Views of the Baha'i faith.


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I was wondering if anyone here could briefly tell me the views of the Baha'i faith regarding Patriotism (Not nationalism), Divorce and Homosexuality.

God bless.
Postmaster said:
I was wondering if anyone here could briefly tell me the views of the Baha'i faith regarding Patriotism (Not nationalism), Divorce and Homosexuality.

God bless.


Baha'is are not opposed to people being proud of their culture or nation but would oppose a patriotism that puts their country before all others:

"Consider the prejudice of patriotism. This is one globe, one land, one country. God did not divide it into national boundaries. He created all the continents without national divisions. Why should we make such division ourselves? These are but imaginary lines and boundaries. Europe is a continent; it is not naturally divided; man has drawn the lines and established the limits of kingdoms and empires. Man declares a river to be a boundary line between two countries, calling this side French and the other side German, whereas the river was created for both and is a natural artery for all. Is it not imagination and ignorance which impels man to violate the divine intention and make the very bounties of God the cause of war, bloodshed and destruction?"

The Promulgation of Universal Peace: Talks Delivered by 'Abdu'l-Bahá during His Visit to the United States and Canada in 1912, 2nd. ed. (Wilmette: Bahá'í Publishing Trust, 1982), pp. 299-300) 


While divorce is allowed in the Baha'i Faith it is "strongly discouraged" and our Faith requires of Baha'i couples a "year of patience" where the estranged couple must live apart and seek to reconcile. Only after this period is divorce permitted. I've noticed that divorced persons do not carry the stigma of divorce in the Baha'i Faith that is fairly common in some Christian churches.

"Regarding the Bahá'í teachings on divorce. While the latter has been made permissible by Bahá'u'lláh yet he has strongly discouraged its practice, for if not checked and seriously controlled it leads gradually to the disruption of family life and to the disintegration of society...."

(In a letter written on behalf of Shoghi Effendi, 16 November 1936 to an individual believer)

And see:


Homosexuality is not accepted in the Baha'i Faith as a wholesome or healthy orientation. Generally we are what today would be considered more conservative in our lifestyle when it comes to expression of sexuality believing it is only appropriate in a marriage relationship.

We also believe homosexuality should not be stigmatized or damned as in some churches or other groups but rather treated...more or less along the lines of the earlier psychiatric treatment modalities.

"To regard homosexuals with prejudice and disdain would be entirely against the spirit of Baha'i Teachings. The doors are open for all of humanity to enter the Cause of God, irrespective of their present circumstances; this invitation applies to homosexuals as well as to any others who are engaged in practices contrary to the Baha'i Teachings."

From a letter written on behalf of the Universal House of Justice to the National Spiritual Assembly of the United States, Sept. 11, 1995; published in "The American Baha'i", Qawl 152 BE/Nov. 23, 1995, p 11

Also see the following:
Hi again, Postmaster! :)

Just to clarify the Baha'i view of homosexuality, like the other great religions, the Baha'i scriptures restrict sex to heterosexual marriage ONLY.

This means that homosexual sex, like any other sex outside marriage, is prohibited.

But that aside, homosexuals have the same rights and priveleges as anyone else and must not be discriminated against!

(And indeed, there are homosexual Baha'is.)


Great!!!! Just how I practised my life anyway :)...

Thank you for your help :)

Greetings, all!

Can anyone please tell me how to grab my avatar for transport, or better, where it's available on the Web?

I participate in another forum that uses similar software. I'd like to have this same avatar there but don't know how to grab it or otherwise define its site for that other forum.

Thanks in advance! :)

Re: Avatar

BruceDLimber said:
Greetings, all!

Can anyone please tell me how to grab my avatar for transport, or better, where it's available on the Web?

I participate in another forum that uses similar software. I'd like to have this same avatar there but don't know how to grab it or otherwise define its site for that other forum.

Thanks in advance! :)

THe url for the graphic seems to be