Peace in the Philippines: Hopeless case?

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In a Catholic Country
Pres. Gloria Arroyo has been talking of a strong republic. But the truth is,the country is in shambles. And considering that election is coming up, how can anything be spoken of without association to politics?

What are your views about the situation?
Hi Ecclesiastes Girl, and welcome to!

Yes - there is a lot in the way of bad politics in the Philippines. Yet another recent "coup" attempt, yet another group fo soldiers wiring up a shopping center with explosives - politicians plotting for military take-over in a country still trying to rise from the Marcos ravaging of the country. Not good.

But on saying that every country has its problems. The main concern is not what problems a country has, but how it goes about addressing them. I'm not quite sure what the offered solutions are - but I suspect that with a coming election there's likely to be a lot of superficial talk, empty promises, and easy cliches.

Here's a link and quoet from an article from the most recent BBC article on the political situation there:

Philippines lifts state of rebellion

Philippines President Gloria Arroyo has lifted the "State of Rebellion" declared after last month's military mutiny.

The ending of the special status, which allowed arrest without a warrant, came as the government said it had contained the conspiracy behind the 27 July incident. "The threat has abated... I'm lifting the state of rebellion," President Arroyo said. Shortly afterwards, Lieutenant General Rodolfo Garcia, vice chief of staff of the military, gave further details of the mutiny, which the government says was part of a wider attempt to depose Mrs Arroyo and seize power. President Arroyo announced her decision during a ceremony attended by soldiers at the presidential palace, drawing loud applause. "The president has said that the residual threat has waned and our security group has assessed that the state of rebellion could already be lifted," presidential spokesman Ignacio Bunye said. More than 300 soldiers have been charged in connection with the mutiny. So too has opposition senator Gregorio "Gringo" Honasan, who is now in hiding. Last week police accused a mistress of ex-President Joseph Estrada of involvement with the failed mutiny. Police have not directly linked Mr Estrada to the incident, although one of his close associates has been arrested. Charges were filed against Ramon Cardenas on 29 July, after police said they found weapons and armbands used by the mutineers inside his house.
Thanks for replying to this random post of mine....

I am from the Philippines. And this is not my personal opinion on the matter but the opinion of many, one that compels them to leave the country in search of greener pastures. There was a trial on the 5 leaders of the recent coup attempt and there was a lot of anger unleashed. One of the leaders of the mutiny, Lt. Capt. Antonio Trillanes IV openly accused the President of being a TRAITOR and being ARROGANT when she visited the camps less than a few months ago. He said she really didn't pay too much heed to the grievances of the young officers. And with regard to former President Estrada, links were not only made to him but also to his former mistress Laarni Enriquez. She, a former actress, had defended herself on television, a colossal thing since she had not been in front of the camera for about twenty years.

I am a student in first year high school and i don't know what to make of it. Are these things sensationalized by the media? Is the President, despite her refusal to run again in the next election, preparing a campaign?
I'm sorry that things look so messed up over there - and certainly media can sensationalise events. However, it sounds like there aer real political issues, not least allegiances, where people are willing to take political grievances onto a whole new dramatic stage. I'll definitely keep an eye on this on the BBC site, and post any more reports from there.
this is an article from today's papers....
President announces cleanup
of defense group, military
Posted: 7:14 PM (Manila Time) | Aug. 18, 2003

PRESIDENT Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo on Monday said she would conduct a "relentless cleanup" of the defense and military establishments, which had come under fire from allegations of corruption by mutinous junior officers and enlisted men.

"Rest assured, we will investigate reported anomalies in the defense and military establishment and elsewhere," Ms Macapagal said in a statement.

"The secretary of defense and the AFP (Armed Forces of the Philippines) chief of staff are committed to a relentless cleanup under the principles of due process," Ms Macapagal added.

Testifying before the Palace-formed Feliciano commission and the Senate last week, the mutiny's leaders said military officials were selling arms to rebel groups and were plotting attacks on mosques in Mindanao.

The said allegations prompted the rebels to stage the July 27 rebellion.

At the Senate hearing on Wednesday, Lieutenant Senior Grade Antonio Trillanes IV claimed the bomb which exploded at the Davao International Airport last March came from the government arsenal.

During the same hearing, Captain Danilo Luna from the Philippine Marines said he was personally ordered by his commandant in December 28, 1997 to deliver truckloads of firearms to a certain Hajji Bagis, former mayor of Panamao town in Sulu and once member of a rebel group.

Luna was not part of the July 27 uprising but he approached Senator Aquilino Pimentel to tell the senator what he knew about the alleged sale of arms to rebel groups.

Also testifying during Thursday's hearing, another of the mutineers, Captain Milo Maestrecampo said he was ordered by his superior to hurl grenades at a mosque in Davao City.

Eid Kabalu, spokesman of the Muslim separatist Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF), said Monday the MILF had witnesses who were ready to testify that a soldier in civilian clothes threw a grenade at one of the mosques.

An Armed Forces spokesman, Lieutenant Colonel Daniel Lucero, denied Kabalu's allegations.