Birth of a Black Hole captured!!


One of Many
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Seattle, WA
Namaste all,

Scientists have detected a flash of light from across the Galaxy so powerful that it bounced off the Moon and lit up the Earth's upper atmosphere. The flash was brighter than anything ever detected from beyond our Solar System and lasted over a tenth of a second. NASA and European satellites and many radio telescopes detected the flash and its aftermath on December 27, 2004.
Those pictures are incredibles ! I love this planet, but when I see pictures like those, I'm ready to fly away any moment, to see with my eyes the place. And before you have anything to say, if I don't come back from my trip, than you probably admit it was a black hole there. :D
alexa said:
Those pictures are incredibles ! I love this planet, but when I see pictures like those, I'm ready to fly away any moment, to see with my eyes the place. And before you have anything to say, if I don't come back from my trip, than you probably admit it was a black hole there. :D
me too. i will fly there with you:)
Hi Bandit & alexa,

Both of you don't forget to come back before they closing the door of "the club" , to tell us what you will see .