Defining Terms


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After reading many posts listed in these varied forums, written by very intelligent people, I wonder what Socrates would do? I hear many words bandied about like "ethics" and "Morals" but no one is taken to task to define their terms. How many arguments would be undercut if we were to follow the old practice of defining those very words with which we base our premise?
Kindest Regards, Paladin, and welcome to CR!
Paladin said:
After reading many posts listed in these varied forums, written by very intelligent people, I wonder what Socrates would do? I hear many words bandied about like "ethics" and "Morals" but no one is taken to task to define their terms. How many arguments would be undercut if we were to follow the old practice of defining those very words with which we base our premise?
Well, if I understand your question correctly, ethics is applied morality, morality being the set of rules (formal or internal) that we use to make judgements of equity and fairness for ourselves and towards others. In other words, morality is the thought process of "right and wrong," ethics is applying those thoughts into external actions (walking the talk). Hope this helps. :)

I do think you have a good point though, and it really shines through with words that have multiple meanings, like the term "religion." ;)
Dear Paladin

Have you read The Republic and the conversations between Socrates and Plato? The were in tune with the universal and natural laws, they speak of the measure of things, which as we know is also about balance.

What I witnessed in recent years is that most people have a problem with true ethics and if explained jump into accusations of self-righteousness.

Ethics are a tough one without humanities understanding and acceptance of universal laws of the cosmos e.g. cloning and genetically modified foods is against universal law and as such unethical. Also playing around with our genetics is also unethical.

When man plays with the nature of GOD's creation, cause and effect responds and we do not like it when it does.

As it says in the bible those that destroy the earth will be destroyed and so it is we destroy our selves with unethical actions in thought, word and deed.

being love

Kim xx
Paladin said:
I hear many words bandied about like "ethics" and "Morals" but no one is taken to task to define their terms. How many arguments would be undercut if we were to follow the old practice of defining those very words with which we base our premise?
Nothing wrong with trying it. :)
My favourite piece in The Republic is where he orders the slave to go and fetch...

Common in Greek writing. Democracy and 'fearless speech' is the right of the few - local men with political power. Women only have a voice in 'fiction', in the plays etc. Although there was a time when religion and poetry held a position of importance, it was gone by the time of Socrates and Plato. Town life in Athens and now can all be equated with a cultural and spiritual fascism.