Sex outside of marriage?

Hello, and peace to everyone here!

I have not read in depth any replies in this thread, and my cat is trying to sit in front of the monitor. After the last post I made, this one is easy. Infidelity leads to confusion and heartbreak. Commitment works. It is a matter of Love. Trust me on this one--would you break your best friend's heart? Would you break your own?

InLove (and in love--this is something I really do know. From all sides.)
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InLove said:
Commitment works. It is a matter of Love. Trust me on this one--would you break your best friend's heart?
That is true InLove, but if you are in love with a person, is that not reason alone not to hurt that person. And if you are prepared to break the heart of someone you love, will being married change anything?
My view on this topic is that if I love someone, that is a bond stronger than any piece of paper or ceremony ratified by any God or state.

There is not now, nor has there ever been, any reason to legislate love.
Hi, ATF--

Yes, I suppose I was just addressing the pain that can be caused by an extramarital affair. But I certainly do know that there are many couples who are very committed to one another without the piece of paper, and if one or the other broke that committment, it would be painful as well.

I will take some time later to really read through this thread so as to understand the conversation a bit more. :)

truthseeker said:
Iceland is a newer settlement so I'm sure that those who have made a life there have gone with the idea of leaving behind old traditions and they want to figure out how things can work in other ways.
New compared to whom? Certainly not compared to the US - Iceland was settled around AD 900, and according to the CIA World Factbook website, "boasts the world's oldest functioning legislative assembly, the Althing, established in 930." Besides, from what I've seen of the rest of Scandinavia, they consider babies born out of wedlock to be just as much of a non-issue as Iceland does.
I would have to say a piece of paper does not make a marriage, what makes a marriage is two people who are commited to their relationship and one another.

In the case of sex out side of marriage I think it has it's place, however I believe each party of the union must understand their emotional nature and the circumstances that brought them together like sexual frustration which could be diverted into other activities until the right partner comes along.

Then there is the waiting sometimes a person needs someone when the one you want to be with denies you then occassionaly when the waiting is too much and one has not good access to other activites then if done in the right spirit I think it is okay.

But in general I think marriage or a commited relationship is best.
True, Faithfulservant.

So what does that have to do with sex outside of marriage?
My view on this topic is that if I love someone, that is a bond stronger than any piece of paper or ceremony ratified by any God or state.

There is not now, nor has there ever been, any reason to legislate love.
Sorry for not quoting it before.. but it was my response to this.

If I understand correctly, you are saying that we should love God more than our partner and so obey Gods ruling to marry before having sex, yes?

This sounds right for christians at least, except that Im not sure we've yet ascertained whether or not God has made any such ruling.
I think it depends on your perspective some people are alone and want comfort and one comfort is sex. To be able to touch another and feel them in a sexual way is comforting to both male and female and if thats what they need why deny them a comfort like that? Its not hard to find contraception so nothing should come of it if your carefull enough.
Principles for human life & spiritual advancement

* the purpose of human life is to make spiritual advancement
* one should learn to control ones senses
* control of the senses begin with controlling the tongue
* after that one can easily control the belly and genital

* by chanting the holy name of God
* by not taking too much food

* by overeating there will be pressure on the genital by the filled up belly
* that will produce sex desire
* indulging in illicit sex is opposing to progressive spiritual life

* according to the law of karma one who was engaged in illicit sex during his life will
* be born in the better suitable body in the next life, for indulging in sexual enjoyment
* some of the animal bodies one can get are: pigeon, pig, cat, dog, monkey - all very sexually inclined

* the animal life is a life in ignorance about God
* CONCLUSION: one should try his best not to lose this golden opportunity in this human life to attain spiritual elevation,
* the opportunity to develop love of God
* SOLUTION: by chanting the holy name of God one should try to develop taste for spiritual activities and thus
* illicit sex will be easy to avoid

Gauranga, Gauranga, Nityaanandaa,
Hare Krishna