How did you choose?

Geist said:
Terry Pratchett - Disc world series very ggod as well another story I can't explain to you because its too long.
Terry Pratchett is awesome. Ever read "Good Omens"? Great place to start if you like Pratchett and know jacks**t about religion. Maybe not educational, but a lotta fun.
I've never read 'Lord of the Flies'. You guys have me pretty interested in it. I actually like reading about poltergeists. The Amityville Horror and the older Stephen King novels (The Shining, The Stand, Desperation, etc.) and Clive Barker and other weird stuff that all born again Christians should read. :D

I'll give Pratchett some of my love too. Only because I don't know jacks**t about conformity.
Oh, The Stand is awesome. Pet Cemetary is also totally creepy. I used to inhale Stephen King.

I don't recall reading Hitchhiker's Guide, although I've heard a lot about it. Maybe I'll put it on my reading list. Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance was good, but it's been a long time since I read it. Vonnegut, oh yeah!

Abogado del Diablo said:
Terry Pratchett is awesome. Ever read "Good Omens"? Great place to start if you like Pratchett and know jacks**t about religion. Maybe not educational, but a lotta fun.

Yeah that was a cool read But my fave is Mort and the reper man.