Should've introduced myself sooner!


A restored soul
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Inlove reminded me that I should introduce myself!:)

Hello, I'm Adrienne, a student from the great state of Kentucky. I came to CR looking for a place where I could meet and discuss with people of other faiths. I'm a Southern Baptist by name, but I base my beliefs on the Bible and what God has taught me through it. I'm a firm believer in getting involved in a church, not just existing there. I believe that God made us all with a purpose in mind, and it's our choice whether we fulfill His purposes in our life or not.

I'm looking forward to learning about various religions so that I may be spurred on to knowing what I believe and why, so that I can deepen my relationship with God and show all who want to know the Truth, Who I now know and wish to know more and more every day.
Thats much the same reason I joined CR and have found that the more the bible is tested here the more I am convinced of its Truth. Welcome and Im sure you will enjoy your stay. :)
Welcome, Adrienne. I'm not quite sure how I served as a reminder, but it is very nice to meet you! CR is a good place to discover and discuss the diversities and common beliefs that people hold toward worship. Perhaps, as a fellow "Bible Beltian" (is that a word?), you can appreciate how difficult that can sometimes be in the local setting.:)

Looking forward to many good conversations. Enjoy--

Wellcome Adrienne, its nice to have people from different religions & cultural backgrounds , talking on religion & related stuff . Thank U CR for this:)