We're LOVED more than we even know!



Once there was a Creator that created some ants. The Creator loved these ants so much that it just gave him unspeakable joy, just to watch his ants go about their daily lives. One day however, the Creator looked and saw that in his creations' future, his ants were heading into grave danger. Faced with the terrible reality that he couldnt talk to them, because they couldnt understand him, he made an incredible choice. The Creator left behind his superiority, and became an ant. As an ant, the Creator could talk to the ants, and relate to them. Also as one of them, he could tell them of the coming danger that was sure to destroy them. The Creator came and said follow me - I am the way out. Listen to me - I am the truth. And, come to me - I am the life. He also said, if you want to be saved from the warth that is coming, Come to me, and you will be saved. Many believed, and were saved. But, many others were sincere in their own beliefs, and ended up being sincerly wrong. In the end, the wrath came, and those that trusted the ant who said he was the truth, were saved.

This story is not unlike the truth. But, the truth however, is even more amazing, and a much better story! Our Creator loved us so much, that he became one of us, and offered his life to pay the price for our wrong doings, that brings about wrath that will come.
and they all came marching down... into the ground...to get out of the rain...boom boom boom, the aunts go marching 2 by 2 hurah! hurrah!...

yes we are loved more than we will ever know.
Conscience said:
Hey Bandit, is that a song?
yes. everytime you talk about the aunts it reminds me of that song. we used to sing it in the car on the way to church as kids.
Why is it that some people think that God shows his love through wrath? I mean, yeah, sure He gets frustrated. But is that the other side of God that I'm truth-seeking? The part of the truth of God that I just don't understand at all? The God that can Love us so much that He will throw His terrible wrath upon us so that we may be suffered into obedience?
truthseeker said:
Why is it that some people think that God shows his love through wrath? I mean, yeah, sure He gets frustrated. But is that the other side of God that I'm truth-seeking? The part of the truth of God that I just don't understand at all? The God that can Love us so much that He will throw His terrible wrath upon us so that we may be suffered into obedience?
God loved us so much that He gave us His only begotten Son... :)