, there needs to be an accordance in the multiple voices that speak through you, one alignment for the final bow.
Dear Ciel

It is important to differientate my understanding of it from the actual words given in their integrity, important that I do not interpret but share as given to share. So here is the original from the top.

9.00pm GMT 19th September 2002, I went to bed to rest and as I got onto the bed, suddenly I heard this man’s voice before I realised what was happening, I was asked to write this down, this is what transpired a discourse from GOD, he said

‘Misconstrued, misunderstood, maligned and mistrusted’

It seems that you have all missed the point here, at how important the ego is to your survival!

The word ego is banded around when someone opposes you, can you all please join the same side and bring your soul energy into alignment instead of judging the self and others, creating that which does not serve the self or others.

You cannot align your human self with divine self if you do not allow the self to do so. Embrace all of you with LOVE. There is no right and wrong only oneness with the source the creator. The creator gave you a ‘center of power’ which you ridicule and in so dong you ridicule the creator. Think on!

Ego stands for ‘Everlasting God Omega’ It is the level of consciousness that gives you your individuality and uniqueness, It is this part of the mind field that reacts to perceived reality. To truncate your ego only cuts you off from the source ~ the creator. Allow your ego to create and in so doing you are honoring the source of all creativity. You have the power, may the force be with you to honor the “Everlasting God Omega”

I responded: This is a very interesting discourse. The dictionary says that EGO is the I, the self.

GOD said: SPOT ON! The I AM presence.

I smiled and then responded: It also says it’s our self-confidence and where we are self-centered.

GOD said: Turn that around and it is the ‘center of the self which is the Solar Plexus, Solar is a representation of the sun and the sun has represented God to many ancient civilizations, the word Plexus means network.

I responded: I am beginning to see the connection to God.
The dictionary also says ‘Egoist’ is one who speaks too much of himself.

GOD said: ‘God is probably the most spoken about energy on this planet’

At this point I started to laugh then I responded: Egotheism ‘the deification of the self, identification of oneself with God.

GOD said: Is this not what this age of enlightenment is all about?

By now, I had nearly fallen off the bed laughing with tears in my eyes! When I was composed, I thought more deeply about this profound message, then I responded: Whoever taught us that the ego was bad never really understood God and the I AM presence and I think that GOD is right! He/She has been misconstrued, maligned and mistrusted. Time to take our power back and be the ‘love force’ I AM GOD in manifestation on the earth plane. I AM starting to get the feeling that so much of what we have been taught has been interpreted in a way, to stop us coming into oneness with the source.

After some silence…………

GOD said: You are correct and this goes back to the time of Methuselah.

I responded: Who’s he?

GOD said: Methuselah was an old testament patriarch.

(whose life span (recorded in Genesis 5:27) was 967 years. In the New Testament He is mentioned in the gospel of Luke. There (3:23-28) the lineage of Joseph is traced back 75 generations, through David and Saul, and Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob to Methuselah and thence to Seth and Adam.)

I responded: I get the feeling that a conspiracy is being revealed!

GOD said: Now Methuselah was taught by his father ENOCH and his grandson was NOAH. Now you are led to believe that the whole human race descended from Noah because the rest drown in the floods. It was Enoch who foretold God’s coming with holy myriads to execute judgement against the ungodly masses. It was Enoch the prophet who misconstrued the teachings from God and passed them on to his son. No wonder he was opposed and nearly brought to justice, I should point out that Enoch did not write the book of Enoch this was written many centuries later.

I responded: Now I understand why Archangel Michael said “beloveds build up yourselves and your faith in us, keep yourself in the love of God. Give mercy to those that do not believe in eternal life, have compassion, make a difference to your world, refrain from fear. Now unto him that he is able to keep you from falling and to present you ‘faultless’ before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy. To the only wise God our savior, ‘BE glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and forever more. Eternity without judgment there is no sin unless you perceive it to be so.

GOD said: Sin yet another misinterpretation but we will leave it there for tonight. Good night!

I did not question him on ENOCH or who did not die in the great floods during the time of NOAH, because I did not realise that he was going to call the discourse to such an abrupt end!

Everlasting God Omega, maybe this is the last piece of the jigsaw puzzle that we need, so that humans can be kind and cease to judge each other. I have always felt that Judgement Day, is the day that we all stop judging others, and I feel that this revelation has far reaching implications, impacting on both self empowerment and peace on earth.

On the 8th December I awoke to hear him say EGO means ‘Expressing God’s Omnipotence’ so what he is saying, is that EGO expresses his power, the dictionary says that Omnipotence means “all powerful” that ties up with what he said previously about the solar plexus the center of power, the third level, of the depth of consciousness. I AM POWER . He said “we are only now ‘becoming human kind’ because religion has stood between us and GOD. The beginning of a paradigm shift is thought of as nonsense at first, until it lights up the whole universe, the tunnel of darkness leads to the light, but how can you get there if you put up a fight?”.

Omnipotent human beings, being kind to each other is only right! Archangel Michael said “your minds, bodies and souls have been polluted because humanity has transgressed cosmic law and it is time for atonement, to reconcile with GOD and achieve redemption by surrendering your judgements so that you can accept the next stage of Ascension in your lives, it is your birthright ~ creating peace and paradise on earth.”.


You may share but please attribute it to the source.

Kim Thomas©www.angelshealing.com
Ugh... So this is meant to be taken as a true story??
This reminds me a little bit of Conversations with God, by Neale Donald Walsch (?). Every heard of that, or read any of it? There are three books that I know of, but I think the author has written several others.

Ego has taken on quite a few meanings over the years, depending on the dicipline. Typical psychological definition is fairly neutral. So is esotericism. But both of these speak of something *beyond* ego, whether that be called SuperEgo, the Higher Self, SOUL or God. The acronym mentioned on this thread is kinda neat.

Of course, ego can also just mean self-centeredness, or vanity, arrogance. So and so is "full of ego," or equally, "full of themselves." But it is even possible to speak of being self-centered in the neutral sense, as in, being self-focused, without necessarily being pejorative or critical. After all, it's a stage we go through, and there have been so, so many humans who have transcended it, and who have even hung around to tell us what it's like. Then again, some have *been* hanged for it. :(

I guess I still have reservations about just what kind of importance we assign to the ego in the spiritual, or psychological sense. We can't overlook, bypass, or ignore it. Yet there is certainly such a thing as "false ego," which is a confusion of the sense of self with something *less than* the Divine, and the assumption that we are *already there*, so to speak ... already enlightened, saved, whatever.

I like the idea that ego serves as a necessary, but ultimately a *temporary*, vessel, or vehicle, for something greater - our Greater Self. When we have transcended ego, and at-one'd ourself with the Divine, this will be self-evident, others will detect this, and our lives will be a living testimony to it. The tree shall bear fruit - and kabbalistically speaking, that fruit will be growing from the highest branches, or nodes, rather than the lowest sephiroth.

I don't know SacredStar, but controvery aside, I just wish she were here to comment. I can't presume to know her viewpoint. Just saw the thread and thought I'd chime in.
