WHKeith is back


Well-Known Member
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Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA
Greetings all,

My apologies for being so long absent. It's been a rough month or two--with a terrible deadline on the current book, and, most recently, my wife suffering a manic episode (probably related to her stroke from 7 months ago) that landed her in the hospital twice. It's been . . . interesting.

Adding insult to injury, we survived a car crash last night. Both of us literally walked away without a scratch, but the car is almost certainly totaled. I'm beginning to think Someone has it in for us.

My thanks to the comparative-religion board for the birthday greetings. Much appreciated.

I do hope to get back to posting here now. I've missed you all. My posts may be scattered for a week or so as I struggle to complete the book, but I'll be on when I can.

Thanks, everyone! It's good to be back!

--Bill Keith
Hi WHKeith - I'm sincerely glad to see you back. :)

Glad you see you surviving bad times - always a challenge. I wasn't sure whether to e-mail you or not, as faux-pas has been my middle name. The words I simply wanted to communicate, in case of any relevance or use - ever - were simply: never give up hope, and never give in to fear.

Wasn't sure if that would be patronising, especially with not knowing your situation. (Patronising has also inadvertently been one of my middle names.)

Seige also did a sterling job of keeping us informed that things were tricky for you.

Anyway, I'm sincerely glad to see you around. Everyone here is like their own light. And, somehow, when someone is missing, I see in comparative-religion.com a little corner of darkness. Hope things are returned to some extent of normality soon. :)
Hey, Brian!

Thanks so much for your kind words and good wishes, and thanks to all on Comparative-Religion for their good thoughts and energy.

As for Seige . . . well, I just found out this morning she's managed to book a flight to come up here to Maine and visit me in September. I'll just have to find some way of thanking her in person.;)

See y'all on the boards!

Simply a shame there were not more good wishes - I think a lot of people must be on holiday at the moment!
Welcome back, Bill. It's good to see you in your element again. By the way, while you were away, I do believe I lured a former friend of yours here.

Thanks, Seige. It's good to be back.

A former friend? Do you mean Bruce? Nothing former about HIM! He and his wife are dear, dear friends and fellow witchcamp alumni. How did you happen to run into him? And what wiles did you use to lure him hence? [I KNOW how you are!]
WHKeith said:
Thanks, Seige. It's good to be back.

A former friend? Do you mean Bruce? Nothing former about HIM! He and his wife are dear, dear friends and fellow witchcamp alumni. How did you happen to run into him? And what wiles did you use to lure him hence? [I KNOW how you are!]

She kidnapped me, Bill!!!!! I swear it!!! All the way from Columbus to Pittsburgh!! (A much nicer trip than the Greyhound I *was* going to take on the way back - not to mention a much prettier driver)

... Bruce (let's see if I can ruin Seige's reputation - or is that improve it? <grin>)
What can I say, Bill? You know what happens during orgies - er- I mean RGs! :D

(I'll ruin my own reputation, thank you very much!)

Ah, yes. The infamous Mensa Regional Gathering, or RG, where the leading O and trailing Y are silent.

Poor Bruce! Kidnapped! Held against your will in a car with a baeutiful, brilliant, and vivacious woman! For HOURS! Oh, the horror! The HORROR! . . .

I feel for you, Bruce. I really do. Even if I'd rather feel for . . . well, never mind. Sometime, we'll get together, tell stories, and I'll REALLY ruin Seige's reputation!