Here's one for you

I exist - in lessons learned and attempts to escape polarity.

I am a drop of water on journey back to the sea.
i think, Awaiting, that this is going to be a difficult discussion to have on a forum... i could be mistaken in this view, however.

generally speaking, we could perhaps get some conversation going towards our intended target.. i suspect that it would be short lived.
Do I exist, and if so, what am I?

Yes, I exist! And, as for who I am. Well, I am the who that exchanged your what for why I'm not. Moreover, I made that rhyme in the hopes you would smile. Surely, your action will give testimony of my existence!
Awaiting_the_fifth said:
Do I exist, and if so, what am I?

Genuine opinions only please, no
copying passages from books

Yes, "I" exist. "I" have been for eons.

Gita 2.12
Never was there a time when I did not exist, nor you, nor all these kings; nor in the future shall any of us cease to be.

How do you know that you are not all just figments of my imagination. When you think that you are thinking, it is actually just me imagining that you think that you are thinking.
Awaiting_the_fifth said:
How do you know that you are not all just figments of my imagination. When you think that you are thinking, it is actually just me imagining that you think that you are thinking.

Who said we aren't?
Awaiting_the_fifth said:
How do you know that you are not all just figments of my imagination. When you think that you are thinking, it is actually just me imagining that you think that you are thinking.

It's all an illusion my friend.
Let's try a simple experiment.

Cut your whole past away from you - no memory. You don't know who your parents are, what your name is, what you profession is, you don't know to whom you belong- to which country, to which religion, to which race, you know no one-you don't know any relationship, you don't know anyone. You don't know where you were educated, whether you were educated or not.
Just cut the whole past. Dropt it like a bag and you don't know the contents of this bag...
now, tell me who you are. You can not remember who you are! You are obviously. You are, but who are you? Who is the "I"? Is there an "I"?

The whole eastern philosophy or thought can be summed up in one word: Darshan! or witnessing.

Become a witness...Be Aware! You are who you's irrelevant where you came's totally meaningless...

you simply are...just be aware of it.

If we're to think of it like that, one could see it like a game. To us the world seems huge, the number of people and animals in it incountable, but to someone else, a 'higher being', we could be viewed in the same way that we view ants. Tiny, insignificant. Ever tried to fry an ant using a magnifying glass, fueled just by curiousity and/or boredom? That could be what 'higher beings' are doing to us. Freak storms? The 'higher beings'. Tsunamis? The 'higher beings'. Genocide? The 'higher beings'. And so on, and so forth.

On the other hand, we could all be dreaming. Having a high-detail, possibly lucid dream (but probably not, we could just not know what's going to happen, but when it does, we assume we made it happen), seeing the world from one point of view. If you do something, it doesn't matter because when you die you effectively wake up.

It's an interesting point of view, but then again I dislike thinking of it that way. It's like trying to get your head around eternity.
Ooh, I love this one!

A while back I got interested in the idea of conscious creation. It basically theorizes that we all are creating our own reality. Once you really get into it, it starts to get interesting because most people, to some extent, would agree that we create our own reality. After all, it's all perception right? But to what extent are we creators? Have I created this experience in it's entirety? Is there a limit to my creation once other living beings are introduced?

Yes, I exist conventionally, or at least my ego thinks I do, but the ultimate truth is emtiness. But how can a human mind really comprehend the truth? The second I think I know something, I project a preconceived conception. That's not necessarily and most likely not true. So following the ultimate truth, as I believe it to be, no, nothing is inherantly existant. Not even my seemingly real ego.

What am I? I am a mere thought in a whole pool of thought. Conventionally, I am a person trying to attain enlightenment. Truthfully, I am empty! We are all still, quiet, emptiness.:rolleyes: