hello world im new



hello all im new i belief in alittle bit of everything
i belief in worshiping god,the trees,plants,are bodys others,and ground that others walk on! if any one would like to chat it up e-mail me and we can chat.peace and love to all!!!:D
Hello, and Peace to you, mybeliefs85.

I don't know how many here want to "chat it up" in chat, but there are lots of things to talk about here on the CR boards, including some of the things you mentioned. I hope you have a nice experience here--there are many kind people here who believe all different kinds of things. And we all get along (at least that is the goal) and talk about them in many different ways.


Hi mybelief85 and welcome to CR. :)

Rather than turn to e-mail, why not post on the boards instead - open your thoughts up for discussion with other people's perceptions of Divinity. :)