Walking meditation


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My back, my lower back hurts as I walk, and my hip hurts and a pain in my kidney (on the left) connects the dots. And my feet hurt (with arches never to rise again), and my knees they really hurt, with the cartilage wasted, and bone click-clacking on bone like dampened fire sticks. And I think there’s an infection in my eye.
But the pavement of the sidewalk feels solid, its cracks only charming, with weeds professionally wrestling around and through the blocks of pavement, and bulging roots tilting the blocks from one side than the other, and the concrete is good. And the deep tar of the street is warm in the sunlight, gives just a little to the soles of my heavily corrective, armoured boots as I step. And my feet could be bare as my step slows to the slow solid belly-soft but firm-feeling ground. And this pain and that pain resolves, dissolves and plays at being extinguished in steps.
So my back is bad, and my hip is bad, and my feet, and my knees, and my eye needs work. But the concrete is good, and the sidewalk, and the street, and the roots, and the deep tar, and the upholding ground is very good.
Wow, this is wonderful. It really shows how optimistic people can be if they try. How most of us would constently concentrate on the bad things. Beautiful. It could also be taken to mean that the mind and soul are good (the foundation) and the body is nothing but a shell to be ignored. :) I love it.
Hello, and Peace to All Here--

Beautiful! Next time I am out walking, I know I will think of this.:)

Thanks, Vimalakirti

Hello, again, and Peace to All--

Vimalakirti--I liked this so much and I put it into a Word document for my own personal use. I have a question for you, though, and whatever your answer is, I will respect your wishes.

I know a couple of people that could really benefit from "Walking Meditation". I do not know if this is your original writing, but I have a feeling it is. If so, would you mind if I emailed this to them? Of course, I would be delighted if you say "yes", but if you would rather I did not, I understand that as well.

Also, if you say "yes", I will be sure to attribute the source to you and CR.:)

InLove said:
Hello, again, and Peace to All--

Vimalakirti--I liked this so much and I put it into a Word document for my own personal use. I have a question for you, though, and whatever your answer is, I will respect your wishes.

I know a couple of people that could really benefit from "Walking Meditation". I do not know if this is your original writing, but I have a feeling it is. If so, would you mind if I emailed this to them? Of course, I would be delighted if you say "yes", but if you would rather I did not, I understand that as well.

Also, if you say "yes", I will be sure to attribute the source to you and CR.:)

Hi In Love. I just directed you to this thread, not knowing you were already here! Please feel free to pass it on, with or without attribution. It's the description of an actual experience, which arose on its own, and which I now try to reproduce every time I go for a walk.

Raz0rClean said:
Wow, this is wonderful. It really shows how optimistic people can be if they try. How most of us would constently concentrate on the bad things. Beautiful. It could also be taken to mean that the mind and soul are good (the foundation) and the body is nothing but a shell to be ignored. :) I love it.
Thanks for your kind words. I take them as a great reward.

Dear Vimalakirti--Namaste--

I heard from a friend of many years tonight, and one of the things she mentioned in joy to me was the email I sent in your name, "Walking Meditation".

Thanks for your generosity in sharing...

Wherever you are, may whatever is beneath your feet rise up to help you walk. May whatever is above your head show you how to fly. May whatever is in between meet you there and take you to where you have always known....

InLove said:
Dear Vimalakirti--Namaste--

I heard from a friend of many years tonight, and one of the things she mentioned in joy to me was the email I sent in your name, "Walking Meditation".

Thanks for your generosity in sharing...

Wherever you are, may whatever is beneath your feet rise up to help you walk. May whatever is above your head show you how to fly. May whatever is in between meet you there and take you to where you have always known....

Well, I hope all this support doesn't go to my head! But you're very kind.
Cheers & Metta
Vimalakirti said:
Well, I hope all this support doesn't go to my head! But you're very kind.
Cheers & Metta
May it instead go to your back, and hip, and feet, and knees, and eye
as a balm for them to feel a little less pain while walking.

I'm new here so I guess your meditation drew me out.