Finger Soup



you have heard of rock about finger chili?:eek:
i only put part of this up.
this is gross, if you have a weak tummy, dont read the story.





Posted on Fri, Mar. 25, 2005

Sales drop at some Wendy's after woman says finger found in chili

Associated Press

COLUMBUS, Ohio - Sales have dropped sharply at Wendy's fast food restaurants in the area of northern California where a woman claimed she found part of a finger in a bowl of chili, a company spokesman said Friday.

Franchise owners have informed the company's corporate headquarters in the Columbus suburb of Dublin that business is down, said Denny Lynch, spokesman for Wendy's International Inc. He said he could not release specific sales figures because Wendy's does not own those restaurants.

"It is an isolated incident. However, it is dramatically affecting sales in that market," Lynch said.

Authorities in San Jose, Calif., planned to search a fingerprint database on Friday to try to determine who lost the partial finger that a woman said was in the chili she was eating Tuesday night.

Capt. Bob Dixon of the Santa Clara County coroner's office said he did not know when their fingerprint expert might have a match. "Nobody's claimed it yet," he said.

Dixon said it was impossible to tell so far whether the finger was cooked along with the main batch of chili or was somehow dropped into the serving cup afterward.

Anna Ayala, the 39-year old Las Vegas woman who bit into the finger, said she is still nauseous and sleepless over the incident.
"That is very sick, sick, sick," Ayala told the San Jose Mercury News. "It's disgusting. You're playing with the human race."

Ayala said she still flinches at the memory of the incident, which occurred when she stopped for a meal while preparing to drop off her in-laws after a trip to Mexico.

"It's a taste I have never tasted in my whole life," she said....

the whole story is here:,GGLD:2004-31,GGLD:en&q=Sales+Drop+at+Some+Wendy%27s+after+Woman+Says+Finger
truthseeker said:
That's funny. :D
i know. i told it to a girl at work & she started laughing & would not believe me. But it REALLY did happen.
My dad was eating a can of spinach right out of the can once & you should have saw his face when he pulled a huge palmetto bug out of his mouth.:D

i think the finger will be the fast food story of the year though.

"It's a taste I have never tasted in my whole life," she said....
Had a snail in a tin of peas before, but lookily saw it when cooking. :)

Not as bad as the half a rat, though...
A rat in your burger is sooooo gross!!!

There was a woman (in Washington D.C. I think?) who found a whole, fried chicken head in her chicken nuggets.

i guess we have to do serious inspection before we eat. a half rat & a chicken head. hard telling what we could be eating, since it is processed, ground & chopped up.

it wont kill us (much), but it is still kind of gross.:)
Re: Finger Soup--update

Police search home of woman who found finger

Alan Gathright, Dave Murphy and Maria Alicia Gaura, Chronicle Staff Writers

Friday, April 8, 2005

The mystery of the finger found in a bowl of chili at a San Jose Wendy's last month deepened Thursday with revelations that police have searched the Las Vegas home of the woman who made the revolting find.

A tearful Anna Ayala, 39, angrily denied planting the finger in a telephone interview with The Chronicle. She accused San Jose and Las Vegas officers of bursting into her home with guns drawn on her and her family Wednesday afternoon.

"They put guns to us and handcuffed us and threw us to the ground in front of all my neighbors,'' Ayala said Thursday. She accused police of terrorizing her family, ransacking her home and injuring the arm of her 13-year-old daughter.

"They treated us like trash, like terrorists. It's the worst nightmare,'' she said.

San Jose police said they and local officers executed a search warrant regarding the wayward finger in Las Vegas, but refused to say whose property had been searched and whether anything was found.

Police would not respond to Ayala's claims of rough treatment or even acknowledge searching her home.

"We're not going to release any information that is going to jeopardize our investigation,'' said San Jose police spokeswoman Officer Gina Tepoorten.

She dismissed press rumors that authorities are investigating whether the finger belonged to Ayala's dead aunt.

"It's just rumor -- we have no information that it belongs to an aunt,'' Tepoorten said.

She added that investigators are interviewing anyone who might explain Ayala's grisly discovery March 22, when she reportedly bit into the finger while eating chili with relatives she was visiting in San Jose. Police are questioning Wendy's employees, its food suppliers, diners present that day and "anyone who knows the finder of the finger," Tepoorten said.

"We want to find out who the finger belongs to, from a criminal aspect. We don't know if this was an industrial accident or something more serious like an unreported homicide,'' she added.

The search was just the latest twist in the tale that has caused Wendy's San Jose sales to plummet and turned the chain's name into a punch line for late-night TV comedians. Ayala even recounted her disgust on "Good Morning America."

Santa Clara County investigators lifted a print from the 1 1/2-inch fingertip, but database searches have not revealed a match. DNA testing is under way, as well as chemical analysis to determine if the finger was preserved or cooked.

Meanwhile, Ayala denies even having a dead aunt. She said her family has become the subject of a bizarre witch hunt.

"Right here, I just heard on the TV news that my son cut off my daughter's finger and I put it in the (chili),'' the woman fumed. "It's just ridiculous.

"They're lying, and they're very, very wrong. They're doing all this damage to me, and they're going to pay for it," said Ayala, who has hired a civil attorney to investigate a possible lawsuit against Wendy's.

Ayala refused to say what police questioned her about and what they were searching for. "They went through everything, my clothes, my drawers. My garage looks like a tornado hit it," she said.

Ayala's attorney, Jeffrey Janoff, did not want to discuss the specifics of the case late Thursday. "It's apparently under police investigation, and we await the results of that investigation."

In what a Wendy's official insisted is a coincidence, the restaurant chain announced Thursday that it is offering a $50,000 reward to the first person who provides "verifiable information" that reveals how the finger got in the chili.

"We believe someone knows exactly what happened," Tom Mueller, Wendy's president and chief operating officer, said in a written statement, "and hopefully the reward will encourage this person to come forward."

But Ayala said a San Jose officer told a 23-year-old man who lives in her home "the Wendy's corporation will pay him so much money'' if he provides information about the finger case.

In a telephone interview Thursday night, Wendy's spokesman Bob Bertini said he was unaware that Ayala's home had been searched. "We've had no information on that so far," he said.

Bertini acknowledged that the chain's business had suffered since the finger was found, with sales being "significantly impacted" in the Bay Area.

He said it is premature to discuss what action, if any, Wendy's will take if it turns out that the finger was a hoax. Wendy's officials have said in earlier statements that they have checked with employees and suppliers and are convinced that the supply chain is clean. Wendy's asks anyone with information to call (800) 821-3348.
©2005 San Francisco Chronicle
wow Bluejay. that has turned into one twisted bizzare incident.

just weird.
Stay tuned, it gets deeper and deeper:

Woman Who Claimed to Find Finger in Chili at Wendy's Has Litigious History

By KEN RITTER Associated Press Writer

The Associated Press

LAS VEGAS Apr 8, 2005 — The woman who claims she bit into a human finger while eating chili at a Wendy's restaurant has a history of filing lawsuits including a claim against another fast-food restaurant.

Anna Ayala, 39, who hired a San Jose, Calif., attorney to represent her in the Wendy's case, has been involved in at least half a dozen legal battles in the San Francisco Bay area, according to court records.

She brought a suit against an ex-boss in 1998 for sexual harassment and sued an auto dealership in 2000, alleging the wheel fell off her car. That suit was dismissed after Ayala fired her lawyer, who said she had threatened him.

Speaking through the front door of her Las Vegas home Friday, Ayala claimed police are out to get her and were unnecessarily rough as they executed a search warrant at her home on Wednesday.

"Lies, lies, lies, that's all I am hearing," she said. "They should look at Wendy's. What are they hiding? Why are we being victimized again and again?"

Ayala acknowledged, however, that her family received a settlement for their medical expenses about a year ago after her daughter, Genesis, got sick from food at an El Pollo Loco restaurant in Las Vegas. She declined to provide any further details.
"The simple fact of the matter is that the finger came from somebody. Where's that person at?" said Sgt. Nick Muyo, a spokesman for the San Jose Police Department.
For anyone who is following this story with bated breath (that would be you, Bandit, right? :) ), further events are unfolding--

<H1>Fast-food finger finder arrested
Last Updated Fri, 22 Apr 2005 08:49:26 EDT CBC News

LAS VEGAS - Police have arrested a woman who claimed she found a human fingertip in a bowl of chili served to her at a California fast-food restaurant. Anna Ayala, 39, was taken into custody at her Las Vegas home Thursday night.

There's no word on what charge she might face.

On March 22, she said she was sickened when she found a finger in her meal at a Wendy's outlet in San Jose, Calif.

Nobody had reported losing any digits at the restaurant or any of the food suppliers used by the chain, however.

Then reports began to emerge that Ayala had launched a string of lawsuits against major corporations in the past.

Ayala threatened legal action against Wendy's after producing the 3.8-cm chili-covered fingertip, but later said she would not sue the corporation because the media coverage was too stressful.

In the wake of her claim, Wendy's said sales dropped at its Northern California branches, leading the chain to reduce its workers' hours and even lay off some clerks.

Wendy's has offered a $100,000 US reward to anyone who can help the chain track down the owner of the missing finger